I dont like you comming into my thread, trolling and trying to derail this.
Its a thread, if you only wanted support for your arguments go to a support group where people want to cry on each other shoulders about this.
Who said games werent balanced? Never did I say that LMAO
5. In multiplayer, we're putting a bigger stress on being a douche, playing solo and camping, instead of working in a team towards an objective. Win/Loss ratio SHOULD be considered more imporant than Kill/Death, but all those snipers who would refuse to disarm the bomb even if it was strapped to their legs seem to disagree.
6. Once again in multiplayer, developers are relying too heavily on these psuedo-MMORPG elements to keep the player coming back for more, even if it greatly increases the learning curve for people trying to get into a game a long time after its release.
Both of these have effects on game balance, if people are camping and abusing certaing aspects its because they have an unfair advantage doing so. And unlocks increases the learning curve doesn't make since, you get extra stuff to make it slightly easier to kill people.
No fail. AI has not become any better. The only FPS series I've seen with an appreciable improvement in artificial intelligence is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Crysis stepped backwards. Half-Life stepped backwards. Dice didnt learn from BC1 and the AI still have heat-seaking bullets or smart rounds loaded in their magazines.
What game are you playing and is BC2 the only game your trying to attack here? because 99% of games have only improved upon solid AI, maybe you just don't know how to play? Crysis has excellant ai, they'll actually spread out and try to flush you out of the bushes.
How do I have the worst arguements? You are confusing me with yourself. I'd pay attention to every little detail except...oh wait. They're not even there to begin with. Why are you beating a dead horse? You're just going to make yourself smell worse and look like a douche and you've beenjust doing that for the last few posts.
It's a bad argument because games do have more detail, its easy to simply the plot to its simplest elements and call it generic. You can do that with every game. And most games do have more details than just aliens attacking and such. Look at halo, aliens attack the earth right? oh wait what about the halo, what about the fact that the covenant aren't really attacking but trying to find the arc, and believe the humans are heretics. What about the flood and how the forerunners built the halo's to stop the flood from destorying the galaxy. And the covenant think the halo's will take them on a religious joyride when it will destroy the galaxy...
Who cares if a game is shorter? They offer no replayability because everything is scriptedlike aprimetime TV show.By assuming the linear hollywood blockbuster route a la Modern Warfare, there's VERY LITTLE room for replayability. And since we are slacking off in th AI department, fire fights are going to remain the same:static and predictable. Play F.E.A.R and then come back :X
Fear isn't a long game, most shooters aren't long games, in fact games now adays have plenty more extra things to do and you probably aren't paying attention to any of it. Apparentlly if you stopped and just enjoyed the game you'd notice all these improvements over enemy ai, some of the story details, and the fun easter eggs or other things you can accomplish messing around in it.
Wait...what? I havent complained about the price. I'm complaining about what we're getting for that price. I never complained about the price in the original post so why you incessantly moaning about it and trying to antagonize me? Stop trying to shove words into my mouth and potray me as some DarkSydePhil-esque poster.
I wasn't just speaking specifically about you, if you noticed i just said i don't like how gamers in general are doing this, its a growing mentaility of the stuff above, the demands of gamers, and what we feel like we should have to pay to get this. You just came here to complain about dev's and games and most of your conclusions aren't really backed up by good arguments. You just wanted support and now that I'm not aggreeing with you and pointing out that your apart of this growing mentality thats probably forcing dev's to find a new audiance thats more grateful of their talent instead of crying over everything, your getting upset.
I'm sorry but welcome to the world of I consumerism. I have the right to complain, especially when you're making promises a la Molyneux, not staying true to them and turning the quality meter backwards like its ******* Benjamin Button.Guess what? We have jobs too and we trust that the game developers are doing theirs. Gaming is now becoming like Rap: its become more popular but has been diluted to a plain tap water state...oh man I miss the 90's.
Games in the 90's weren't superior thats just nastalgia playing an illusion on you. every one has the right to complain, but that doesn't mean everyone complaints really matter and they arguments very smart. And since i'm "acting like a douche" by not agreeing with you, just shows how mature you really are.
You have no right to personally attack me and say i'm acting like a douche because i don't agree.
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