"PS4 beating Xbox One because of unsatisfied PS3 owners says Microsoft
People have been more satisfied with the Xbox 360 than the PS3, so in that respect people have less of a need to upgrade in the short term due to regular updates for the Xbox 360"
"However it’s hard to tell exactly what the gap is as Microsoft refuses to release exact figures. The best guess, based on the most recent shipping data, suggests it’s about 4.3 million for the Xbox One compared to 7+ million for the PlayStation 4."
Interview with M$'s Chief Marketing Officer...hahahaha. Hilarious. I love it. This Chief Marketeer seems unaware of the 360s second half of it's life where they got incredibly lazy with little 1st party effort, coasting on 3rd party and Kinect, and let Sony's PS3 catch up in sales and award winning 1st party games. Is he really that confused.? No, I think he's playing the game he is paid to play. He's the #1 Marketing Xbox guy and he's showing the Aaron Greenburg's and Major Nelson's how to do their job. Momentum was shifting from 360 to PS3 last generation if we look at sales and games and that momentum bled into this generation. Add in the high price, weaker hardware, force bundled kinect for six months, poor Xbone reveal, and constant 180s, and here we are today. I bought an Xbone despite them, but I'm not a typical consumer.
It's a Funny Spin, Super-Marketing man. The decision to be in less countries was their decision, they had an extra year and more money to plan the Xbone launch. This is on M$, no one else. I wonder after interviews if he laughs with glee at some of the embellished rhetoric. I'd say the same things if a company cut my checks and I know I'd be laughing afterwards too.
If this guy is for real and the execs are really super confused on what is happening and can't figure out why the Xbone isn't beating the PS4 as the article indicates, Phil Spencer needs to clean house. It's their job to make a compelling product that people want. It's quite amusing.
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