Lets get something clear about RESIDENT EVIL 4/5 (please read)

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#151 dream431ca
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[QUOTE="dream431ca"]Survival horror should make you turn on the lights more often because of fear. RE4 has no fear and neither will RE5. Survival horror is all about fear and not action. Fatal Frame is a prime example and so is the earlier Silent Hills. RE4 and RE5 are not survival horror.Eyezonmii
but bu teh, past RE's games are considered TRUE SURVIVAL HORROR's according to people here...and it has no scare of fear..just cheap scares. btw, Survival horror, doesn't mean it has to be OMFG **** my pants scary. It just needs tension, anxiety and horrific atmospheres/enemies and limited gameplay.... Something both RE4/RE5 have.

RE4 does not have limited gameplay at all. You have full control of the camera and you can aim the gun extremely well. RE4 does not have a horrific atmosphere either. Tension, anxiety and horrific atmospheres are found in action games as well. The original Resident Evils are survival horror because:

A) Camera is fixed, you have no control over it.

B) Limited ammo. You must conserve your ammo and run away most of the time to survive. RE4 has ammo all over the place.

C) Sense of hopelessness and dread. This is very important in survival horror. The original RE games had this. An example is, if you didn't conserve your ammo, you would be in a very bad position and literaly fighting for you life as you run away from enemies. RE4 had a lot of ammo, so you felt more powerful than your enemy, which makes you very confident. Survival horror games break your confidence not build on it.

Silent Hill is the prime example of survival horror IMO. Survival horror games are to disgust you, scare you, and make you turn on the lights. The first Silent Hill actually made me shut off the game after 5 minutes in the evil school simply because I couldn't take it anymore and had to take a break. That is what a perfect survival horror game should do, make you terrified to put the disk into the console.

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#152 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

First off, I know you didn't mean realism that way. Just adding a bit of comedy to keep this argument from getting boring since you conveniently skip over anything that could ever be a possible threat to derail you laughable argument.

Second, when applying your definition of survival, apparently all games where you need to kill enemies to keep you from dying is survival horror. The game spoonfeeds you all the ammo you could ever need and more, and like someone mentioned early "Leon is a walking tank". Those two factors alone take away from the survival horror elements immensely because it takes away the fear of being killed or running out of ammo.

Thirdly, if you had thoroughly read my post (which I doubt you did) I was all for the camera change to make the controls less clunky.

This time, read, comprehend, THEN post.

Your turn.


Kinda hard with 20 of you sharing opinions on the matter, don't you think.... Lets forget the ammunition and weaponary, think gameplay..its limited and isn't like your known shooter, its kept to the point where, tension can be kept and anxiety when played...from reloading, movement,etc. That alone keeps the game a survival one. Since not everything can be shot through. Is the point i'm trying to make. The definition of survival is a simple one, google it. Same goes for HORROR, doesn't take much brain power to see RE4 as one. Just haters who have a grudge against the new mechanics of gameplay. RE4 on pro and even on normal, has you sometimes out of ammo and needing to reserve it and save shots, bosses, like Krause arn't easy to beat and guns isn't an option, since you have a time limit, surival is all over the game. using your knife plays a big role in the game too. I've mentioned all this before, read it good. then try and shoot them down.. i've admitted that RE4's version of what made the classic more survival has been cut in half, but RE4 has created a better level fo fear and tension with the enemies and this all adds to the survial aspect of it. Spin it all you want, but RE4 is a SURIVAL HORROR, it only wouldn't be if you could jump around anytime you want, take cover anytime you want, like gears or traditional shooters. play it on Proffessional, its much harder and limited to that of the classic re's. i'm done..repeating my self...just ***** me when close minded people say its full blown action.

Okay, now that I've stopped laughing I'm going to say this:

The gameplay is very much like a shooter (point, shoot, run to next area). The fact that game is very linear and there's almost not surprises just re-enforce this. I've beaten the game 8 times. 5 on normal and 3 on professional. I've never run out of ammo either. Like Saturos mentioned earlier, it's not hard as long as you know how to aim. Thus the atmostphere is never really tense unless you're scared of your own shadow.

Using a knife is absolutely pointless for most of the game as you can blast through just about almost everything. Conserving ammo would be the only logical use for it but because you have as much ammo as Bill Gates has money, that is never a problem. The issue of survival surfaces again.

If the game was actually challenging I'd give your argument more credit. Unfortunately, it was more like romping through a field of flowers while dodging the occaisonal and blatently obvious pothole thrown at you. And that's just solved by pulling out your RPG.

And I've reserved ammo/saved weapons in other games like Gears of War 2 and almost every other shooter I've played. Does that make them survival horror?

You also have introduced in your post that the concept of timed boss fights is also survival horror. Buh?! Your logic just absolutely baffles me.

Now, if you would so kindly ignore my well thought out points and regurgitate your points from the first post, I'd be very grateful. I'm finding it extremely entertaining to dismantle your feeble attempts at an arguement.

LOL, i laughed so hard at that nonsense. Sorry. so you've killed EVERY incoming enemy in the game, every area and never ran out of ammo? YEH RIGHT. i'm not talking about skipping a few. Unless he meant otherwise. "Using a knife is absolutely pointless for most of the game as you can blast through just about almost everything." that's absolute BS and you know it, krauser is a must with the knife. other its wasted ammo and time, same goes with saving ammo, using a knife is a must sometimes on pro. "And I've reserved ammo/saved weapons in other games like Gears of War 2 and almost every other shooter I've played. Does that make them survival horror?" you don't have to with all the additions of the cover system, dodging, killer exclusions....since it doesn't give you a chance too...And no that ALONE doesn't make it surival horror, LEARN TO DAM READ, its a combination of things especially the tension/anxiety elements i mentioned. I wasn't the one mentioning it, it was you retro fans who said, RE1 is all surival because there was LESS ammo, lol. why can't any of you close minded people read? "Now, if you would so kindly ignore my well thought out points and regurgitate your points from the first post, I'd be very grateful. I'm finding it extremely entertaining to dismantle your feeble attempts at an argument." you argument would have worked if the older RE worked that way, fact is, the way the classic re was built it never really was survival or horrific to the level you all put it if you think RE4 never gets tense full or anxiety packed when you first played it, your plain lying. I'm over this, your'll thick headed and haters. RE4 has enough elements to make it a survival game...tension is created for the fact that you can't move and shoot, you can't jump and doge when ever you want, you need to time your shots and constantly move around, reloading to later and having a guy kill you, adds tension too....its all there. Your just all use to it, since you've beaten it quiet a few times. Same with the classics, play it now and its nothing but a stale shooter. but the fact still remains its a surival horror game, YES..less of it, but still one, labelled by capcom. Go argue with them.
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#153 dream431ca
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This is in my blog, but I thought I should post this so you could read it:

Silent Hill

(Survival Horror at its peak)

The year was 1999 and videogames were well established as many people enjoyed a variety of different games from all different kinds of genres; adventure, action, puzzles, shooters and platformers (just to name a few). At the time there were 3 consoles in competition, the N64, Playstation and the Sega Dreamcast (released on Sept. 9 1999 in North America). We can't forget that the PC was also going strong with games with developers like ID (Doom, Doom 2, and Quake). The technology that the consoles and the PC had at that time, gave developers a new outlook on game design and new ways to experience playing games. Survival horror was a relatively new genre to the consoles. Capcom had already released Resident Evil 1 and 2, which were a huge success in the eyes of gamers and a leap forward in the survival horror genre. Konami was ready to release its game that didn't have quite the fanfare that Resident Evil had. The game was titled Silent Hill and the game didn't really have the attention of the public when it first came out. The people who did play it when it was released had mainly 2 reactions to the game, they didn't care for it and found it boring and slow or they were so terrified they had trouble playing the game. I've talk to many people about this game and the ladder seems more common.

