while I do consider PC gaming the more expencive, this thread is atleast mildly retarted, ive never seen anyone who did not buy any accecories to thier console, which frankly is needed, there was a thread on the forums not long ago that hit the area of 700 $ in average for the console hardware alone, most of which were bought within the last 2 years.
Also games are always more expencive on consoles, dismissing it because it does not suit your point that consoles are by far cheaper, because as soon as we add the usage of said console the price skyrockets... brilliant thing to dismiss, and while console games do get on sale, they will never reach the price of pc games on sale.
For the fun of the arguement ill try calculatin what Ive spent on console and PC the last 10 years (I have no clue why the TC wants it to be 12, since it will be more expencive for the, console since console + gamepad and games will be added onto the pile.
Where I live there is a pretty high tax on electronic hardware btw, dont get shocked over teh high numbers for both.
PC: year 2000 (900 $) PC 2006 (1600 $), PC games (funny thing they work nomatter age or pc unlike console games) games: 6400$on games on average (12 games per year the last 10 years, as I said high tax).
New mouse once, 70$
Same Keyboard
Overall price: 8970$ (and yes taxes are cruel -.-)
None of the PCs have been upgraded since (my PGU was fried in the new one, but it was withing warrinty of eVGA)
Total cost
Console: 360 at launch 700$, extra controler 60$ (those alone made the xbox nearly as expencive as a PC was at the time)
PS3 (Xbox died):800$ , was the fat 60 gig model. extra controler, 71,2 $ 12 games per year 4800$
PS2 299$ and extra controler back then 60$ 12 games per year for 5 years the normal concole cycle up till then)years averaging in at 6000$
We disreguard the 360, since it was a fault, and before the warrinty was put on it, so we have 2 Pplaystations each with an extra controler, and our bare minimum except the games, which for those 2 consoles runs up in. : 10800$
Well what a shock -.- Granted the consoles are more expencive here then in the US, however while it is common sense that a console always have the lowest entry fee, but the upkeep of it, will surpass the PC along the lines.
In the US it would be something like 299+600 + 40+60 bucks for the playstation hardwareof the two generations, adding up to: around 999$ before any games are in the picture. Which is quite decent for 10 years of hardware.
thePCs would be around 1400$ for around 10 years worth of PC Usage, not really bad, but worse then the console.
Then after that just do the math on how many years if you (like me, buy around 12 games per year for the pc, and for the console currently in use)
Most of us buy the games at launch, you do not have to look forther for that fact then this site or any review sites to tell you that, so you will save around 120$ per year over the consoles upkeep, so after 4 years the PC will become the cheaper option :S basicly if you have a PC longer then 4 years it will end up cheaper.
And Sure we could add console game sales to the mix, but on the PC we would add steam, and yes pc would still be cheaper in upkeep.
So it depends, If you buy a console and rarely if ever buy games (below 6 per year) then it will be the cheapest through the standard 5 year console lifespan. Then a console is the cheaper
If you plan on buying more then 12 games per year, then the PC will be the creaper investment after 4 years or so (and the fact that you never need the headache of having a bunch of games you can not play from your earlier consoles) like with my NES and Sega -.- (the NES works tho :P)
and for the heck of it, it is still more expencive to rent out buy used console games then buying DD deals -.-
Ofcourse this rather lenghty post will be ignored because it does not fit the image the TC tryies to create with his post, and I urge people to take an economics class, before debating this, this is like asking what car is cheapest... If you never drive it, and disreguardfuel consumption
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