This is in my blog, but I thought I should post this so you could read it:
Silent Hill
(Survival Horror at its peak)
The year was 1999 and videogames were well established as many people enjoyed a variety of different games from all different kinds of genres; adventure, action, puzzles, shooters and platformers (just to name a few). At the time there were 3 consoles in competition, the N64, Playstation and the Sega Dreamcast (released on Sept. 9 1999 in North America). We can't forget that the PC was also going strong with games with developers like ID (Doom, Doom 2, and Quake). The technology that the consoles and the PC had at that time, gave developers a new outlook on game design and new ways to experience playing games. Survival horror was a relatively new genre to the consoles. Capcom had already released Resident Evil 1 and 2, which were a huge success in the eyes of gamers and a leap forward in the survival horror genre. Konami was ready to release its game that didn't have quite the fanfare that Resident Evil had. The game was titled Silent Hill and the game didn't really have the attention of the public when it first came out. The people who did play it when it was released had mainly 2 reactions to the game, they didn't care for it and found it boring and slow or they were so terrified they had trouble playing the game. I've talk to many people about this game and the ladder seems more common.
Silent Hill's Effect
Why is Silent Hill so much more effective at making people feel terror or uncertainty? Is it the creatures (or demons if you wish)? Is it the atmosphere that keeps on pushing and pushing down on you? Is it the creepy sound effects and "music" (if you want to call that music)? Or is it the story that keeps you guessing and never reveals why these terrible things are going on? I feel that it's a carefully crafted combination of all four. If one of these things isn't done properly, the whole effect of Silent Hill is lost. The following is an explanation into why these four additions, make Silent Hill one of the most terrifying and eerie games in history:
Creatures (Demons)
I'm going to refer to the various beings in Silent Hill as creatures (some prefer to call them demons because they are not zombies, they are not a scientific experiment gone wrong and you can't explain why they exist at all). There are many types of creatures in the Silent Hill games. Each one is pretty unique in design and if they done properly, they can be quite terrifying as well as interesting. There are some important design features that must be accomplished if you want the desired effect of the creatures:
- Slow moving (very important)
- React like they are in pain at all times
- Sound like they are in pain at all times
- Very awkward and strange movements
- Disturbing aspect (no face, covered in unknown substance)
Slow movement is a very important aspect if you want to maximize the creep factor. It's far more effective to see something disturbing walking or fast walking toward you than if it was running at you at a fast pace. This is especially true in very dark places. One example is in Silent Hill 2 in the hospital. The nurses in this hospital I find are the best nurses in any Silent Hill game. They move very awkward, they stop sometimes and just shake, and the sound they make is disturbing. If they just ran at you, it wouldn't be as scary, because you wouldn't have time to look at the creature as much and the effect would be lost. It would give you a terror feeling if they ran at you, but Silent Hill is all about keeping the scare factor in place for as long as possible.
Silent Hill is a place of pain and suffering and that applies to the creatures as well. Let's go back to the nurses in Silent Hill 2. They can't walk properly and you can constantly hear them moaning as they swing their weapon at you or when they are walking towards you. This implies that the creatures are feeling pain as they move. It's scary to think of all the things that can harm you or kill you in Silent Hill, but add to that; the creatures themselves feel pain just buy walking or swing their weapon, and the disturbing factor goes up.
The design of the nurses is very important.The nurses have no face, which adds to the creepiness. They have blood and sometimes a dark green substance smeared all over them. Their legs and arms are very skinny. All of this can add to the scariness of the creature.
The creatures themselves are very important when it comes to creating an experience only found in Silent Hill. Not only does the design have to be unique, but they way the creatures move and sound is also an important factor to consider. One may argue though that the next topic is the deciding factor that makes Silent Hill so scary.
Atmosphere is not just an important factor in the survival horror genre, but to every genre. What makes an action game really exciting? As your running around fighting the enemy, hundreds of your teammates are around you fighting along side you. There is action all around you and you feel as though you are part of the game. This is why atmosphere is so important to create that unique feeling of excitement in action games. In a game like Silent Hill, the atmosphere is used to make you feel that you are being surrounded by dread, insecurity and a sense of hopelessness.
Silent Hill focuses more on atmospheric effects rather than shock effects. For example, in Resident Evil, sometimes you're walking down a hallway only to encounter a zombie smashing himself through a door or a window to make you jump off your seat. This could be considered a cheap scare tactic, and it works well for a while. Later on, you seem to be expecting things jumping out at you, and you get hints; like the camera focusing on a passing window or a door. Because you know that something is going to smash its way through something at any point or time, the scare factor gets thin and you can just about anticipate where a zombie or monster is going to jump out.