Silent Hill's Effect

Why is Silent Hill so much more effective at making people feel terror or uncertainty? Is it the creatures (or demons if you wish)? Is it the atmosphere that keeps on pushing and pushing down on you? Is it the creepy sound effects and "music" (if you want to call that music)? Or is it the story that keeps you guessing and never reveals why these terrible things are going on? I feel that it's a carefully crafted combination of all four. If one of these things isn't done properly, the whole effect of Silent Hill is lost. The following is an explanation into why these four additions, make Silent Hill one of the most terrifying and eerie games in history:

Creatures (Demons)

I'm going to refer to the various beings in Silent Hill as creatures (some prefer to call them demons because they are not zombies, they are not a scientific experiment gone wrong and you can't explain why they exist at all). There are many types of creatures in the Silent Hill games. Each one is pretty unique in design and if they done properly, they can be quite terrifying as well as interesting. There are some important design features that must be accomplished if you want the desired effect of the creatures:

  • Slow moving (very important)
  • React like they are in pain at all times
  • Sound like they are in pain at all times
  • Very awkward and strange movements
  • Disturbing aspect (no face, covered in unknown substance)

Slow movement is a very important aspect if you want to maximize the creep factor. It's far more effective to see something disturbing walking or fast walking toward you than if it was running at you at a fast pace. This is especially true in very dark places. One example is in Silent Hill 2 in the hospital. The nurses in this hospital I find are the best nurses in any Silent Hill game. They move very awkward, they stop sometimes and just shake, and the sound they make is disturbing. If they just ran at you, it wouldn't be as scary, because you wouldn't have time to look at the creature as much and the effect would be lost. It would give you a terror feeling if they ran at you, but Silent Hill is all about keeping the scare factor in place for as long as possible.

Silent Hill is a place of pain and suffering and that applies to the creatures as well. Let's go back to the nurses in Silent Hill 2. They can't walk properly and you can constantly hear them moaning as they swing their weapon at you or when they are walking towards you. This implies that the creatures are feeling pain as they move. It's scary to think of all the things that can harm you or kill you in Silent Hill, but add to that; the creatures themselves feel pain just buy walking or swing their weapon, and the disturbing factor goes up.

The design of the nurses is very important.The nurses have no face, which adds to the creepiness. They have blood and sometimes a dark green substance smeared all over them. Their legs and arms are very skinny. All of this can add to the scariness of the creature.

The creatures themselves are very important when it comes to creating an experience only found in Silent Hill. Not only does the design have to be unique, but they way the creatures move and sound is also an important factor to consider. One may argue though that the next topic is the deciding factor that makes Silent Hill so scary.


Atmosphere is not just an important factor in the survival horror genre, but to every genre. What makes an action game really exciting? As your running around fighting the enemy, hundreds of your teammates are around you fighting along side you. There is action all around you and you feel as though you are part of the game. This is why atmosphere is so important to create that unique feeling of excitement in action games. In a game like Silent Hill, the atmosphere is used to make you feel that you are being surrounded by dread, insecurity and a sense of hopelessness.

Silent Hill focuses more on atmospheric effects rather than shock effects. For example, in Resident Evil, sometimes you're walking down a hallway only to encounter a zombie smashing himself through a door or a window to make you jump off your seat. This could be considered a cheap scare tactic, and it works well for a while. Later on, you seem to be expecting things jumping out at you, and you get hints; like the camera focusing on a passing window or a door. Because you know that something is going to smash its way through something at any point or time, the scare factor gets thin and you can just about anticipate where a zombie or monster is going to jump out.

In Silent Hill, the focus is more on an ever thickening atmosphere, which keeps on pushing and pushing as you progress through the game, and sometimes through a single level. One of the scariest levels I have played in a Silent Hill game is the elementary school in Silent Hill 1. This is a great example of the atmosphere progressively getting darker as you go through the school. The first part of the school is just a normal school, but its pitch black, and the ambient soundtrack surrounds you as you trudge your way through. It's still scary even though it's just dark with little children trying to kill you. The children really made an effect as you went through the school. The second part of the school is what I like to call the evil school. The environment changes from a normal looking school, to a bloody, empty, very dark school. The atmosphere ramps up when you reach the evil school. The music is more intense, there are more children trying to kill you and the environment is extremely unpleasant. In the normal school there were normal wooden desks. In the evil school, there were not too many desks or chairs, but they were solid metal and dripping with blood.

The school is an example of how the atmosphere changes to put more pressure on you as you trudge your way through Silent Hill. Instead of using scare tactics, such as creatures smashing through things, Silent Hill uses an intense and dreadful atmosphere to create the unsettling feeling throughout the game. There are some areas in the game however where there is a loud bang, and because you were not expecting it, it makes your heart stop for a second. This is a shining example of how survival horror is when it's done right.


There have been 6 Silent Hill games so far (Silent Hill 1,2,3,4, Silent Hill Origins and Silent Hill Homecoming). Each of them (except 1 and 3) has a unique story with different characters facing the same horrible and terrible things that lurk in Silent Hill. Silent Hill 2 took another approach to explain what is happening in Silent Hill while all the other games seem to focus on a cult of some sorts. Silent Hill 1 is particularly scary with its story because it involves a child. In most horror you will find a child at the center of all the destruction. Why is that? Children are innocent and a great center piece for a horror story. Silent Hill 1 did this very well. In all the Silent Hill games, there is a reference to children in either the main story or notes that you find scattered around.

Silent Hill 1 and 3 are connected (that is, if you got the very good ending in Silent Hill 1) and some fans like myself say Silent Hill 2 and 4 could be connected as well. In Silent Hill 2, while you are exploring the apartment buildings, you come across a newspaper article describing a man that killed is whole family. His name is Walter Sullivan. The main antagonist in Silent Hill 4 is Walter Sullivan. Not only that, the landlord's last name is Sunderland. The protagonist in Silent Hill 2 is named James Sunderland. In Silent Hill 2, you find a news paper clipping in the hospital about an orphanage where Walter Sullivan lived. In Silent Hill 4, you actually go to the orphanage were he lived. There are other connections as well.

The story is also why Silent Hill can be so unnerving. The story is basically, an ordinary man or woman, caught up in the most extraordinary situation. This character has no combat training, has never shot a gun before, stumbles sometimes when he/she walks and can't handle physical weapons that well. That is one of the reasons why Silent Hill stories are so unique. In other survival horror games like Resident Evil, your character is a trained police officer, but not just any police officer but a member of S.T.A.R.S, basically a special tactical squad. The character knows how to use multiple types of guns, knows how to fight and can defend himself pretty well. In this situation, you know the character has the skills to survive and finds weapons like a grenade launcher or a sub-machine gun. Silent Hill is all about a character that has no special skills at all, no special guns, but is faced with an extremely bad situation.

The concept of Silent Hill itself is also a main reason why the story is so interesting. An entire town is devoid of human life. There is fog everywhere and strange creatures. There are no people around except for maybe 2 or 3 left in the town, and nobody seems to know what's going on. The mystery itself is what draws you in and keeps you going to find out why the town is like this. After you get far into the game, you get an idea of what is really going on, but you still have questions like, how did this start? What are these creatures? Silent Hill keeps you guessing, even after you finished the game.

