So this generation starts, MS promises to make the gaming industry as mainstream as possible by catering to all kind of people and make 1 billion sales from their console only ( @0:26:00 and hey they keep repeating the same damn number during the press after that ), in the process they stole everything Sony, put them on a difficult situation rather than expanding the market and what did they gain?
Lets compare last gen to this gen.
Last gen, they sold 25M consoles in their life time ( 4 years ), this gen, they will sell 25M consoles in their 3rd year after launching the console which is kinda sad compared to what they are aiming for, or compared to the PS2, PS3 or Wii.
Last gen they had in their life time Halo as their selling point, this gen, they have Halo 3 as their selling point.
They expanded something called online multiplayer...ok that was something great and I can't deny that.
Last gen the PS2 sold more than 100M consoles sold ( 6 years ), this gen, they will sell 20M consoles in their second year after launching the console.
I wonder how they were aiming for the 1B consoles sold after hurting the industry leader like this? do they really care? what did they gain for doing such a thing?
At this rate, I don't think the gaming industry will expand.
Our hope lies on the hands of Wii this gen, the question though, will the Wii outsell the PS2 total sales to expand our hobby to bring more people to play games.
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