what happened to all the lems on SW? they seem to have feld
They have all taken a leave of absence. It happens anytime NPD numbers come out. They'll be back in a couple of days only to run away again this time next month when May NPD releases lol.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
what happened to all the lems on SW? they seem to have feld
They have all taken a leave of absence. It happens anytime NPD numbers come out. They'll be back in a couple of days only to run away again this time next month when May NPD releases lol.
Ps3 sold more
Had more exclusives
More AAA exclusives
More goty exclusives
do we even know the official sales numbers of PS3 vs 360
...or does anyone even care anymore
X360: 83.7 million (as of March 31, 2014)
PS3: 80 million (as of November 2, 2013)
it can't get more official than that ^
Ps3 sold more
Had more exclusives
More AAA exclusives
More goty exclusives
do we even know the official sales numbers of PS3 vs 360
...or does anyone even care anymore
X360: 83.7 million (as of March 31, 2014)
PS3: 80 million (as of November 2, 2013)
it can't get more official than that ^
so much for the PS3 winning :P
surprised the last numbers are from Nov
Ps3 sold more
Had more exclusives
More AAA exclusives
More goty exclusives
do we even know the official sales numbers of PS3 vs 360
...or does anyone even care anymore
X360: 83.7 million (as of March 31, 2014)
PS3: 80 million (as of November 2, 2013)
it can't get more official than that ^
4 months difference and PS3 would of no doubt sold a bomb load at xmas which are not included in the numbers.
So it can't get any more wrong then that ^
Ps3 sold more
Had more exclusives
More AAA exclusives
More goty exclusives
do we even know the official sales numbers of PS3 vs 360
...or does anyone even care anymore
X360: 83.7 million (as of March 31, 2014)
PS3: 80 million (as of November 2, 2013)
it can't get more official than that ^
4 months difference and PS3 would of no doubt sold a bomb load at xmas which are not included in the numbers.
yay speculation!
what happened to all the lems on SW? they seem to have feld
MS going into panic mode dropping the Kinect they already paid $100 for and the paywalls they paid $60 a year for combined with PS4 outselling it 2:1 in April and Infamous Second Son outselling the Bone version of Titanflop has broken them.
In other words lems have been boned.
Ps3 sold more
Had more exclusives
More AAA exclusives
More goty exclusives
do we even know the official sales numbers of PS3 vs 360
...or does anyone even care anymore
X360: 83.7 million (as of March 31, 2014)
PS3: 80 million (as of November 2, 2013)
it can't get more official than that ^
4 months difference and PS3 would of no doubt sold a bomb load at xmas which are not included in the numbers.
yay speculation!
More like common sense, or are you saying that PS3 wouldn't of sold a bomb load globally at xmas?
what happened to all the lems on SW? they seem to have feld
MS going into panic mode dropping the Kinect they already paid $100 for and the paywalls they paid $60 a year for combined with PS4 outselling it 2:1 in April and Infamous Second Son outselling the Bone version of Titanflop has broken them.
In other words lems have been boned.
Why is microsoft paying for those things?
4 months difference and PS3 would of no doubt sold a bomb load at xmas which are not included in the numbers.
yay speculation!
More like common sense, or are you saying that PS3 wouldn't of sold a bomb load globally at xmas?
I don't know what constitutes a "bomb load" but that doesn't mean it beat out the 360 unless you have some official data to show otherwise
@lostrib: All hes saying is there's 4 mos difference and the PS3 numbers dont account for the strongest sales time of the year, the holidays.
Is it that hard to understand?
Ps3 sold more
Had more exclusives
More AAA exclusives
More goty exclusives
The PS3 didn't sell more. All those other points are true, though.
I am not sure because we do not have new official numbers so perhaps sold more is the wrong choice of words. however PS3 did out sell xbox360 during the time it was on the market. That is a fact.
Do us all a favor and stop posting sites seeking hits with click bait specially sites I've never even heard of.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/05/13/microsofts-yusuf-mehdi-explains-the-xbox-ones-split-with-kinect-2/ Original article.
