I bought a ps3 a while back and it turns out the 360 is still the better console to play most stuff on. Better controller. Better Multiplats. Netflix is more responsive. Dloads are faster. Most content is quicker to come up on 360.
Thing is I think the ps3 is the better console. I think it's capable of more if it was developed for. I don't think the hardware itself is designed to a multimedia device like the 360 is though.
I pretty much bought a ps3. All I use it for is The Show and Uncharted and a few other exlcusive games i'll try.
I'm not a 360 fanboy by any means. I don't even think the 360 is that great. I think it sucks in a lot of ways. I really was hoping the ps3 would be the more supported console this gen. BEcause I think it is capable of better games. But it's just not.
The ps3 does everything? Minus the exclusives the 360 does everything else better. And Blu-RAy.. But with Netflix who cares. I don't think I've used the blu-ray player on my ps3 once.
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