[QUOTE="NathanDrakeSwag"]Absolutely not. I stay subscribed to PS+ because it is an amazing service. I understand running a high quality online service costs money but Sony is doing this the right way. Hell Drive Club alone will cover a cost of a sub and all the games and discounts you will continue to get are a bonus. It is an amazing deal.
The problem is DriveClub looks horrible, and is probably why they're giving it away.How does it look horrible? The only thing that one can objectively comment about is the graphics, and those graphics look better than Forza 5, and its quite possible one of the most beautiful games on the next gen systems. Other than that, the only other thing to comment on is the driving, which you cant really do until you play the game. I mean no offense, but when you are just watching a driving game...they all look the same. You accelerate, you brake, you turn, rinse, repeat. What differentiates them is how each car handles, and that can only be seen by playing the game.
So how does Driveclub look horrible? What has it done that's made it horrible? I would guess that if your a car afficionado driving is what matters, not drive-a-tars, or how the game can now play itself or any such thing. What should matter is the core driving experience, and you wont know that til you get ur hands on the game.
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