""It’s hard to really assess the gap in sales. They’re in many more markets right now than we are. They’re in 40+ markets, we’re in 13. People have been more satisfied with the Xbox 360 than the PS3, so in that respect people have less of a need to upgrade in the short term due to regular updates for the Xbox 360. We could point to any number of things. That said, we’ve heard from a lot of our Xbox fans who say, “Hey look, I want an Xbox One, but at $499, I probably have to wait a little while before I can afford to get one.” I do think we’re going to get people now who move over, and then buy the Kinect later. So I do think the [price point] broadens the appeal and hopefully brings more people to Xbox One sooner."""
Saying that people are more satisfied doesn't instantly mean people are dissatisfied with the ps3, It could mean more people have a 360, or people are just neutral to their ps3 ownership which doesn't mean they are dissatisfied by it, People need to stop thinking that its always a yes or no answer, its always black and white Its often grey, and often neutral.
The article you posted is shit its click bait simple as that specially when they use shit like this.
""Despite Microsoft’s seemingly panicked response to being behind the PlayStation 4 the sales of the Xbox One have still been far from disastrous, particularly in the US.""
That's not worthwhile let alone good journalism.
Hahahahahaha Honestly if this is what Microsoft have in line to promote the Xbox One and give there take, they need to really get rid of everyone and start a fresh.
since before the consoles came out and beyond, I've never once heard of a PS3 user going over to Xbox One, I've heard of many going from PS3 to PS4, and I've heard many of people who jumped ship from 360 to PS4.
Xbox One is not selling well because of price end of, and people aren't stupid buying consoles, if your getting a faster more up to date machine for a better price you get that, forget us as fanboys and having fun debates and chipping away at each other, the PS4 really is great value for money.
I don't know if it is just him or the company but someone is very deluded.
"PS4 beating Xbox One because of unsatisfied PS3 owners says Microsoft
People have been more satisfied with the Xbox 360 than the PS3, so in that respect people have less of a need to upgrade in the short term due to regular updates for the Xbox 360"
"However it’s hard to tell exactly what the gap is as Microsoft refuses to release exact figures. The best guess, based on the most recent shipping data, suggests it’s about 4.3 million for the Xbox One compared to 7+ million for the PlayStation 4."
Interview with M$'s Chief Marketing Officer...hahahaha. Hilarious. I love it. This Chief Marketeer seems unaware of the 360s second half of it's life where they got incredibly lazy with little 1st party effort, coasting on 3rd party and Kinect, and let Sony's PS3 catch up in sales and award winning 1st party games. Is he really that confused.? No, I think he's playing the game he is paid to play. He's the #1 Marketing Xbox guy and he's showing the Aaron Greenburg's and Major Nelson's how to do their job. Momentum was shifting from 360 to PS3 last generation if we look at sales and games and that momentum bled into this generation. Add in the high price, weaker hardware, force bundled kinect for six months, poor Xbone reveal, and constant 180s, and here we are today. I bought an Xbone despite them, but I'm not a typical consumer.
It's a Funny Spin, Super-Marketing man. The decision to be in less countries was their decision, they had an extra year and more money to plan the Xbone launch. This is on M$, no one else. I wonder after interviews if he laughs with glee at some of the embellished rhetoric. I'd say the same things if a company cut my checks and I know I'd be laughing afterwards too.
If this guy is for real and the execs are really super confused on what is happening and can't figure out why the Xbone isn't beating the PS4 as the article indicates, Phil Spencer needs to clean house. It's their job to make a compelling product that people want. It's quite amusing.
This. It's hilarious they try to ignore facts and just make blatant statements to try to bash their competitor.
Or maybe the fact most lems see 360 as the better console over Xboner, no need to upgrade
They have pretty much the same graphics, why should they?