Silent Hill is something special. It is the only true survival horror left in the gaming world. Resident Evil has left survival horror and now is an action/adventure game. I really hope that Silent Hill stays true to its roots and doesn't diverge from the survival horror genre. Silent Hill Homecoming is the latest Silent Hill game, but as a fan of the Silent Hill series, Silent Hill Homecoming does not stay true to the series. It is not what a Silent Hill game should be in my mind. I am playing through the game, and I think I am a little more than half-way through and I already have some issues with it, particularly it's combat system.

Silent Hill is a very special game in my mind, and I hope in the future we see more Silent Hill games, but it's very important that the games stay true to their roots. There are not many games like Silent Hill, and if we loose the feeling of the Silent Hill games, we loose the soul of the greatest survival horror series that the gaming world has ever seen. Let's hope that in the future, we can still get scared of Silent Hill and be swallowed up by a master of survival horror.

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#154 Jynxzor
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God I still remember two moments from RE2 that I will remember forever, they may be "Boo!" moments but they were so damn well timed I will never forget the "Hand Room" when you walk down the hall at some point in time....or it never happens at all at random Zombie hands will shoot through the open slots in the windows and scare the bejesus out of you.

Also the Licker in the confession room scared the crap out of me just because when you are on the other side of the two way mirror you don't see anything...but when you visit the other side to grab the key, the licker busts through the glass you thought was a empty room!

lets get this right this time...

Lets break it down shall we?

1-In short your saying a village full of parasitic monsters is more scary than a town of zombies? In a foreign town you expect to be alone and distraught from your surroundings a small outskirt spanish town is nowhere anyone would go into thinking happy thoughts. A city is a place of social interaction the people there your friends, maybe even familly. Thinking just the fact that the T-Virus has changed the people you loved and cared into mindless killing machines is enough. Givin Leon was new to the town, Clair had his brother stationed here. So not only do we have Leon seeing his new home destroyed before he can even find his co-workers turned into flesh eating machines Clair lost her only link to here familly lost into what she may have thought for some time the stomaches of ghouls.

Resident evil before 4 represented a post apocalyptic view of a city ravaged by a killer virus, people betrayed eachother, killed eachother, stole from eachother. Umbrella went in to kill one of there head researchers just to secure the Virus sample he was working on...that backfired. Resident Evil 4 was a utopia for free roaming around your set "Killzone" even containing many safe points to easilly pick these tense villagers off from, especially the so mentioned "Sack chainsaw guys" could not even climb ladders let alone chase you very fast. Resident Evil was set in a mansion, police station, and the city in ruins, each game was very cramped and loaded with enemies ready to lop your head of with the slightest mis-step.

"Mercenary mode" is a mini-game it's not tense or scary it's meant to be action packed fun, if you got scared from it....please. So I don't see how any of this adds tension, and please the regenerators were not hard to kill with a well place shotgun blast or thermal gogles that the game aptly supplies you.

2- Regenerators quick? You obviously never tried shooting from a distance. or did you just blow there legs off early to add to how "Pro" your difficulty mode was.

3- Your all alone? You meet about as many people as you do in any other Resident Evil game, one of which like many games promptly dies after becoming bareable. and the fact that you supposidly have constant support via your walkie talkie TV doesnt help create the atmosphere of being alone.

I agree that Regenerators and the Blind plagas were a nice twist but nothing that hasn't been experimented with before in previous games just stretched the idea around. Lickers were blind as well, and the Leech man loved to regenerate as well...and was made of leeches.

4- You are using Quicktime events to define this as a "Survival aspect" Leon runs away from boulders in a stylish manner he doesnt stare at the screen praying he can press the A button fast enough to only find the game wanted him to press B, too bad try again. Quick time events if anything BREAK the imersion into the game, making it if anything less tense. 5-You complain about the archaic movement scheme in Resident Evil of past limiting you. Yet you say the game makes tension by making you stop to shoot, stop to relode, stope to do many other things as well as remain stationary to knife? ...You don't see the contradiction in that? They artificially created controls to limit your movement much like past games....so it adds NOTHING NEW to the scaryness if thats what you try to call it.

5-If you think turning a game on PRO mode makes it survival horror, try Ninja Gaiden...it's a nightmare to play on the hardest setting I guess it's Survival Horror Ninja style!. Please don't tell me you think the aiming system in the game was not rediculously easy, the game pretty much told you to NOT SHOOT THE HEAD because of the odd chance the enemy may become even more deadly because you were actually trying to kill the monster with a headshot instead of aiming at the center mass of the target.

You say that just because previous games are based on being alone and in dark places it makes it not more Survival horror, yet previously you stated Resident Evil 4 made you feel more alone than any other game.

I grant Resident Evil 5 is taking BABY STEPS, and I mean very small baby steps to reclaiming itself in the genre. The matter of fact is that Capcom could care less about what we fans think, they gave into the mass market that craves Third person shooters more than they do Survival Horror.

Until the market demands a Survival Horror game Capcom will continue to make Resident evil a diluted Third person shooter. with gimicks to attempt fooling people into thinking it has any link to it's roots. When the gaming media accepts it as a survival horror game by right and not just by title give me a call, until then the majority rules over you and if your standard is ever accepted as Survival Horror then the genre has spiraled far from its glory days. They should be reinvented the genre, not burying it in the ground.


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#155 Ragashahs
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to me a good mark of a survival shooter is how much it can creep you out or make so scared about something that isn't even ment to be a surprise. like when you would see the licker back in the RE2 you get that HOLY S**T moment
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#156 Saturos3091
Member since 2005 • 14937 Posts
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]LEARN TO DAM READ, its a combination of things especially the tension/anxiety elements i mentioned. why can't any of you close minded people read?

Follow your own advice. You don't know what a survival game is. Tension and anxiety have nothing to do with it. And we're not the ones being close-minded here. We've embraced fact, understanding what RE has become and what it will continue to be. You're the one living in the past, thinking that the series is the same as it's always been. It's different now and we've accepted it, been disappointed, and moved on. So has every RE and survival-horror fan, hell even many RE4 fans have already accepted that it's not a survival horror. For some reason a remaining few RE4 fans think that the game is somehow a survival-horror, despite it lacking every survival gameplay element, like it needs to be one to qualify as "the best game ever" as many of them think it is.
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#157 dream431ca
Member since 2003 • 10165 Posts

[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]LEARN TO DAM READ, its a combination of things especially the tension/anxiety elements i mentioned. why can't any of you close minded people read? Saturos3091
Follow your own advice. You don't know what a survival game is. Tension and anxiety have nothing to do with it. And we're not the ones being close-minded here. We've embraced fact, understanding what RE has become and what it will continue to be. You're the one living in the past, thinking that the series is the same as it's always been. It's different now and we've accepted it, been disappointed, and moved on. So has every RE and survival-horror fan, hell even many RE4 fans have already accepted that it's not a survival horror. For some reason a remaining few RE4 fans think that the game is somehow a survival-horror, despite it lacking every survival gameplay element, like it needs to be one to qualify as "the best game ever" as many of them think it is.

RE4 may have moved out of the survival horror genre, but I was not disappointed in it at all. I loved that game.

