@LJS9502_basic: what does emotion have to do with it, I was making the point the odd exclusive is all consoles are worth really.
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@LJS9502_basic: what does emotion have to do with it, I was making the point the odd exclusive is all consoles are worth really.
That is your opinion really.....
I believe that the xbox one could have done so much better from the start. The problem isn't price, it isn't even Kinect. The number one reason why a product does poorly is the lack if confidence in that product. Microsoft had shown time and time again that they have lost confidence in the Xbox one. The xbox one has lost it's identity. Instead of Microsoft showing us why the Kinect is an integral part of the xbox one and we should buy one, they abandon it. The problem was the marketing from the very beginning.
What I think should have happened from the beginning is this:
1) Do not introduce any form of DRM.
2) Bundle the Xbox one with software to show why the Kinect is an important feature of the console for games. Much like what the Wii did with Wii sports.
3) Stand behind the decision. If the Xbox team truly believed in the vision they had, they would have never changed the Xbox one into a weaker PS4.
Ps3 sold more
Had more exclusives
More AAA exclusives
More goty exclusives
Hey pumpkin. I see you bragging over second place, gloating about the Silver Medal.
last gen, PC
No go fight for 2nd, plebeian.
who cares about PC ? LOL
Steam has more concurrent users than xbl/psn combined. The most played games on the planet are on PC by far. PC has the highest sales.
You just got decimated.
Sure Microsoft, whatever helps you sleep at night.
But honestly, if people are so unhappy with the PS3, then why are it and the 360 pretty much neck and neck in sales, despite the 360's headstart and the PS3's early struggles?
Come on Microsoft, just admit you turned off alot of gamers with you horrible plans for the Xbox One when you first announced the system.
And the logic of what Microsoft is saying fall apart when you consider one simple thing. If PS3 owners are unhappy with their system, why in the hell would they go buy a PS4? You would think if they were uphappy with a PS3, they would not buy another Playstation platform that offers fewer games than the PS3.
Honestly Microsoft, what are you going to blame next?
Hahahahahaha Honestly if this is what Microsoft have in line to promote the Xbox One and give there take, they need to really get rid of everyone and start a fresh.
since before the consoles came out and beyond, I've never once heard of a PS3 user going over to Xbox One, I've heard of many going from PS3 to PS4, and I've heard many of people who jumped ship from 360 to PS4.
Xbox One is not selling well because of price end of, and people aren't stupid buying consoles, if your getting a faster more up to date machine for a better price you get that, forget us as fanboys and having fun debates and chipping away at each other, the PS4 really is great value for money.
I don't know if it is just him or the company but someone is very deluded.
Partly the price....but I doubt that is the only reason. MS has done nothing by missteps this gen. Yes they did a 180 after E3 and are still doing so....but first impressions last. And some people really did get fed up with the RROD last gen. Consumer confidence is very important. If you buy a car and have a lot of problems with it.....you're not going to buy the same model....sometimes not even brand.
Completely right, but you look at the history as well, I mean last year as much as everyone says about how good 360 was over the PS3 the PS3 matched it for sales in the end and that was over priced and had a year disadvantage and still came on par, for me Sony is a company people are confident in, there TV's may be over priced but the quality is outstanding, the PS3 was over priced but the Blu-Ray player was as good as the top tier Blu Ray player of the time, PS4 is cheap and compact and yet packs a punch for it's price and quality, and people trust in the software to, Sony Supports a variety of genre's and keeps the games flowing, while Microsoft just concentrate mostly on their core franchises year after year.
Xbox One is a big slab of black plastic, it's huge, and yet it's hardware is quite out-dated.
But I mean the figures speak for themselves for what the public believe, PS4 has Sold to people 7million units and Xbox One have shipped 5million to stores their not even giving the true figure of how many units have sold to people, they have made the right move by removing the Kinect but in the same way they have just taken away the one thing which truly seperated it from the PS4, now there on par price wise, it really does come down to the games, which honestly doesn't look good for microsoft, non of there big hitters are even landing this year, Sony haven't even really said anything as of yet and could come out trumps for this fall, it all comes down to this E3 i believe to see how far infront sony go or how much catch up microsoft can muster up.
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