Underrated: Fire Emblem series, Ogre Battle series, Shining Force series, Soul Blazer series (especially Illusion of Time), Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Actraiser ( just the first one if it could legitimately be considered), Baten Kaitos series, Tales series, Icewind Dale series, Dark Cloud series.
Overrated: Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger (ive never played Cross), the first Diablo (ive completed it, but the second is fantastic, much better), and many of the Dungeons & Dragons RPG's are overrated too.
Ive never played Dragon Quest, Phantasy Star or Star Ocean yet. As for Kingdom Hearts, although ive never played a Kingdom Hearts game, it doesnt sound that appealing.
Ive not mentioned any FF games because ive so far only played all the early ones from the Nintendo days, and my opinions are quite mixed. Especially since I played them such a long time after release, when nostalgia no longer becomes a factor. And I wouldnt say Golden Sun is overrated or underrated.
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