Lack of physical connection.
At some point in the game (usually middle or ending) a female will throw herself at a the main character and for an unspecified reason, he'll back off. Ok so you dumped your village gf for her, killed the baddest demons arounds, endured all sorts of trials and saved her from her wicked father. But when it comes to connecting.....nooo, we cant do that (not just sex).
Thats why i give major props to Capell. He just takes whatevers given to him
"You did say........anything right?"
Im gonna elaborate more on this in a thread later so stay tuned.
I don't know about this...I think JRPGs do it well....maybe I have played just ones that do it well. This iconic scene from Suikoden II is a great example.
This site explains the premise of Suikoden II really well and why it is in his top 5 console RPGs
It's jasonharris48. I'll check out the list but I might not give it a second thought. How in the world do you place Disgaea and Kingdom Hearts over Vagrant Story? oops...my mistake and your mistake, or part of one...he never put Disgaea over Vagrant Story, it didn't make his list, it was an honorable mention....and I do agree with you on Kingdom Hearts. It was an interesting idea however.He got the top 4 correct however, but I would put Chrono Trigger second and FFT fourth. He liked KOTOR II, but its not 5th...stretch there.
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