But it's hard to keep up with all of the smaller releases! :cry:
All I have to do is look at what they did to the MP.
What'd they do to it? All it looks like is they added a few more options for the loadouts over Reach.
Other than that it looks like Halo which means it's guaranteed awesome.
They took it too far. But that's just me. Now that Bungie is no longer working on the series, I don't care what happens to it.I'm sure Halo will remain, by far, the most high-quality shooter series on consoles.
It's not enough to just look at the surface of an FPS game. Halo has always had some of the best map design of any multiplayer shooter which rewards teamwork to gain map control, and weapon control, and the variety of weapons has always kept the gameplay incredibly dynamic and ever-changing. To top off that the devs actually playtest the game to make sure spawns aren't broken, power weapons remain scarce enough to not be broken, and my favorite is that weapon balance is actually a thing.
As long as Halo 4 retains these qualities then the small addition they made to loadouts shouldn't do much to hamper the experience.
I should be doing 4 player co-op next friday, and I can't wait. I'm sure multiplayer will follow soon afterwards.
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