Nintendo's 2009 release list (North America):
- A Boy and His Blob (October 12, 2009)
- Metroid Prime Trilogy (August 24, 2009)
- New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (May 4, 2009)
- New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis (March 9, 2009)
- New Play Control! Pikmin (March 9, 2009)
- New Play Control! Pikmin 2 (April 24, 2009)
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii (November 15, 2009)
- Punch out!! (May 18, 2009)
That's 8 games, that's 4 New Play Control! games + a compilation of "New Play Control! Metroid Prime" + Metroid Prime 3. That's 5 games (7 if you really want to get technical) games we've already seen, and 3 games that we haven't. I'm pretty sure that if 5 out of 8 games are old, it's safe to say they consisted of most of Nintendo's releases on the Wii. Also, regardless of how good "Punch Out!!" and "A boy and his blob" were, the mass market overall doesn't care about them since they don't have the same presence to them as Mario, Zelda, Halo, Modern Warfare etc.
Also, while I understand that Miyamoto has had a huge influence on gaming, putting him on a high and mighty pedestal is wrong. There have been plenty of other people who have been just as involved in the success of the Wii remote, this is completely disregarding the fact that even Iwata had to remind everyone that "Miyamoto is not God".
I'm guessing that's not from NA. Yeah, Nintendo sucks in other countries. Also, Nintendo published A Boy and His Blob in other countries? How did it do overseas?
And yeah, you ignore games that aren't Mario, Zelda, Halo, or MW, of course that's all there is going to be.
Miyamoto is not a God, just because he can make awesome games without even being a gamer or even playing that many games doesn't make him the second coming. But he has earned his respect, and he isn't anywhere close to losing it. Especially considering his most recent crazy ideas are still being hits.
:? Did you read my post? That is the NA release list.I haven't ignored any of the other games either. What I'm trying to say is that ontop of releasing a boatload of games we've already played, Nintendo releases games that only the long-time gamers recognize and care about. Those types of games will probably not sell to the new majority of consumers unless it's marketed to them like crazy.
I also agree that Miyamoto deserves respect and has had influence on how we game today but if you read the "Iwata Asks" articles, I'd hardly say that Miyamoto has been the only driving force behind the Wii's success.
Edit: It looks like I missed Wii Fit + and Wii Sports Resort. Both supposedly sold quite well, but I guess not good enough, I don't even know if Nintendo would classify Wii Fit + under "game".
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