So...he's saying the original xbox sucked?
Clever guy! The implications!
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Now that is how you spin! lol
Personally, and it's probably largely due to PSN flash sales along with PS Plus and the cornucopia of games I've obtained due to it, my 360 has been mostly gathering dust while my PS3 and PS4 are in constant rotation.
For me the PS3 took the torch from the 360 as my preferred 'go to' system around 2011 or 2012. Despite it's rough start, Sony had the PS3 firing on all cylinders prior to the release of the current gen, and it continues to deliver today.
I haven't touched my 360 or PS3 since next gen launch. and i barely touch my PS4 while my Xbox one gets a ton of use. Anecdotal evidence at its finest huh
I've actually been surprised by how well X1 has done up to this point. It's losing but not by as big a margin as I expected considering how badly they botched the hardware design. It's getting smoked in Europe but has been surprisingly competitive in America.
@darkangel115: always defending Microsoft huh
defending what? I was laughing at OPs way of spinning things. MS never said the PS3 sucked lol. Its like if i said I haven't eaten a hamburger lately because this chicken is so dam good and someone quotes me as saying i hate hamburgers and thing they are gross.
The funny thing is many PS4 owners are 360 owners that jumped ship. The PS4 will be the main console for gamers this generation. Xbox Single for life.
I've been satisfied with both the 360 and PS3. But as per my stance they did a completely flip flop on games.
the 360 didn't have anything at the end of the generation. In 2013 Ps3 had at least 4 new IPs
Microsoft didn't have any new ips for the 360? Do tell, famous Amos least we're buying our games. Cows hyped BTS like it was the second coming of christ...yet, it flopped. lol. Try again.
The only exclusive new IP for the 360 in 2013 was State of Decay.
I'm talking exclusively about 2013. Here's the list you idiot, if I were you i'd take some reading comprehension courses.
I've actually been surprised by how well X1 has done up to this point. It's losing but not by as big a margin as I expected considering how badly they botched the hardware design. It's getting smoked in Europe but has been surprisingly competitive in America.
Getting outsold 2:1 worldwide and losing in the US and UK is bad. Xbone sales were all front loaded and it has sold virtually nothing since the new year started. Its the Wiiu all over again.
Sony has never broken out their sales figures by just those 13 countries. Still, it's safe to say that the PS4 is probably leading in all 13 countries at this point. With a lower price and more positive hype, it's a given. Still, being in more countries obviously means more sales.
But if the X1 is released in all countries where the PS4 is already present and still doesn't manage to change the figure you described yourself... than it'll continue the same, the gap will still be widening.
Once XB1 is launched in the other 30+ countries the gap will definitely close some. Sales are slowing down for the PS4. It's not selling like it was in Nov, Dec & Jan. They aren't out of stock anywhere anymore. So the gap will close some and depending on how the E3 goes, the gap might close even more after that show. Especially with the new XB1 SKU priced at $399.
I agree, it's a completely plausible possibility. I guess what they announce (games-wise) will be the defining factor, more than price or anything else right now. But is only the PS4 that's slowing down or other systems as well? Should the discounted Titanfall bundle count for that matter?
Note: I chose that title as it was a succinct approximation compared to; Microsoft: We're losing because PS3 users are unsatisfied (but not unsatisfied enough to buy the Xbone)
And that sums up everything wrong this gen with MS.....out of touch with gamers, arrogant, and not taking responsibility for misreading public interests.
Note: I chose that title as it was a succinct approximation compared to; Microsoft: We're losing because PS3 users are unsatisfied (but not unsatisfied enough to buy the Xbone)
Of you could have quoted him and said its because "users are still happy with their 360" which is like exactly what he said.
If the PS3 is so great, and has to many games, then why are people getting rid of them and purchasing a PS4?
Did you really just type that? That is the stupidest thing I've ever read in my life, and that includes YouTube comments.
This whole thread is just terrible.
Kinda long for a title don't you think? The title I chose got the point across and was most importantly, funny.
At least Microsoft is being consistently funny with one screw-up after another.
First the E3 debacle, then the post-E3 backtrack, then blaming everyone else for slow sales, then blaming gamers, and now the most important feature of the system is suddenly not so important.
M$ has not a damn clue what it is doing this gen.
