What arrogant post i ask him for Halo Rach first 24 hours of unique user and you reply with current data is not my fault you did not read my complete post dude,data to back what up.?
Reach owned no one dude stop been desilutional,i even stated that 700,000 was incredibly good,oh wait i also say that Halo Reach would beat MW2 next week as well.
"on 360 MW2 easy get probably from half a million to close to a million i dare say." False
"i dare say that doring peak hours MW2 on 360 should be getting no less than 1 million players or at leas 900,000 for sure." False
"If i were you i would back up now silently .haha" Arrogance
So, you did nothing more than provide anecdotal evidence, which in the end was highly innacurate. Just like the numbers that spawned this thread.
At best, you provided proof that MW2 had 400k players online, yet made claims that it was no less than 900k on 360. No proof provided on your part. I just proved that MW2 was at 220k at peak hours, while Reach was at 500k+. Who's the one who should really be backing out silently? I doubt that will happen though.
LOL. The numbers TC used were bunk. Reach is top dog. Too bad for the haterz.
Firts up you quoted different parts from different post how picky.
Second you posted a picture to something that show some numbers on MW2 but the picture doesn't even show the xbox controller letters like B or A which will completely distint it from the PS3 version no live logo nothing,so why focus on just a small part down.?
But if that is really the case i was wrong dude,but you know what i find that so impossible to believe because you people always say that live games had bigger communities than PS3 ones on the same version of games,isn't that the whole complain always that PS3 games had small communities and low numbers.?
If those numbers for MW2 you posted are correct that would mean that MW2 on PSN>> MW2 on live for sure which i find incredibly hard to believe do to the fact that MW2 has been the most played live game since it launch until now and taking into account the MW2 sold almost double on 360 as well.
Your screen show 223,000 + player for MW2 on live right.?

This a picture i just take from MW2 on PSN now it show 293,000+ players 60,000+ more player on PS3 playing MW2 than on xbox live.? that doesn't add up.
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