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#158 Imperius112
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[QUOTE="Imperius112"][QUOTE="Eyezonmii"] Kinda hard with 20 of you sharing opinions on the matter, don't you think.... Lets forget the ammunition and weaponary, think gameplay..its limited and isn't like your known shooter, its kept to the point where, tension can be kept and anxiety when played...from reloading, movement,etc. That alone keeps the game a survival one. Since not everything can be shot through. Is the point i'm trying to make. The definition of survival is a simple one, google it. Same goes for HORROR, doesn't take much brain power to see RE4 as one. Just haters who have a grudge against the new mechanics of gameplay. RE4 on pro and even on normal, has you sometimes out of ammo and needing to reserve it and save shots, bosses, like Krause arn't easy to beat and guns isn't an option, since you have a time limit, surival is all over the game. using your knife plays a big role in the game too. I've mentioned all this before, read it good. then try and shoot them down.. i've admitted that RE4's version of what made the classic more survival has been cut in half, but RE4 has created a better level fo fear and tension with the enemies and this all adds to the survial aspect of it. Spin it all you want, but RE4 is a SURIVAL HORROR, it only wouldn't be if you could jump around anytime you want, take cover anytime you want, like gears or traditional shooters. play it on Proffessional, its much harder and limited to that of the classic re's. i'm done..repeating my self...just ***** me when close minded people say its full blown action. Eyezonmii

Okay, now that I've stopped laughing I'm going to say this:

The gameplay is very much like a shooter (point, shoot, run to next area). The fact that game is very linear and there's almost not surprises just re-enforce this. I've beaten the game 8 times. 5 on normal and 3 on professional. I've never run out of ammo either. Like Saturos mentioned earlier, it's not hard as long as you know how to aim. Thus the atmostphere is never really tense unless you're scared of your own shadow.

Using a knife is absolutely pointless for most of the game as you can blast through just about almost everything. Conserving ammo would be the only logical use for it but because you have as much ammo as Bill Gates has money, that is never a problem. The issue of survival surfaces again.

If the game was actually challenging I'd give your argument more credit. Unfortunately, it was more like romping through a field of flowers while dodging the occaisonal and blatently obvious pothole thrown at you. And that's just solved by pulling out your RPG.

And I've reserved ammo/saved weapons in other games like Gears of War 2 and almost every other shooter I've played. Does that make them survival horror?

You also have introduced in your post that the concept of timed boss fights is also survival horror. Buh?! Your logic just absolutely baffles me.

Now, if you would so kindly ignore my well thought out points and regurgitate your points from the first post, I'd be very grateful. I'm finding it extremely entertaining to dismantle your feeble attempts at an arguement.

LOL, i laughed so hard at that nonsense. Sorry. so you've killed EVERY incoming enemy in the game, every area and never ran out of ammo? YEH RIGHT. i'm not talking about skipping a few. Unless he meant otherwise. "Using a knife is absolutely pointless for most of the game as you can blast through just about almost everything." that's absolute BS and you know it, krauser is a must with the knife. other its wasted ammo and time, same goes with saving ammo, using a knife is a must sometimes on pro. "And I've reserved ammo/saved weapons in other games like Gears of War 2 and almost every other shooter I've played. Does that make them survival horror?" you don't have to with all the additions of the cover system, dodging, killer exclusions....since it doesn't give you a chance too...And no that ALONE doesn't make it surival horror, LEARN TO DAM READ, its a combination of things especially the tension/anxiety elements i mentioned. I wasn't the one mentioning it, it was you retro fans who said, RE1 is all surival because there was LESS ammo, lol. why can't any of you close minded people read? "Now, if you would so kindly ignore my well thought out points and regurgitate your points from the first post, I'd be very grateful. I'm finding it extremely entertaining to dismantle your feeble attempts at an argument." you argument would have worked if the older RE worked that way, fact is, the way the classic re was built it never really was survival or horrific to the level you all put it if you think RE4 never gets tense full or anxiety packed when you first played it, your plain lying. I'm over this, your'll thick headed and haters. RE4 has enough elements to make it a survival game...tension is created for the fact that you can't move and shoot, you can't jump and doge when ever you want, you need to time your shots and constantly move around, reloading to later and having a guy kill you, adds tension too....its all there. Your just all use to it, since you've beaten it quiet a few times. Same with the classics, play it now and its nothing but a stale shooter. but the fact still remains its a surival horror game, YES..less of it, but still one, labelled by capcom. Go argue with them.

I'd rather argue with you since your responses are much more comedic.

The knife is ONLY needed during the Krauser fight, hence the words "for MOST of the game". You're the one who needs to learn to read, pal.

I've never needed a knife to conserve ammo. Maybe if you knew how to aim, you'd know what I was talking about. Also it's not always neccessary to kill every enemy. That's probably another reason why you run out of ammo.

Your arguement does not work becaues there AREN'T any really tense/anxious moments. You were probably tense/anxious because you wasted all your ammo and were left holding your **** in your hand when the 3rd wave of boring enemies was thrown at you. The only thing horror related in the game is it's gloomy atmosphere. There are no standout survival elements like you say there are.

Also you said you're considered a GOOD player. I'm curious. By who? Your grandmother?

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#159 Saturos3091
Member since 2005 • 14937 Posts

[QUOTE="Saturos3091"][QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]LEARN TO DAM READ, its a combination of things especially the tension/anxiety elements i mentioned. why can't any of you close minded people read? dream431ca

Follow your own advice. You don't know what a survival game is. Tension and anxiety have nothing to do with it. And we're not the ones being close-minded here. We've embraced fact, understanding what RE has become and what it will continue to be. You're the one living in the past, thinking that the series is the same as it's always been. It's different now and we've accepted it, been disappointed, and moved on. So has every RE and survival-horror fan, hell even many RE4 fans have already accepted that it's not a survival horror. For some reason a remaining few RE4 fans think that the game is somehow a survival-horror, despite it lacking every survival gameplay element, like it needs to be one to qualify as "the best game ever" as many of them think it is.

RE4 may have moved out of the survival horror genre, but I was not disappointed in it at all. I loved that game.

That's fine. I don't mind if someone loved the game (although I found it to be subpar for other reasons). I do mind when someone labels it as something it's not, and it is not survival-horror.
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#160 Jynxzor
Member since 2003 • 9313 Posts
Resident Evil 4 was an amazing game, just not Survival Horror. 5 will be just as if not more amazing. No one denies this just you trying to blindly fight your cause that is all but lost.
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#161 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

[QUOTE="Saturos3091"] Follow your own advice. You don't know what a survival game is. Tension and anxiety have nothing to do with it. And we're not the ones being close-minded here. We've embraced fact, understanding what RE has become and what it will continue to be. You're the one living in the past, thinking that the series is the same as it's always been. It's different now and we've accepted it, been disappointed, and moved on. So has every RE and survival-horror fan, hell even many RE4 fans have already accepted that it's not a survival horror. For some reason a remaining few RE4 fans think that the game is somehow a survival-horror, despite it lacking every survival gameplay element, like it needs to be one to qualify as "the best game ever" as many of them think it is.Saturos3091

RE4 may have moved out of the survival horror genre, but I was not disappointed in it at all. I loved that game.

That's fine. I don't mind if someone loved the game (although I found it to be subpar for other reasons). I do mind when someone labels it as something it's not, and it is not survival-horror.

