[QUOTE="WAIW"] "I can tell you right now the game didn't deserve it's score IMHO. It has absolutely HORRENDOUS controls."
I agree, it has horrendous controls/physics and undeserved deaths are frequent... But I love it thanks to its user-created content and presentation. Unfortunately, it looks like 95% of worthwhile maps have been deleted, which in my opinion lowers its score... I wouldn't despise Media Molecule's decision if they had forewarned the community. As it is, it looks like they just left out the rule so that they would sell more copies.
i agree, people seemed to have scored this game on spec, as in what it could do in the future, now that the commuity has had its leggs chopped off i think we might need toreconsider the replayablilty factor if you can't have any remote reference to anything else.
again, this is why community driven games are a really bad idea on consoles, its just more of the PS3 desperatly trying to be a PC and failing at it.
Talk about overreaction. "community has had its leggs chopped off" are you kidding. Have you played LBP, its controls are solid and the developer levels are amazing. Controls was not a huge complaint in any of the reviews. As for the user created content, there is a level I enjoy called Temple of Doom that is a solid user created level. With a name change the level will stay there and that is what you will see people do change the names and not put copyrighted symbols but still tribute to their inspiration. On the other hand MOST of the good levels are original user created levels. To many crappy level hide behind the batman symbol or other forms of Nostalga. A good user created level has great gameplay and it doesnt matter if the level has the mario picture or not that wont make a crappy level good or a good level bad without the mario picture.
I mean gamers are the ultimate lupole finders, they find ways to pirate, mod, etc. you think a small thing like not being able to put the batsymbol on the level will stop a gamer from making a Batman esque level, please.
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