I've been seeing a lot of dumbasses around here throwing out how the N64 had better "Nintendo games" than the following consoles, mostly targeted towards the Wii. The sad part is that these quotes were coming from supposedly "sheep" people. So I want to ask, what makes the Nintendo games on the N64 better than the Wii titles Nintendo gave us? No I'm not talking about RARE, (since RARE was the reason the N64 was soooooo good, next to the 3 main Nintendo classics), and RARE is dead nowadays anyways, so NO OTHER CONSOLE, will ever get those amazing Rare games again.:(
But yeah, so what makes the N64 better? Let's see...
- Super Mario 64
- Mario Kart 64
- Star Fox 64
- F Zero X
- Paper Mario
- Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
- Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
- Super Smash Bros- Kirby 64
- Usual Mario extra's (Party, Sports, whatever)
Hell, I'll throw in the RARE MADE Donkey Kong 64, since it's a Nintendo IP.:P
Now people are always complaining about the Wii not getting ANY love from Nintendo, core wise. Which is true, the Wii is/was prone to casual content and we got just as many long hauls of nothing from Nintendo on the Wii as well, (mid-2008 to 2009 anyone? Or heck, even this year:P). But saying that the Wii doesn't have better NINTENDO made games than the N64 or that it didn't get as many, is just simply wrong.
.... Did the N64 ever get a Metroid? Wii got 2 of them. Did the N64 get a 2D Mario? Wii got one, after nearly TWO DECADES. Did the Wii get a Donkey Kong Country? How about a decent Kirby game, or two? Lets not forget the amazing JRPG's that Nintendo released on the N64... oh nvm...:| OH and lets not forget Punch Out!! or Wario Land ehh??:lol:
The Wii got TWO MAIN Mario games, BOTH of which has a 97 METASCORE. One of the got a 10 here at GS and the other got a GOTY. The only downside here are a messed up Mario Kart, no Star Fox or F zero & no "from the ground up" Mario Tennis.
But then again, didn't Nintendo consider Star Fox and F Zero to be dead franchises to them? They did say if the 64 enhanced port didn't get enough sales on the 3DS, no more Star Fox.:o
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Super Mario Galaxy 2
- Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
- Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
- Super Paper Mario
- Donkey Kong Country Returns
- Metroid Prime 3 + Trilogy ( :o )
- Metroid Other M
- Kirby's Epic Yarn
- Kirby's Return to Dream Land
- Punch Out!!
- Super Smash Bros Brawl
- Mario Kart Wii
- Xenoblade
- WarioLand Shake It!
- New Mario Bros Wii
- Wii sh!t
- Usual Mario Extra's (Party, Strikers)
Hell I'm not even counting sh!t like Excitebike or Truck or Wave Race, but if y'all wanna, go right ahead, like it makes a HUGE difference.:lol:
These people sicken me with their nostalgia. The Wii got a lot of support from Nintendo as it was one of the ONLY reasons to own a Wii, besides the gimmicks.:| I love Ocarina of Time and hell I love Star Fox 64, but Nintendo made better versions of practically all the N64 games THEY gave us, (not RARE) and they gave us more than what the N64 got, IP's it NEVER got.
Not bashing the N64, but damn people, open your eyes and look at the games.:|
/TL;DR version: Wii has more and better Nintendo made games than the N64. :|
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