Yes it is, its why it labeled, one..don't let the hate for the game blind you...you have shown little proof or evidence to suggest otherwise. So sit down, please.
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#162 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL.
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#163 Jynxzor
Member since 2003 • 9313 Posts
Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Eyezonmii
Looks like you didn't get the memo, Capcom labled it survival horror because they can lable it whatever they want to. Hell they could have called it Third person action adventure with assisted aim and slight bits of horror in it. Don't judge a book by it's cover. I've seen many posts that tell me "Good post" Does that mean they are all good posts? I guess so....I'm sorry I was so blinded by myself!
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#164 Imperius112
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

RE4 may have moved out of the survival horror genre, but I was not disappointed in it at all. I loved that game.


That's fine. I don't mind if someone loved the game (although I found it to be subpar for other reasons). I do mind when someone labels it as something it's not, and it is not survival-horror.

Yes it is, its why it labeled, one..don't let the hate for the game blind you...you have shown little proof or evidence to suggest otherwise. So sit down, please.

I think you're the one who needs to sit down. He's not the one ignoring or skimming over reasonable arguments presented to him. You just retaliate with the same garbage that's already been disproven. Or you just say "don't let your hate blind you".

Don't make me laugh. Again.

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#165 craftieman05
Member since 2008 • 349 Posts
Finally you can strafe. So the controls have changed a little. Now it just sounds like every other third person shooter. But maybe it will perfected in this game. It was dissappointing on 4 when I found out the controls were exactly the same as Code Verenica and most of the others that came before it. All these reviews said it was new; the only thing new was the camera angle. There was that action kick thing, more aiming options, and a knife button, but everything else was the same.
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#166 Ragashahs
Member since 2005 • 8785 Posts
Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Eyezonmii
by your definition half life 2 is a survival horror game cause for the most part you are left completely alone and at times there zombies and other scary beings in the game
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#167 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Saturos3091"] That's fine. I don't mind if someone loved the game (although I found it to be subpar for other reasons). I do mind when someone labels it as something it's not, and it is not survival-horror.Imperius112
Yes it is, its why it labeled, one..don't let the hate for the game blind you...you have shown little proof or evidence to suggest otherwise. So sit down, please.

I think you're the one who needs to sit down. He's not the one ignoring or skimming over reasonable arguments presented to him. You just retaliate with the same garbage that's already been disproven. Or you just say "don't let your hate blind you".

Don't make me laugh. Again.

and you have just ignored the evidence that i have proven, i even asked many of you to state what made the older re's more survival horror, which was such a weak argument, which i shot down and proved RE4 did it and did it better. all you guys can do is say, "FACT IS RE4 ISN'T survival any more because it doesn't have the broken camera system and less ammo" There are more meanings to the TERM survival horror...a simpler one. you guys are to deluded by the past games of there WEAKER scares and **** cameras (thinking it made the game more freaky) that you completly overlook what RE4 did in different and similar ways. Do i make my self clear? now tell me about, what made RE1 so dam surival over RE4? and do it right. Hurry up.
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#168 Guyper
Member since 2004 • 3879 Posts

Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Eyezonmii

RE4 and RE5 are not survival horror....FACT!

Don't you still get it yet? The reason why Capcom labeled it as SURVIVAL HORROR is because they know that blind gamers like you would fall for it.

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#169 dream431ca
Member since 2003 • 10165 Posts

Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Eyezonmii

Survive is the key word. In Half-life 2, you must survive, there are people getting destroyed by vile creatures and some places like Ravenholm (I think that's how you spell it) have a thick atmosphere with a lot of tension and anxiety. Does that make Half-life 2 survival horror? No.

When we talk about survival in survival horror, it usually means that you must run away from most of the enemies rather than fight them to stay alive. RE4 is a horror based game, but so is Left 4 Dead and that game has a huge amount of tension and anxiety. Read my last post and you'll see what I mean.

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#170 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Ragashahs
by your definition half life 2 is a survival horror game cause for the most part you are left completely alone and at times there zombies and other scary beings in the game

NOPE, because HL lacks tension and anxiety to go along with that survival feel (trying to survive certain obstacles to achieve something) ...HL is about blasting your way through it, with enemies in less numbers, you don't have the feeling of being chased, hunted, etc..there is no survival feeling. And i wasn't mainly using the SOLO excuse...since i was claiming RE5 was survival horror, even with a partner for obvious reasons.
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#171 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. dream431ca

Survive is the key word. In Half-life 2, you must survive, there are people getting destroyed by vile creatures and some places like Ravenholm (I think that's how you spell it) have a thick atmosphere with a lot of tension and anxiety. Does that make Half-life 2 survival horror? No.

When we talk about survival in survival horror, it usually means that you must run away from most of the enemies rather than fight them to stay alive. RE4 is a horror based game, but so is Left 4 Dead and that game has a huge amount of tension and anxiety. Read my last post and you'll see what I mean.

and you think you don't run away and try and avoid certain situations in RE4? Take for example the big el gigante at one stage after the cabin, were you must run away and get past the place to obtain a key. Among many other examples....RE4 has them, people just have forgotten.
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#172 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Guyper

RE4 and RE5 are not survival horror....FACT!

Don't you still get it yet? The reason why Capcom labeled it as SURVIVAL HORROR is because they know that blind gamers like you would fall for it.

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#173 Ragashahs
Member since 2005 • 8785 Posts

[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Eyezonmii

Survive is the key word. In Half-life 2, you must survive, there are people getting destroyed by vile creatures and some places like Ravenholm (I think that's how you spell it) have a thick atmosphere with a lot of tension and anxiety. Does that make Half-life 2 survival horror? No.

When we talk about survival in survival horror, it usually means that you must run away from most of the enemies rather than fight them to stay alive. RE4 is a horror based game, but so is Left 4 Dead and that game has a huge amount of tension and anxiety. Read my last post and you'll see what I mean.

and you think you don't run away and try and avoid certain situations in RE4? Take for example the big el gigante at one stage after the cabin, were you must run away and get past the place to obtain a key. Among many other examples....RE4 has them, people just have forgotten.

you forget to add that you kill el gigante to too long after and besides that is there another moment in RE4 in which you had to run away
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#174 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
You don't understand, LIke many other surival horror games, gameplay is usually limited in order to keep that feeling of tension, look at fatal frame silent hill, moves are limited to make it more of a run and hide game. While RE4 is adds more shooting into the equation, core gameplay is still the same as the classic ones, if it were pure action, leon would be able to do all sorts of things to fight, but he can't. otherwise it kills that feeling of survival. take ashly part for example, you can't stop and shoot you have to run and hide, otherwise she gets attacked, etc....all these things people mentioned RE4 has, while in more little forms of it, its still there and in the end its STILL a survival horror. Not to likes of silent Hill and FF..but it is. FACT! i srsly recommend playing RE4 on pro...again, if you haven't in a while and see what i mean, you have all forgotten it.
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#175 Saturos3091
Member since 2005 • 14937 Posts
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"] Yes it is, its why it labeled, one..don't let the hate for the game blind you...you have shown little proof or evidence to suggest otherwise. So sit down, please.