Hahahahahaha Honestly if this is what Microsoft have in line to promote the Xbox One and give there take, they need to really get rid of everyone and start a fresh.
since before the consoles came out and beyond, I've never once heard of a PS3 user going over to Xbox One, I've heard of many going from PS3 to PS4, and I've heard many of people who jumped ship from 360 to PS4.
Xbox One is not selling well because of price end of, and people aren't stupid buying consoles, if your getting a faster more up to date machine for a better price you get that, forget us as fanboys and having fun debates and chipping away at each other, the PS4 really is great value for money.
I don't know if it is just him or the company but someone is very deluded.
Partly the price....but I doubt that is the only reason. MS has done nothing by missteps this gen. Yes they did a 180 after E3 and are still doing so....but first impressions last. And some people really did get fed up with the RROD last gen. Consumer confidence is very important. If you buy a car and have a lot of problems with it.....you're not going to buy the same model....sometimes not even brand.
@blackace: The Xbox One is not doing well compared to the PS4, get over it.
Doesn't change the fact that it's still the 3rd fastest selling game console in the world right now. Unlike the PS4 it's still only in 13 countries and still being sold at a higher price. With those facts, the PS4 should be selling a lot better. I'd be kind of shocked if the PS4 was selling less then the XB1. In the end it will all come down to GAMES anyways, like it usually does.
And that doesn't change the fact the that Xbox One isn't doing well compared to the PS4. So once again, get over it.
Well...mattrick did say to everyone on Spike TV that they have a product for you if you didn't like their Xbone vision, it's the 360.
PR 101 on how to not sell your latest console.
Marry them, marry me
I'm the fanboy that loved you baby can't you see?
Ain't got no future or fanboy tree
But I know what a fanboy and lover ought to be
I know what a fanboy and lover ought BEEEEE...
SAID If you want to call me fanboy
Just go ahead now...
Kinect is why X box 1 has lagged so far behind, it was a terrible idea to bundle it in.
The power difference is between the X box 1 and ps4 is negligible really, especially for console gamers as they don't see graphics resolution and framerate as an important aspect by default.
Kinect is why X box 1 has lagged so far behind, it was a terrible idea to bundle it in.
The power difference is between the X box 1 and ps4 is negligible really, especially for console gamers as they don't see graphics resolution and framerate as an important aspect by default.
That's not true. Console gamers DO look for the better looking consoles....and really they don't lag that far behind PCs. It's not like they look PS era compared to new graphics cards.
Ps3 sold more
Had more exclusives
More AAA exclusives
More goty exclusives
Hey pumpkin. I see you bragging over second place, gloating about the Silver Medal.
last gen, PC
No go fight for 2nd, plebeian.
Ps3 sold more
Had more exclusives
More AAA exclusives
More goty exclusives
Hey pumpkin. I see you bragging over second place, gloating about the Silver Medal.
last gen, PC
No go fight for 2nd, plebeian.
who cares about PC ? LOL
only those fat guys that never go outside
still no GTA5 LOOL
This must without a doubt be the reason yeah. Now that I think of it, this must be the reason why I'm switching from Xbox 360 to PS4 in the near future.
@LJS9502_basic: by default they don't, pc is the definitive experience for gaming.
Most games look noticeably better, and the biggest difference is the resolution and framerate as most console games don't run at 60fps and 1080p.
That depends on what the individual is looking for in gaming....
@LJS9502_basic: given the choice everyone would rather 60fps and 1080p. I cant see someone looking for for 30fps and sub 1080p resolutions.
If your a console gamer, as I said by default things like graphics,frame rate and resolution are lower down in your list of what your looking for by default.
The only use I have for consoles is I'll buy one when it has an exclusive I really want.
@LJS9502_basic: given the choice everyone would rather 60fps and 1080p. I cant see someone looking for for 30fps and sub 1080p resolutions.
If your a console gamer, as I said by default things like graphics,frame rate and resolution are lower down in your list of what your looking for by default.
The only use I have for consoles is I'll buy one when it has an exclusive I really want.
What a cold unemotional approach to gaming....
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