[QUOTE="Filthybastrd"][QUOTE="dreman999"]I love it that people hate on ME2 making the combat like a 3ps when ME1 combat was like a 3ps.(sigh.)
The rpg side of ME2 is just the same as ME1's with less fluff. You just have no inventory screen or and the abilities you level up have been individualised, grouped or made universal for the group. AndI did alot of talkingfor the dialogue to take a back seat in this game.
As for the future of rpgs......It's one of them. The furture of rpgs is mass effect, DA, witcher,and fallout 3.
Less stuff indeed. Incidently, my criticism of ME1 is that it could use a little streamlining and a heavier focus on the rpg elements. ME2 took another step away from the genre.
It's not that ME2 is'nt an rpg, it's just very close to an already blurred line.
"You just have no inventory screen or and the abilities you level up have been individualised, grouped or made universal for the group." Funny how you skipped this. Can we talk about what's been cut intead of the cutting of rpg element? You'll find it not as bad as you make it out to be if you just look at what was cut.Sure we can. I feel that they should have tried and fix things instead of cutting them (except the Mako). Mass Effect is a great game IMO but I feel they're taking it in the wrong direction.
As far as I'm concerned, the industry needs more rpgs and is oversaturated with shooters. Bioware chose to change an admittedly flawed formula from ME1 but instead of getting creative (flame-shield: ON) they played it safe with the shooter crowd. Granted, it worked, look to Alpha Protocol if you want an example of what could have happened (and nearly did with ME1).
There's customization in there sure, but it's one step away from ME1, one step closer to the kind of depth you get in MW MP and three steps away from any other rpg this gen.
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