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Overated - FF7, FFX, FFXII. Not a huge fan of the FF series in general, but these are by far my least favorite of the series yet they recieve a lot of praise.
Underated - Deus Ex (one of the best games ever period), Fallout, System Shock 2, Diablo 2(pure cyber crack), and IMO the original Dungeon Siege.
ff7, ff10, ff10-2, ff12, dragon quest, kingdom hearts 1 and 2, star ocean 3, golden sun 1 and 2, grandia 3
You have got to be kidding, those games we probably 2 of the top 5 rpg's ever made...
Golden Sun series, and FF7 and others are the greatest EVER. The underated ones you stated were great too. But the overated, maybe grandia, but i mean, geez, those were mainly all soo good I still remember most of their stories.
Lost Odyssey by the way is amazing for those who are unsure of it.
The sad thing is that Skies of Arcadia is actually a 3D JRPG and what a 3D JRPG should be. The game is in 3rd Person Perspective, 3rd Person Interaction, and has you travel island to island through flight (think Phantom Hour Glass only in air) instead of using a walk around world map or one of those linear path structures. But it got snubbed over and instead we had games like Final Fantasy X leading away which had you going in straight lines to get from one area to the next, games like Star Ocean: 'Til the End of Time use linear path travel which just felt awkward in this day of age, Final Fantasy XII was pretty much a WRPG only with Japanese looking characters and a linear story.
The only 3D Traditional JRPG that I've played other then Skies of Arcadia that I would actually call a 3D Traditional JRPG would be Dragon Quest VIII.
Overrated - FF7, FF8, FF9... Oh, goddamnit, just every Final Fantasy game since 7.
Underrated - Guild Wars (the best online RPG of all time, but severely unrecognized), and Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. Damn I loved that game.
Over-Rated: Super Mario RPG,Gunraidan
...I loved that game! Next to Chrono Trigger, it's the only JRPG I ever really liked! How can one not like it?
And I just want to add that FFVII is not overrated. It was one of first games to really deliver a cinematic game experience, it had extremely memorable characters, a wonderful world to explore and a good story. No other RPG in history has connected with so many gamers, from those who enjoyed RPG's previously to those who had never played one before.
Opinion. I think FFVII is incredibly overrated and doesn't deserve half the praise it gets, but that's just me.
Oh, and Deus Ex along with Morrowind are underrated.
The first half of my post was opinion, yes. The second half was not though. Name me one other RPG that had a bigger impact on the company who made it, the console it appeared on, its genre and the industry in general.
Over rated: FF7 (doesn't make a single gameplay improvement over 6, and even takes away incentives to use all the characters, and a worse story) and Chrono Trigger (Chrono is fun, but it's a ride with little challenge)
Underrated: Secret of Mana and Evermore
Soul Blazer
and finally FFCC and Zelda Four Swords adventure (FFCC isn't my favorite game, but just like Zelda, it was an incredible amount of fun if you had friends with gba's to play it with.
You sir are speaking Blasphamy! ha ha jk. Honestly, I thought Chrono Cross was a bit Underrated. It was presummed to be a Better Chrono Trigger and although it was a fantastic game, I think people were kinda harsh on it.
Over-Rated: Super Mario RPG,Gunraidan
...I loved that game! Next to Chrono Trigger, it's the only JRPG I ever really liked! How can one not like it?
It's boring.
Not really... The battle system was pretty fun for me, and wandering around areas was much more fun because they had a kind of platforming element to them. Not to mention Geno is awesome, and the music is fantastic.
Most overrated rpg in terms of Gamespot score = Oblivion imo.
Most underrated rpg of all time in terms of poor sales = Willow for NES. The game was an action rpg. It was actually great, but was one of NES's worst selling games. It quickly went to the bargain bin. It might just be Capcom's worst selling game ever made. Too bad, because it really was a gem at the time.
Final Fantasy 6, 7, 10 & 12, Dragon Quest, Kingdoms Heart 2, Star Ocean 3, Grandia 3, Golden Sun Series, Chrono Cross, Xenosaga, Eternal Sonata (beautiful game but sucked), Oblivion, Dawn of Mana, Odin Sphere, Rogue Galaxy,
Lunar Series on PS1 (Silver Star and Eternal Blue)
Shadowhearts SeriesSkies of Arcadia
Wild Arms Series
Orge Series
Suikoden Series
Grim Grimoire
Grandia Series
Vampire the Masquerade (Bloodlines and Redemption)
Icewind Dale Series
Radiant Stories
Shin Megami Tensei Games
Tales Series (yes all of them)
Breath of Fire (All except 4, 4 was terrible)
Phantasy Star Series
Fire Emblem Series
Shattered Galaxy
Ar Tonelico
Deserving of Status:
The Witcher
Chrono Trigger
Star Ocean 2
Fallout Series
Baldurs Gate Series
Planescape: Torment (Some say its underrated but its got cult status)
Legend of Dragoon
Disgaea Series
Blue Dragon
Deus Ex (cult status ffs its not underrated!)
ICO (cult status)
Thats my list.
ff7, ff10, ff10-2, ff12, dragon quest, kingdom hearts 1 and 2, star ocean 3, golden sun 1 and 2, grandia 3
lunar silver star story and eternal blue
saga frontier 1 and 2
arc the lad twilight of the spirits
lost oddesey
skies of arcadia
breath of fire 4
grandia 2
radiant stories
well i have to disagree with you think pretty much all of the ffs are overratred but i love lost odyesey and grandia 2 both excellent games that i feel got the shaft
Overrated : Oblivion, FF9.
