Its kind of funny that all these cliches can apply to WRPG'S as well
The term cliche kind of aludes to that ... Cliches are genre defining. Would it be a JRPG withough JRPG cliches? Look at Demons Souls and how people argued over what that was.
On topic - The character design. I dislike anime designs, they look ridiculous imo. The characters themselves, I dislike the JRPG cliche characters.
Honestly,I don't mind the story being about saving the world from some evil bad guy. as long as he has a motice that isnt just "grrr i hate things" and as long as i dont have to be some 14 year old boy. WRPG's have it right here imo. It just makes more sense if say a group of jedi can save the galaxy.
Theme of friendship. Yuck. Pedo friendly female characters pretty much disgust me in every medium
I'm still waiting for a sophisticated game where you play alternating parties with different views on the plot events. Then, just when you think you've got it sussed, it becomes apparent that the heroes are in fact the villains. Now that's a morally grey game for you.Potentially too confusing for the mainstream audience. I wouldnt mind a twist like heroes were villains all along though. You're a smart geezer.
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