In Silent Hill, the focus is more on an ever thickening atmosphere, which keeps on pushing and pushing as you progress through the game, and sometimes through a single level. One of the scariest levels I have played in a Silent Hill game is the elementary school in Silent Hill 1. This is a great example of the atmosphere progressively getting darker as you go through the school. The first part of the school is just a normal school, but its pitch black, and the ambient soundtrack surrounds you as you trudge your way through. It's still scary even though it's just dark with little children trying to kill you. The children really made an effect as you went through the school. The second part of the school is what I like to call the evil school. The environment changes from a normal looking school, to a bloody, empty, very dark school. The atmosphere ramps up when you reach the evil school. The music is more intense, there are more children trying to kill you and the environment is extremely unpleasant. In the normal school there were normal wooden desks. In the evil school, there were not too many desks or chairs, but they were solid metal and dripping with blood.
The school is an example of how the atmosphere changes to put more pressure on you as you trudge your way through Silent Hill. Instead of using scare tactics, such as creatures smashing through things, Silent Hill uses an intense and dreadful atmosphere to create the unsettling feeling throughout the game. There are some areas in the game however where there is a loud bang, and because you were not expecting it, it makes your heart stop for a second. This is a shining example of how survival horror is when it's done right.
There have been 6 Silent Hill games so far (Silent Hill 1,2,3,4, Silent Hill Origins and Silent Hill Homecoming). Each of them (except 1 and 3) has a unique story with different characters facing the same horrible and terrible things that lurk in Silent Hill. Silent Hill 2 took another approach to explain what is happening in Silent Hill while all the other games seem to focus on a cult of some sorts. Silent Hill 1 is particularly scary with its story because it involves a child. In most horror you will find a child at the center of all the destruction. Why is that? Children are innocent and a great center piece for a horror story. Silent Hill 1 did this very well. In all the Silent Hill games, there is a reference to children in either the main story or notes that you find scattered around.
Silent Hill 1 and 3 are connected (that is, if you got the very good ending in Silent Hill 1) and some fans like myself say Silent Hill 2 and 4 could be connected as well. In Silent Hill 2, while you are exploring the apartment buildings, you come across a newspaper article describing a man that killed is whole family. His name is Walter Sullivan. The main antagonist in Silent Hill 4 is Walter Sullivan. Not only that, the landlord's last name is Sunderland. The protagonist in Silent Hill 2 is named James Sunderland. In Silent Hill 2, you find a news paper clipping in the hospital about an orphanage where Walter Sullivan lived. In Silent Hill 4, you actually go to the orphanage were he lived. There are other connections as well.
The story is also why Silent Hill can be so unnerving. The story is basically, an ordinary man or woman, caught up in the most extraordinary situation. This character has no combat training, has never shot a gun before, stumbles sometimes when he/she walks and can't handle physical weapons that well. That is one of the reasons why Silent Hill stories are so unique. In other survival horror games like Resident Evil, your character is a trained police officer, but not just any police officer but a member of S.T.A.R.S, basically a special tactical squad. The character knows how to use multiple types of guns, knows how to fight and can defend himself pretty well. In this situation, you know the character has the skills to survive and finds weapons like a grenade launcher or a sub-machine gun. Silent Hill is all about a character that has no special skills at all, no special guns, but is faced with an extremely bad situation.
The concept of Silent Hill itself is also a main reason why the story is so interesting. An entire town is devoid of human life. There is fog everywhere and strange creatures. There are no people around except for maybe 2 or 3 left in the town, and nobody seems to know what's going on. The mystery itself is what draws you in and keeps you going to find out why the town is like this. After you get far into the game, you get an idea of what is really going on, but you still have questions like, how did this start? What are these creatures? Silent Hill keeps you guessing, even after you finished the game.
Silent Hill is something special. It is the only true survival horror left in the gaming world. Resident Evil has left survival horror and now is an action/adventure game. I really hope that Silent Hill stays true to its roots and doesn't diverge from the survival horror genre. Silent Hill Homecoming is the latest Silent Hill game, but as a fan of the Silent Hill series, Silent Hill Homecoming does not stay true to the series. It is not what a Silent Hill game should be in my mind. I am playing through the game, and I think I am a little more than half-way through and I already have some issues with it, particularly it's combat system.
Silent Hill is a very special game in my mind, and I hope in the future we see more Silent Hill games, but it's very important that the games stay true to their roots. There are not many games like Silent Hill, and if we loose the feeling of the Silent Hill games, we loose the soul of the greatest survival horror series that the gaming world has ever seen. Let's hope that in the future, we can still get scared of Silent Hill and be swallowed up by a master of survival horror.
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