yeah but before that was the 3DO and I don't know who worked on that
Sony had it in the works long before that.
I never buy that excuse, for me, it's about who makes it available to the consumer first not about who "thought" about it first
just look at the PS MOVE, allegedly, sony has been working on it for a decade, but if it wasn't for the Wii's sucess it would never have seen the light of day
Sony made the first CD players, were a key player in developing the tech and actually them and phillips that pretty much wrote the Red book which is the standardisation of the CD optical media that all cd's and players including the games tech must abide by at all times.
If we really want to go there,Sony and ninty were actually going to be the first dedicated to market optical media but the 2 had a fallout over various articles within the contract and the tech that was developed from it by Kutaragi's team ended up becoming the PS1 which was actually near being dropped if it werent for Kutaragi.
Without that Snes CD fuss the gaming market would be a whole lot diffren and the N64 could have essentially been the PS1 in terms of tech and all the rest of it, Sony and ninty collaborated but ninty didnt honor the signed contract because of a few issues like IP control and manufacturing and didnt honor it and signed a new one with Philips that ultimately resulted in nothing and 3 games which go down in history as some of the worst.
The R&D developed by Sony for the SNES CD project waas what essentially became the PS1 and was actually near enough dropped if it werent for Kutaragi talking the old CEO round.
Sony came up with the CD tech with phillips and co-wrote the ISO handbook which must be abided by all manufacturers of the product.
Without the whole SNES CD debacle PS as a brand may never have existed and Sony and ninty would be partnered, oh yeah it was a massive thing Japanese companies tend to have a code of not stabbing one another in the back aswell it was really a weird move for ninty and in hindsight one that cost em quite dearly in the years following it.
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