Nope Xbone isn't losing because of Microsoft's social miscues, the drm or the kinect or the weaker hardware, it's because the ps3 is so terrible it's users are compelled to upgrade to the PS4
Lemmings, not only is Microsoft losing, they don't even know why they are losing. Just how long are you going to stick by them?
You know what is funny about what he say,that i have read that from lemmings on forums exact same argument,so either MS is copying and pasting forum arguments or MS has several shills even on this forum.
The whole 13 vs 40 countries,when it took sony 1 country to sell 1 million units while MS need it those same 13 to hit 1 million.
The the lame excuse about PS3 owner moving to PS3 because they are having less fun,when is the xbox 360 the one without games since 2011..hahahaha
Sony didn't know a $600 PS3 would fail at launch either. They didn't know that marketing it as a Blu-Ray player instead of a game console would help keep gamers away in droves. How long will Cows stick with Sony? lol!!
Microsoft knows the price and inclusion of the Kinect is one of the major factors in sales being lower then the competition which is why they're releasing a SKU at $399. There's no doubt that more gamers would jump from the PS3 to the PS4 at a $399 price then XBox 360 gamers jumping to the XBox One at a $499 price. That's a given.
Being in only 13 countries instead of 43 countries also doesn't help either. At least that will be rectified in Sept.
Link to where sony marketed the PS3 as a blu-ray player and not a console..
I can say MS marketed the xbox as a spaceship doesn't make it right,stop inventing crap miss informed buffoon.
You didn't know your PS3 can use apps without paying,you didn't know you could share PSN games,and you didn't even know that you don't need PSN+ to play free to play game and
The PS3 sold to retailers more units than the xbox one in the same time frame,5.5 vs 5.1..hahahaha butbutbut the xbox one is the second fastest, not wait the 3rd fastest,not the 4th...oh wait the 5th...hahahaha
Confirmed you are a MS shill you have use exactly that same excuse he 1 million in 24 hours in US vs 1 million in 13 countries and weeks latter day 1 edition xbox one were still
You lemming are pathetic.
Only Sony would resort to saying childish things like that. all he said is people are happy with their 360, it has a lot of good games still coming out. 2 free games a month etc. So people aren't in a rush to upgrade. To a point he's right. and on the sony front as well. you have over 160 mllion PS3/360 sold to 12 million next gen. that's still 148 million people out there who haven't upgraded (minus those who will go to PC)
Dude he doesn't have a point and is impossible to know who is more happy with its hardware,for god sake the xbox one is more expensive weaker and had some bullsh** policies that damage the image of the console while the PS4 has enjoy nothing but great publicity,that is it the whole xbox 360 owners are more happy with the xbox 360 is a joke the xbox and PS4 release last year,the PS3 without doubt was the best console for games on 2013.
I know some hardcore Sony fans that were so disappointed with the PS3 they skipped gaming last gen. They waited for this gen and the PS4 came out first so they finally bought a Playstation. The 360 came out first and NPD shows it's outselling the PS3 still, that shows you how much the PS3 sucked.
Lol you silly microsoft you... I consider that whoever didn't buy a PS3 last gen basically missed the high points of last gen.
Sony has never broken out their sales figures by just those 13 countries. Still, it's safe to say that the PS4 is probably leading in all 13 countries at this point. With a lower price and more positive hype, it's a given. Still, being in more countries obviously means more sales.
But if the X1 is released in all countries where the PS4 is already present and still doesn't manage to change the figure you described yourself... than it'll continue the same, the gap will still be widening.
Once XB1 is launched in the other 30+ countries the gap will definitely close some. Sales are slowing down for the PS4. It's not selling like it was in Nov, Dec & Jan. They aren't out of stock anywhere anymore. So the gap will close some and depending on how the E3 goes, the gap might close even more after that show. Especially with the new XB1 SKU priced at $399.
I agree, it's a completely plausible possibility. I guess what they announce (games-wise) will be the defining factor, more than price or anything else right now. But is only the PS4 that's slowing down or other systems as well? Should the discounted Titanfall bundle count for that matter?
All the systems sales are slowing down as summer is approaching which is the slowest time for hardware sales. Still, popular exclusive games will give some consoles a much needed boost in sales. A lot of gamers were waiting for M$ to release a XB1 SKU without Kinect so the whole month of June should be interesting.
yeah 1 2
fanboys kneel before you, that's what i said now
fanboys, fanboys with their consoles, just go ahead now
@blackace: The Xbox One is not doing well compared to the PS4, get over it.
