what have they done this gen besides giving a more stable online system? Don't give me achievements, because its nothing but unlockables done last gen but in a different manner. (ok umm...netflix, facebook, twitter, instant on 1080p with 5.1 dd, gear 1&2, halo 3, an onlive gaming system that is better than the competition and that don't really on the dev having to runa dn maintain their own servers, movies and tv shows from more content providers (expect the ones owned by sony) than can be found on the competition, more demos and sweepstakes than the competition, a control that didn't need to be replaced a year later because it lacked rumble.oh but those are just a few.)
When the 360 debuted, memory cards, NO full HD, No built in wifi, NO new format, hdmi, no new controller, nothing....it was rushed garbage. Whats even funny, when sony debuted with the attitude of FULL HD, NEW FORMAT..MS laughed and then adopted the same thing and now look at the 360...you could rename the f'en Elite the PS3. (black, 1080p, bigger HDD, HDMI) (FullHD is a marketing term developed by sharp to get people to spend twice as much money on a 1080p tv than on a 720p. they also tried to get people who already bought an hdtv to buy 1080p. unless your watching tv on a 50" or larger screen, 1080p isn't much of a difference over 720p. no new controller? seriously? f the color, look at the button placement. the control in smaller and more ergonomic (meaning comfortable) than the original and the controller-s. what about sony? the same exact control from the ps one but lacking rumble and has bluetooth. whoopty freaking doo. then a year later they replaced it with the same control but with rumble and for more money. true ms later added hdmi, but at least they give you an hdmi cable free in the box, as well as composite cables and compnonet cable, an ethernet cable and a microphone headset.)
Now with the Wii motion controller/ new interface with Mii's and installation seen with some PS3 games, which MS laughed at early on....has them doing the same thing. (sony copied nintendo as well excect they preferred to rip off second life and call it home. let's not forget mod nation. btw, the ps3 game installs was to offset the 2x blu-rays slow loading speed.)
MS just sit back and watch, then later adopt it and call it there own (lol at natal) (ala unnamed ps3mote and psn). While sony isn't innocent on the deal, (really? :roll:) atleast..they were first to impliment full HD movies, new format, HDMI, and overall a more quality built console, concerning inbuilt features. (true but at the cost of it's user base and a bloated $600 price tage that is now $400 when the competitors could be found under $250.) There original idea was to do a full entertainment system and both Wii and PS3 stick out on there own...(no. nintendo's intention was to give a new way to play games. sony's intention was to beat toshiba in the format war.)360 is the guy trying to catch up (ironic since the ps3 is currently the one in last place)and stick out, desperatly. Both Ninty and SONY had a vision (so did MS. it's green and it starts with $)..which was reached (not so much by sony but ok)...MS had none, (money, money, MONEY!) but to rush out and try and just take ground on the console war (and beat sony stupid in the process)...as with everything. (whcih is why they more money than sony and how their creator was made the richest man in the world.)
whats even worse is MS claimed Natal wasn't inspired by the Wii....LMFAO! (it wasn't. the scrapped 360 controller was. MS saw a company named 3DV demostrating the camera at CES 2008 and bought the company)
No wonder MS is so damn hated. (i think it has more to do with jealousy, not anger)
all this copying and critisizing (and hypocracy by the cows)...including the fact that the 360 is the most flawed peice of hardware (RROD) (have you ever heard of ps2's DRE?)....is laughable.(only you post is) If it wasn't for there head start, (to gain that much needed support) (and take away much of sony's userbase with a lower priced console with 80% the same library) they would have fopped so hard.(like sony) MS know this,(and are laughing about how much money they made by screwing sony) so thats why they rushed it.(and it worked) Priceless. (it truly is :D)
i'm done. (thank god)
just read the red.
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