@cainetao11 said:
@GrenadeLauncher: why would the backlash be massive if the game was irrelevant?
Because of the circumstances around it, lemming. Poor Phil and his lies. :)
@kingtito said:
Meltdowns left and right..bwhahaha what a loser
It's not a meltdown if I'm laughing at you, lem. :)
@sHaDyCuBe321 said:
So a game that was nominated as one of the best games of the year on every single platform is a B-tier game?
Self-ownage at it's finest.
Plus there would be no Devil's Third or Bayonetta 2 without Nintendo. Keep crying cow...
My point being: TR overpromised and underdelivered. When all was said and done, no one cared.
What does Devil's Third or Bayo 2 have to do with anything, lemming? We've already established it was a multiplatform game. Nice work, lem.
@b4x said:
TR sold 3.5 million copies on the PS3. You guys act is if it's a 10 million seller?
Funding development... It's the exact same thing as developing. There is zero difference. In the end the MONEY makes the product. On the planet Earth.
I asked you, are you serious? You honestly believe what you type? After all the evidence that is right in your face?
P. Spencer: "Now, obviously if I'm going to partner on it, I'm a platform holder, I'm hardly going to invest to go make the PlayStation version of any game. It is a business. So when we go invest with a partner on a big franchise, we're going to come with certain needs we have out of the relationship."
Unfortunately even I bought a copy thanks to hype. Worse game I played last year, and the most generic game of last gen. Tickbox development with no soul. Can't imagine the sequel being any different.
Yeah, and that money is coming from Squeenix because there were already developing it.
Phil can say whatever he likes. He's compromised. No one believes him. And his shifting and sliminess means that, yes, it is coming to PS4. Enjoy your rental, Blackace4X. :)
@ttboy said:
Perhaps you don't remember Sony doing the same thing to Sega Saturn fans. I was one of them, and it's quite fitting that it happens to them.
Oh look, another bitter Segadrone. Bad news: by the time TR2 was in development the Saturn was already dead.
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