Your argument has amounted to nothing more than. "Anxiety and Tension make it a survival game. And it's scary and you run out of ammo (since apparently you cannot aim) so it's horror too." Don't let your love for the game blind you. Apparently that advice is several posts too late...
Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Eyezonmii
So it's not a real survival-horror game, they're just calling it that because it fits the definition of "survival" and "horror?" Is that what you're saying now? If so then I guess Capcom would consider DMC a survival-horror too. You've got to "survive the horror" of demons being unleashed upon the earth (which is a far scarier concept than a bunch of disgruntled farmers with pitchforks), and it's a much more difficult game as well meaning I'd have to actually ration my healing items. Quite simply a survival-horror game is a game which has horror, and survival elements. Now apparently I need to tell you what those two things are since you claim that survival means "you survive the horror of it." Horror elements are generally shock related. Most things aren't really "horrifying" if you see lots of them or similar events. That's why games like RE (the previous ones) relied on shock factor, as well as a "frightening" enemy design to pull off horror. Of course they had a more tense, more frightening, and more eerie atmosphere than RE4 as well. Of course this can be attributed to the overpowered main character, poor weapon balance (in comparison to what it should've been for a survival horror), the comedic script, the scaling drop system, the merchant, etc. Just like you said, RE4's horror elements were toned down substantially. Then when you get into the survival elements, that's where RE4 just falls flat on it's face, gets up, and falls again. The game has very little survival elements. Where's the exploration? The game has a linear progression from beginning to end, items and enemies on a set, straight pathway to the endgame. Where's the feeling of weakness and loneliness? Weakness left early once you managed to get your hands on that shotgun in the village (unless you don't know how to aim), and Ashley completely destroyed any sense of loneliness, especially with other supporting characters running around (Ada, etc.). Where's the adventure element, the intellectual mindgame/minigame that you need to progress the story? It's not there. RE4 is not a survival-horror game. It's an action game with horror elements and nothing more.
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#176 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

Survive is the key word. In Half-life 2, you must survive, there are people getting destroyed by vile creatures and some places like Ravenholm (I think that's how you spell it) have a thick atmosphere with a lot of tension and anxiety. Does that make Half-life 2 survival horror? No.

When we talk about survival in survival horror, it usually means that you must run away from most of the enemies rather than fight them to stay alive. RE4 is a horror based game, but so is Left 4 Dead and that game has a huge amount of tension and anxiety. Read my last post and you'll see what I mean.

and you think you don't run away and try and avoid certain situations in RE4? Take for example the big el gigante at one stage after the cabin, were you must run away and get past the place to obtain a key. Among many other examples....RE4 has them, people just have forgotten.

you forget to add that you kill el gigante to too long after and besides that is there another moment in RE4 in which you had to run away

they're plenty of moments of run and hide, expecially... with ashley when you have to back track...gotta keep moving or she dies...etc. I'm playing the game again, almost done with it.
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#177 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="Saturos3091"][QUOTE="Eyezonmii"] Yes it is, its why it labeled, one..don't let the hate for the game blind you...you have shown little proof or evidence to suggest otherwise. So sit down, please.

Your argument has amounted to nothing more than. "Anxiety and Tension make it a survival game. And it's scary and you run out of ammo (since apparently you cannot aim) so it's horror too." Don't let your love for the game blind you. Apparently that advice is several posts too late...
Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Eyezonmii
So it's not a real survival-horror game, they're just calling it that because it fits the definition of "survival" and "horror?" Is that what you're saying now? If so then I guess Capcom would consider DMC a survival-horror too. You've got to "survive the horror" of demons being unleashed upon the earth (which is a far scarier concept than a bunch of disgruntled farmers with pitchforks), and it's a much more difficult game as well meaning I'd have to actually ration my healing items. Quite simply a survival-horror game is a game which has horror, and survival elements. Now apparently I need to tell you what those two things are since you claim that survival means "you survive the horror of it." Horror elements are generally shock related. Most things aren't really "horrifying" if you see lots of them or similar events. That's why games like RE (the previous ones) relied on shock factor, as well as a "frightening" enemy design to pull off horror. Of course they had a more tense, more frightening, and more eerie atmosphere than RE4 as well. Of course this can be attributed to the overpowered main character, poor weapon balance (in comparison to what it should've been for a survival horror), the comedic script, the scaling drop system, the merchant, etc. Just like you said, RE4's horror elements were toned down substantially. Then when you get into the survival elements, that's where RE4 just falls flat on it's face, gets up, and falls again. The game has very little survival elements. Where's the exploration? The game has a linear progression from beginning to end, items and enemies on a set, straight pathway to the endgame. Where's the feeling of weakness and loneliness? Weakness left early once you managed to get your hands on that shotgun in the village (unless you don't know how to aim), and Ashley completely destroyed any sense of loneliness, especially with other supporting characters running around (Ada, etc.). Where's the adventure element, the intellectual mindgame/minigame that you need to progress the story? It's not there. RE4 is not a survival-horror game. It's an action game with horror elements and nothing more.

LOL, again like many others, gameplay isn't a factor with you..in DMC you can do so many moves that no tension is created, no FEAR or sense of surival.....DERRR!.
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#178 Ragashahs
Member since 2005 • 8785 Posts
[QUOTE="Saturos3091"][QUOTE="Eyezonmii"] Your argument has amounted to nothing more than. "Anxiety and Tension make it a survival game. And it's scary and you run out of ammo (since apparently you cannot aim) so it's horror too." Don't let your love for the game blind you. Apparently that advice is several posts too late... [QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Why are people confusing VERY SCARY GAMES with SURVIVAL HORROR? To be survival horror, doesn't have to be Silent Hill freaky or fatal frame scary. RE4 is a horror based game, due to enemies, atmosphere and setting, you have to SURVIVE the horror of it, with addition of great tension that builds up the surival aspect and anxiety to try and win it. Basic stuff, its why its labeled a SURVIVAL HORROR game by capcom...LOL. Eyezonmii
So it's not a real survival-horror game, they're just calling it that because it fits the definition of "survival" and "horror?" Is that what you're saying now? If so then I guess Capcom would consider DMC a survival-horror too. You've got to "survive the horror" of demons being unleashed upon the earth (which is a far scarier concept than a bunch of disgruntled farmers with pitchforks), and it's a much more difficult game as well meaning I'd have to actually ration my healing items. Quite simply a survival-horror game is a game which has horror, and survival elements. Now apparently I need to tell you what those two things are since you claim that survival means "you survive the horror of it." Horror elements are generally shock related. Most things aren't really "horrifying" if you see lots of them or similar events. That's why games like RE (the previous ones) relied on shock factor, as well as a "frightening" enemy design to pull off horror. Of course they had a more tense, more frightening, and more eerie atmosphere than RE4 as well. Of course this can be attributed to the overpowered main character, poor weapon balance (in comparison to what it should've been for a survival horror), the comedic script, the scaling drop system, the merchant, etc. Just like you said, RE4's horror elements were toned down substantially. Then when you get into the survival elements, that's where RE4 just falls flat on it's face, gets up, and falls again. The game has very little survival elements. Where's the exploration? The game has a linear progression from beginning to end, items and enemies on a set, straight pathway to the endgame. Where's the feeling of weakness and loneliness? Weakness left early once you managed to get your hands on that shotgun in the village (unless you don't know how to aim), and Ashley completely destroyed any sense of loneliness, especially with other supporting characters running around (Ada, etc.). Where's the adventure element, the intellectual mindgame/minigame that you need to progress the story? It's not there. RE4 is not a survival-horror game. It's an action game with horror elements and nothing more.