Doesn't change the fact that it's still the 3rd fastest selling game console in the world right now. Unlike the PS4 it's still only in 13 countries and still being sold at a higher price. With those facts, the PS4 should be selling a lot better. I'd be kind of shocked if the PS4 was selling less then the XB1. In the end it will all come down to GAMES anyways, like it usually does.
@blackace: It's almost to the point that the ps4 has outsold the Xbone 2 to 1, it really isn't doing well
@blackace: It's almost to the point that the ps4 has outsold the Xbone 2 to 1, it really isn't doing well
Comparing sales to the PS4 is irrelevant when both consoles are outselling past generation consoles sales by 6-10x the amount. Both systems are selling incredibly well, it's just the PS4 is selling a whole lot more. Cows see this as a bad thing for the XB1, but it's going to easily blow by the Wii U before the end of the year and the Wii U has been out for almost 18 months now. The XB1 only out for 6 months. Anyone saying the XB1 is dead are $%^*&^% delusional. Not even close to being dead. The Wii U is far more dead then XB1 by a mile at this point in time.
What fucking joke. The 360 has been a sloppy and lacking games since 2009. While the PS3 was getting exclusives after exclusives constantly up to recently. Most people started buying PS3's around 2012 cuz they were getting bored of the 360, and the ammount of PS3 exclusives coming out. There were a handfull of harocre lems here in SW who went a bought PS3's and started to game on ps3.
What fucking joke. The 360 has been a sloppy and lacking games since 2009. While the PS3 was getting exclusives after exclusives constantly up to recently. Most people started buying PS3's around 2012 cuz they were getting bored of the 360, and the ammount of PS3 exclusives coming out. There were a handfull of harocre lems here in SW who went a bought PS3's and started to game on ps3.
Say what you will but SONY has supported the PS3 incredibly well as of late. 2013 was an awesome year for exclusives for the PS3.
So basically they are saying that they failed to make Xbox One more compelling than Xbox 360 .?
I've nothing against Xbox One but that sounds stupid .
And that sums up everything wrong this gen with MS.....out of touch with gamers, arrogant, and not taking responsibility for misreading public interests.
I agree, just look at the reveal a year ago
What fucking joke. The 360 has been a sloppy and lacking games since 2009. While the PS3 was getting exclusives after exclusives constantly up to recently. Most people started buying PS3's around 2012 cuz they were getting bored of the 360, and the ammount of PS3 exclusives coming out. There were a handfull of harocre lems here in SW who went a bought PS3's and started to game on ps3.
Say what you will but SONY has supported the PS3 incredibly well as of late. 2013 was an awesome year for exclusives for the PS3.
thats what I fucking said...........
MS seriously needs to just shut up, stop with the bitch fits and realize they're not going to win this generation.
They can still make a good show of it of course, put some effort in there but realize that Sony's back on the Iron Throne.
What fucking joke. The 360 has been a sloppy and lacking games since 2009. While the PS3 was getting exclusives after exclusives constantly up to recently. Most people started buying PS3's around 2012 cuz they were getting bored of the 360, and the ammount of PS3 exclusives coming out. There were a handfull of harocre lems here in SW who went a bought PS3's and started to game on ps3.
Say what you will but SONY has supported the PS3 incredibly well as of late. 2013 was an awesome year for exclusives for the PS3.
thats what I fucking said...........
Yea, I'm sorry i was agreeing and talking your point up.
@blackace: The Xbox One is not doing well compared to the PS4, get over it.
399.99 Xbox will definitely crash Sony prostitutes party that they always have. While their cows advertise the PS4 online.
The question is if either of them are as clueless as blackace. Seems like the only time he gets off his knees for MS is to defend them.
Sorry about my comment blackace. That was immature on my part. I don't care for ms or xbone but my comment was low.
So because people are satisfied with 360 they don't see the need to upgrade to Xbone? I'm sorry Microsoft but that's a very bad thing.
Everyone should feel the need to upgrade to your next generation machine, that's the whole point of them.
PS4 is such a improvement over PS3 in every way that people do see a good reason to move over to it, if fans are struggling to justify moving to Xbone you guys are in trouble.
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