Underrated :
Suikoden series ( best RPG series IMO ), XenoGears, Legend of Dragoon ( PS1 ), Wild Arms series, Tales ( recently discovered), Legend of Mana ( PS1 ), Saga frontier 1, Legacy of Kain ( PS1), Legend of Legaia ( PS1), Musashi, Vandal Hearts.
I just want to see the annoncment of Suikoden 6, Konami and Square are the worst this gen, all they have is a new MGS and FF, WE WANT MORE.
Overrated: Oblivion, Final Fantasy Series
Underrated: Morrowind, Vampire Masquerade: Redemption (haven't played Bloodlines yet :(
Overrated: Oblivion, FF7, Chrono-Cross
Underrated: Fallout, FF8, Blue Dragon, Earthbound, Neverwinter Nights, Final Fantasy Tactics, Shadowheart, Pokemon Yellow,
(And Guild Wars is an MMORPG, but it is underrated)
under: parasite eve
Damn, i forgot about the Parasite Eve games, as important as Resi in terms of early horror games, and before anybody starts yes i know alone in the dark, the 7th guest, ect ect were horror before resi.
Underrated :
Legacy of Kain ( PS1),
That wasnt an RPG was it? ive not played it since it came out and i recall it being a great game.
Funny, none of them are RPGs.overrated
ff7, ff10, ff10-2, ff12, dragon quest, kingdom hearts 1 and 2, star ocean 3, golden sun 1 and 2, grandia 3
lunar silver star story and eternal blue
saga frontier 1 and 2
arc the lad twilight of the spirits
lost oddesey
skies of arcadia
breath of fire 4
grandia 2
radiant stories
[QUOTE="HAZE-Unit"]Underrated :
Legacy of Kain ( PS1),
That wasnt an RPG was it? ive not played it since it came out and i recall it being a great game.
It was as much of an RPG as the games TC mentioned were.Overrated:
Final Fantasy VII (PS): They watered it down so that the masses would start buying RPG's, there was no HUGE improvement over VI get everyone seemed to go ga ga over it.
Eternal Sonata (360): Stunning to look at, but I think far to many of us were just love starved for a JRPG this generation and jumped all over it. Its good, but its not great
Oblivion (PS3 & 360): Perhaps not my cup of tea, but just very hard for me to really get into.
KOTOR II (XBOX): Huge game, ton of options, vastly different gameplay depending on your gender and which side of the force you opt for, tons of replay value.
Suikoden (PS): I have nearly 200 hours of gameplay on this game, it was brutalized by reviewers but the nearly endless amount of playable characters coupled with the rather innovative (for the time) army battles was very cool.
Two Worlds (360): Oblivion Lite is what it was called in many reviews and that was fine by me, less customization meant more time focusing on the game rather then concerning myself with what star I was born under.
Wha? I never tried being a female on KOTOR2.... Looks like a reason to play again eh? Is it really that different?Overrated- Does Mass effect 2 count :P It was kinda borderline rpg at best. But very overrated here.
Underrated- Skies of arcadia-one of the funnest games I ever played
Losy Odyssey-obivously
star ocean 3- the 4th was pretty dull and felt sucked of all the great pieces of 3(yes I know the timeline)
Final Fantasy ~ as a series. Most other offerings in the genre at their respective times are far superior (i.e. Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, etc.)
Mass Effect 2 ~ its praised as a fantastic RPG; but its nothing but a shallow, almost story-less shooter, its predecessor is by far the better game
TES IV: Oblivion ~ A fantastic free-roaming action-adventure, but a terrible and nearly completely broken role-playing game that requires the efforts of the mod community to even bring to a respectable level.
Kingdom Hearts ~ Its a solid action RPG that is pretty easy, but the level of praise it gets, and the fan following is almost sickening. It isn't that good.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines ~ By far the greatest representation of the "role-playing" genre on any gaming platform to ever have come into existence. Any type of vampire you play as is completely different with respect to gameplay and their interaction with the game world and its NPC's. Not only that but each playthrough ends up branching out differently every time depending on what you do.
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ~ An incomplete game yes, but one that took steps to improve on everything in the first game, and was successful on most accounts. It took the narrative of the Star Wars universe to a much deeper, more morally ambiguous level that transcends almost everything ever done with the IP, and the gameplay introduces things like character "influence" that makes each play through that much more variable and deep.
[QUOTE="AzatiS"]FF7 and FF10 overrated?...!!! Actually how many of you played FF7 at its release?!! To call FF7 overrated is .....!! ridiculous!!! With what standards you judge it? 2005? 2010? i mean really now....siLVURcrossI played 7 near the time of it's release. I played 10 at release. And I still think 7 is overrated. Then its either you dont like JRPGs in general or you lying.
FF7 and FF10 overrated?...!!! Actually how many of you played FF7 at its release?!! To call FF7 overrated is .....!! ridiculous!!! With what standards you judge it? 2005? 2010? i mean really now....AzatiS
[QUOTE="siLVURcross"][QUOTE="AzatiS"]FF7 and FF10 overrated?...!!! Actually how many of you played FF7 at its release?!! To call FF7 overrated is .....!! ridiculous!!! With what standards you judge it? 2005? 2010? i mean really now....AzatiSI played 7 near the time of it's release. I played 10 at release. And I still think 7 is overrated. Then its either you dont like JRPGs in general or you lying. Yes because in order to like jrpg's you must consider ff7 to be the best:roll:
I don't think its overrated i think its great but its THEIR OPINIONS
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