LOL, again like many others, gameplay isn't a factor with you..in DMC you can do so many moves that no tension is created, no FEAR or sense of surival.....DERRR!.

the same is said from RE4 you simply kill anything with the ammount of ammo and guns/gun upgrades. face it a game isn't survivla horror if the gunplay is the gameplay RE4 is a great game just not a great survival horror i expect the same with RE5. goodnight all
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#179 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Saturos3091"] So it's not a real survival-horror game, they're just calling it that because it fits the definition of "survival" and "horror?" Is that what you're saying now? If so then I guess Capcom would consider DMC a survival-horror too. You've got to "survive the horror" of demons being unleashed upon the earth (which is a far scarier concept than a bunch of disgruntled farmers with pitchforks), and it's a much more difficult game as well meaning I'd have to actually ration my healing items. Quite simply a survival-horror game is a game which has horror, and survival elements. Now apparently I need to tell you what those two things are since you claim that survival means "you survive the horror of it." Horror elements are generally shock related. Most things aren't really "horrifying" if you see lots of them or similar events. That's why games like RE (the previous ones) relied on shock factor, as well as a "frightening" enemy design to pull off horror. Of course they had a more tense, more frightening, and more eerie atmosphere than RE4 as well. Of course this can be attributed to the overpowered main character, poor weapon balance (in comparison to what it should've been for a survival horror), the comedic script, the scaling drop system, the merchant, etc. Just like you said, RE4's horror elements were toned down substantially. Then when you get into the survival elements, that's where RE4 just falls flat on it's face, gets up, and falls again. The game has very little survival elements. Where's the exploration? The game has a linear progression from beginning to end, items and enemies on a set, straight pathway to the endgame. Where's the feeling of weakness and loneliness? Weakness left early once you managed to get your hands on that shotgun in the village (unless you don't know how to aim), and Ashley completely destroyed any sense of loneliness, especially with other supporting characters running around (Ada, etc.). Where's the adventure element, the intellectual mindgame/minigame that you need to progress the story? It's not there. RE4 is not a survival-horror game. It's an action game with horror elements and nothing more.Ragashahs
LOL, again like many others, gameplay isn't a factor with you..in DMC you can do so many moves that no tension is created, no FEAR or sense of surival.....DERRR!.

the same is said from RE4 you simply kill anything with the ammount of ammo and guns/gun upgrades. face it a game isn't survivla horror if the gunplay is the gameplay RE4 is a great game just not a great survival horror i expect the same with RE5. goodnight all

No you can't just shoot your way through everything..without some thought, proper accuracy, timing, etc. It isn't a mindless shooter, good luck shooting krause and the final battle with him, its about timed button hits, when to reload and how to surive it, not just blast through everything, like i said, stragedy is evolved, as is with other SH titles, when you have to run and avoid, etc. The freedom isn;t there with RE4, since you can't move and shoot and do many other moves to make it easier. Example with the part when using ashley ONLY, she has NO WEAPONS, all you do is run and try to avoid and survive your way through to make the puzzle and get the reward. etc. Yes RE4 has less of it, but its still there.....gsus.
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#180 iam2green
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i do agree, there are different games. it's a squeal to 4.
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#181 Saturos3091
Member since 2005 • 14937 Posts
LOL, again like many others, gameplay isn't a factor with you..in DMC you can do so many moves that no tension is created, no FEAR or sense of surival.....DERRR!. Eyezonmii

*Sigh* I could make any analogy in the world and you still wouldn't get how dumb your argument sounds.

Sense of survival? What are you talking about? We're talking about GAMEPLAY here. Gameplay is what determines a game's genre. There is NO survival gameplay in RE4. NONE. I've explained why, other users have explained why, you should get it by now. It could be the most tense and anxiety-inducing game on the planet and it still would have none.
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#182 Rockman999
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I honestly take the RE 4 perspective any day over the old fixed camera, clunky controlled RE games.

Sure, its more action oriented, but come on - do you really want to play a game that has a fixed no. of saves, limited ammo and limited inventory space? Especially in this Generation? Seems to be pretty monotonous. And the action oriented theme just goes to show you that you're fighting yourself through a nightmare, using whatever weapons you can get.

Personally speaking, I'm happy Capcom is heading this direction. RE 4 brought in some mandatory improvements, while RE 5 improves on them and adds new things to the RE world.

I agree with TC - people should stop hating on RE 5 formula.

That's what made the original RE games fun and added to the feeling that if you weren't careful,you would die.In the original RE's you had to ration recovery items/Ammo and strategise which item you should or shouldn't use because you didn't know if death was around the corner.They need to bring back the close slaustophobic corridors and ditch the open fields.I don't want Resident Eviil to end up being another mindless shooter.If you want to play an action oriented game where you're fighting yourself through a nightmare go play GeOW1/2,MGS4 or any other shooter out in the market.
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#183 Eyezonmii
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Yes, because Ashley part with NO weapons...isn't survival. And let this video do the talking.... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=8Za6u613jUQ&feature=related
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#184 hakanakumono
Member since 2008 • 27455 Posts

Yes, because Ashley part with NO weapons...isn't survival. And let this video do the talking.... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=8Za6u613jUQ&feature=relatedEyezonmii

There are actually survival horror portions within RE4, but the majority of it is not. The ashley portion = yes.

The portion where leon faces the creature in the falling crates = very much so, yes

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#185 Eyezonmii
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[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Yes, because Ashley part with NO weapons...isn't survival. And let this video do the talking.... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=8Za6u613jUQ&feature=relatedhakanakumono

There are actually survival horror portions within RE4, but the majority of it is not. The ashley portion = yes.

The portion where leon faces the creature in the falling crates = very much so, yes

wait wait, so now we are believing me? WOW! again, there is more to surival horror, than just helpless NO weapon situations...i've mentioned those.
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#186 dream431ca
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[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Yes, because Ashley part with NO weapons...isn't survival. And let this video do the talking.... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=8Za6u613jUQ&feature=relatedEyezonmii

There are actually survival horror portions within RE4, but the majority of it is not. The ashley portion = yes.

The portion where leon faces the creature in the falling crates = very much so, yes

wait wait, so now we are believing me? WOW! again, there is more to surival horror, than just helpless NO weapon situations...i've mentioned those.

What I think you need to do is explain what you mean by survival horror without naming any games, just what you think survival horror ultimately is.

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#187 Saturos3091
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Yes, because Ashley part with NO weapons...isn't survival.Eyezonmii
Yes, because that is part of the core gameplay. It's a 10 minute section of throwing lamps and finishing an easy puzzle. Honestly if that's your "survival" in "survival-horror" then you probably need to bust out your old RE1,2,3, etc.
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#188 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Yes, because Ashley part with NO weapons...isn't survival.Saturos3091
Yes, because that is part of the core gameplay. It's a 10 minute section of throwing lamps and finishing an easy puzzle. Honestly if that's your "survival" in "survival-horror" then you probably need to bust out your old RE1,2,3, etc.

guess you didn't watch the vid....that was just 1 example....tsk tsk, junior.
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#189 hakanakumono
Member since 2008 • 27455 Posts

[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]Yes, because Ashley part with NO weapons...isn't survival. And let this video do the talking.... http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=8Za6u613jUQ&feature=relatedEyezonmii

There are actually survival horror portions within RE4, but the majority of it is not. The ashley portion = yes.

The portion where leon faces the creature in the falling crates = very much so, yes

wait wait, so now we are believing me? WOW! again, there is more to surival horror, than just helpless NO weapon situations...i've mentioned those.

Of course there is. Just not as much as you think there is.

You clearly didn't read my post, because the falling crate portion wasn't a no weapons moment. Leon had to use his weapons to fend the creature off while making his way through the maze and killing off the creature on solid ground (yes, you can kill things in survival horror).

