It seems that Dante and Deadpool are by far the most popular characters, glad to see this, they are such a great characters, honestly, who cares if they ended up being low tiers (i hate those things).
Deadpool and Dante are currently two of the top characters in the game. Assuming Capcom tries to "balance" the game out, they might go lower but as of now, they're top tier.
Trish is the best in the game, everyone who has played the game and Capcom have said it which makes me think they're going to overreact and try to balance out the game, thus making it worse. She's not godlike but people are going to cry "omg teh overpowered" and they'll try to tweak it..
Galactus for final boss. Video for anyone who hasn't seen.
Actually storm is the best in the game, and I can easily see her being nerfed from since the vegas tournament.
Really? I've heard Trish was.
Wait..nevermind. That was awhile ago before more characters got announced. All I'm hoping is that Sent-Iron Man-Doom are all decent as I would love to use them again.
Also, for whoever asked to fight his three heralds pre-boss fight, at the beginning of the video for about 15 seconds you see Cosmic Doom and Cosmic Akuma. You fight both at the same time.
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