It was actually a brilliant moment in the game. But its survival horror amidst an action game. It conveys a confused staff - Like much of RE4. They really didn't know what game they were making.

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#190 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts

There are actually survival horror portions within RE4, but the majority of it is not. The ashley portion = yes.

The portion where leon faces the creature in the falling crates = very much so, yes


wait wait, so now we are believing me? WOW! again, there is more to surival horror, than just helpless NO weapon situations...i've mentioned those.

What I think you need to do is explain what you mean by survival horror without naming any games, just what you think survival horror ultimately is.

Situations that create, fear, tension, anxiety....gameplay that just doesn't result in mindless shooting, that relys on your timing, accuracy and when to do certain actions. RE4 creates many of those situations, exepcially when you played the game first few times, but since we're better now it kinda rubs off and relys on skillfull shooting. limited gameplay too, RE4 you can't shoot and move, so you have to make your shots count to surive, not reloading at the right time can result in attacks and even death. something pure shooters today don't have, since its all lost in the ability to move and shoot, reload while moving, etc. So you don't get that sense of needing to time and run and move and hide, you can't rambo your way through. At least that's how i see it. I understand where many of you are coming from, RE4 has less of it, YES..but its still there in many parts. So its still basically a Survival horror...or can atleast STILL be called that. stuff like that.
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#191 Eyezonmii
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There are actually survival horror portions within RE4, but the majority of it is not. The ashley portion = yes.

The portion where leon faces the creature in the falling crates = very much so, yes


wait wait, so now we are believing me? WOW! again, there is more to surival horror, than just helpless NO weapon situations...i've mentioned those.

Of course there is. Just not as much as you think there is.

You clearly didn't read my post, because the falling crate portion wasn't a no weapons moment. Leon had to use his weapons to fend the creature off while making his way through the maze and killing off the creature on solid ground (yes, you can kill things in survival horror).

It was actually a brilliant moment in the game. But its survival horror amidst an action game. It conveys a confused staff - Like much of RE4. They really didn't know what game they were making.

and you should know that i never claimed RE4 as a true Survival Horror game, i even admitted that it was less of it..but STILL, it can pass as a surival horror game due to those situations, and how the core mechanics are still the same as the past re's, etc. I don't care if some think its action-horror, but i hate it when they think thats all it is, it isn't surival horror AT ALL. cause thats BS.
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#192 Saturos3091
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[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"] guess you didn't watch the vid....that was just 1 example....tsk tsk, junior.

I watched the video. All it showed was some large conflicts between Leon and some enemies. Is that supposed to be survival gameplay? I can see some miniscule horror elements, but where's the survival part?
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#193 Saturos3091
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and you should know that i never claimed RE4 as a true Survival Horror game, i even admitted that it was less of it..but STILL, it can pass as a surival horror game due to those situations, and how the core mechanics are still the same as the past re's, etc. I don't care if some think its action-horror, but i hate it when they think thats all it is, it isn't surival horror AT ALL. cause thats BS. Eyezonmii

Well despite this:

It's a SURIVAL HORROR game.(atmosphere, enemies, makes its a HORROR game, Leon has to survive it=Surival horror, don't think so?, play it on pro)Eyezonmii

You should've said that earlier. It would've made things much easier to understand. Anyway it can't pass as even a survival-horror just because it has elements of horror and 1-2 survival sections each less than 10 minutes. That's just stupid, especially when most of the game is spent hoarding ammunition and fighting with ridiculously overpowered weapons. That's like saying Mass Effect is a shooter because it has shooter elements that make up the entire combat system, much more than just a few 10 minute sections.

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#194 Rockman999
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[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"][QUOTE="Chutebox"] Everything you listed, EVERYTHING is in shooters. Instead of running away and what not Chris is using shotguns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers etc to kill the infected humans. Wait...this sounds like R2 too... Once again, by your definition, almost all shooters are survival because you have to SURVIVE and not die.Chutebox
stop starling....where are the reason, i've kindly asked for? what makes the classic re's SURVIVAL HORROR..and what is your definition of it? remember, don't use my points. since they don't contribute to the term..lol. i'm waiting.

In classic RE games you were afraid there would be something around the corner waiting for you, or afraid something was going to come crashing in the window. You were always on the edge of your seat. You didn't have health laying around, a weapons seller at your disposal, you wanted to kill the zombies (yes, real zombies) with as little ammo as you could because you had a feeling and knew that you would run out. The classic RE games also had a certain mystery to them, it's hard to explain but it made the game much more about searching and finding clues or new ways to pass through the game. RE 4/5 all I see is ammo littered everywhere with health, the Drebin 893 of RE4, not sure if there is one in 5 though. No mystery at all, the magic is gone and so is the feeling that you have to conserve everything you have and sometimes much choose to run away from enemies instead of gunning though them all.

This thread should have ended with this post so why the hell did it go on for another five pages?

TC just face it,we're right and you're wrong give it up.

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#195 Juggernaut140
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Resident evil 4 is a survivor-horror game

Resident evil 5 is more like a action-horror game

How, when RE5 feels more of a surival game, thanks to the buddy system....needing to not just worry about yourself, but your partner, including the fact that the game has less ammo this time, and MORE ENEMIES!

Gears of War and Army of Two are survival horror games CONFIRMED!
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#196 Juggernaut140
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[QUOTE="Eyezonmii"]RE4 had more HORRIFIC enemies and atmosphere, than the classic RE's....(wow a empty mansion) The regenerators, simply kill any classic RE villian in terms of sheer fright and tension, the game is also LONGER and if played on pro...HARDER. I can't count the many times when i was out of AMMO for one part, when you get swarmed by the enemies. Just because it has a new perspective, able to by weapons...doesn't make it a full action game. LOL. it just a term made up to bash the game. the classic RE's weren't even scary, unless you found errir music or empty mansion scary...god sakes, one of the bosses was a PLANT.

Yeah, you know, except for the Licker, Neptune (A GIANT EFFING SHARK), Crimson Heads (WHICH GOT THE **** UP AFTER YOU KILLED THEM AND HUNTED YOU DOWN) Lisa Trevor (WHO UNLIKE REGENATORS CANNOT BE KILLED), and Tyrant (Nuf said)
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#197 Juggernaut140
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Oh and Nemesis, he follows your ass and wrecks your ****
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#198 Eyezonmii
Member since 2008 • 2145 Posts
Oh and Nemesis, he follows your ass and wrecks your ****Juggernaut140
Regenerators, Parasite dogs, Flying Paraistes, El gigante, Krauser, Sadlers (final form) all kill every classic RE villian, in terms of diffiuctly and sheer terror. Tho, Hunters and Lickers were dam good...so that even. But the regenerators are my top favourite ones.
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#199 Sig12047
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Play it on Pro? IIRC you had to beat RE4 before you got the option of doing that.
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#200 Juggernaut140
Member since 2007 • 36011 Posts
[QUOTE="Juggernaut140"]Oh and Nemesis, he follows your ass and wrecks your ****Eyezonmii
Regenerators, Parasite dogs, Flying Paraistes, El gigante, Krauser, Sadlers (final form) all kill every classic RE villian, in terms of diffiuctly and sheer terror. Tho, Hunters and Lickers were dam good...so that even. But the regenerators are my top favourite ones.

None of those were scary at all. Especially not El Gigante. Regenerators were creepy at first until I discovered that you could chuck a grenade at them and then knife them to death.