i love how people use dumbass all the time now.themagicbum9720Yeah, all insults and semi-censored curses are fair game but that's the best insult they can think of. :lol:
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i love how people use dumbass all the time now.themagicbum9720Yeah, all insults and semi-censored curses are fair game but that's the best insult they can think of. :lol:
20 of the most awesome games ever made.[QUOTE="jediknight52501"][QUOTE="glez13"]
It's 2011 and people still think that the N64 was a great console?
It only had like 20ish good games. :lol:
If it helps you sleep at night, yeah sure. :roll:
no, just makes me happy to own of the better systems then the Wii.[QUOTE="silversix_"]The Witcher series IS a better game but what does that have to do with Skyflop or Skyrim getting a 9 on GS? Why so many ppl ignoring Wii games scores lol Its low and its low for a reason... its outadted in graphics (DUH), online and gameplay ingeneral. The only thing it does right are platformers, but its not like they evolved that much cuz most developers abandoned the genre for something that looks *next gen* and not another game you jump on enemy heads to kill... The thing is SS got a 7.5 only from GS so unless you're a narrow minded person, SS is actually a great game since it got great scores from many more reviewers. Platformers are making a come back just look at Rayman Origins.Rayman doesn't mean anything. Just one great platformer which probably won't sell well and we all forget in a couple of months. Skyflop feels outdated and outdated for ages. 7.5 is probably what it worth (going by hours of gameplay i saw) so at the end, in terms of quality games (not just games made by nintendo cuz last time i checked ppl don't buy a Nintendo system to play ONLY Nintendo games) N64 is light years ahead of the Wii and its Wii fit, Wii Sport, Mario.[QUOTE="lordlors"] If you think only GS score is the truth, then i have nothing more to say to a narrow minded person. I'm more of a PC gamer actually but ES series has never appealed to me. The Witcher series is my preference for a WRPG.lordlors
[QUOTE="glez13"]The N64 had great games, it is arguably the greatest and most influential console ever released.It's 2011 and people still think that the N64 was a great console?
It only had like 20ish good games. :lol:
No. The N64 had like 3 or 4 of the most influential games in some aspects. After that it was just mediocre, not among the Saturn or Jaguar, yet not among the PS or their previous consoles.
What happened to video games being funny?
"Hardcore" gamers appeared.
casual games like wii fit arent funny only core games like turok 3 are funny lol.
Notice that i didn't mention Core gamers but Hardcore gamers.
To those who keep bringing up Rare, I'm talking about Nintendo releasing first party content, (aka Nintendo owned IP) on the N64. Compared to the Wii, which is MUCH larger, it's no competition.
No matter how amazing it was back in the days or how influencial it was, I won't ever understand how people can like a poorly aged game over a much superior sequel, that does nearly everything better.:?
N64's first party, no matter how much y'all may love it, is much smaller and isn't as diverse as that of the Wii. Nintendo brought back 3 old school games, 2 FANTASTIC Mario's, a bunch of other fantastic titles, yet people don't see it.:?
Guess nostalgia does hold that powerful curse.:P
After the SNES and NES(Which are the two best Nintendo consoles of all time), I would rank the Gamecube as the third best, with the Wii following in fourth place. The Nintendo 64 is dead last in my opinion.
I'm aware of the innovations that the games on the N64 introduced, but most of the games have aged poorly. I'll be honest, even when the N64 was a new system, I thought the PS1 and Saturn offered better games. The N64 has its classic games, but like I said before, how many games have stood the test of time? The true test of greatness is how well games from a past system can hold up as the years pass. NES, SNES, and Gamecube games have all stood the test of time, and many of them are still very playable even today.
The problem with the N64 is that many of its games play poorly by modern standards. Goldeneye was an excellent game for its time, but how well does it compare to modern FPS games? How well has it ageed when compared to other older FPS titles like Doom and Quake?
The N64 is a victim of its era. 3D games were still new, and many developers had not fully grasped how to handle making them. In many ways, the N64 is the 3D equivalent of the NES. It innovated new things and created new ways to enjoy gaming, and its successors refined and improved those ideas.
There is little doubt that the N64 is an important part of gaming, but it has been surpassed by both the Gamecube and Wii.
Nostalgia is a gift, not a curse. i still play my SNES when i get a chance.jediknight52501
It's a curse when it blinds people from not seeing just as good, if not better games being released on later consoles, just because they are either stuck in time, or in their experience. I love my N64, my SNES & PSOne, but I also have an open mind and can see the efforts that Nintendo did put into the Wii with it's first party offerings, unlike many who just scoff it off and "hail N64".
It particularly bugs me because they dismissed a lot of amazing experiences on the Wii. In many ways, I consider DKCR to be just as good, if not better than what RARE gave us during the SNES era, and that Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are the best Mario games since Super Mario World on the SNES.:P Alas.
After the SNES and NES(Which are the two best Nintendo consoles of all time), I would rank the Gamecube as the third best, with the Wii following in fourth place. The Nintendo 64 is dead last in my opinion.
I'm aware of the innovations that the games on the N64 introduced, but most of the games have aged poorly. I'll be honest, even when the N64 was a new system, I thought the PS1 and Saturn offered better games. The N64 has its classic games, but like I said before, how many games have stood the test of time? The true test of greatness is how well games from a past system can hold up as the years pass. NES, SNES, and Gamecube games have all stood the test of time, and many of them are still very playable even today.
The problem with the N64 is that many of its games play poorly by modern standards. Goldeneye was an excellent game for its time, but how well does it compare to modern FPS games? How well has it ageed when compared to other older FPS titles like Doom and Quake?
The N64 is a victim of its era. 3D games were still new, and many developers had not fully grasped how to handle making them. In many ways, the N64 is the 3D equivalent of the NES. It innovated new things and created new ways to enjoy gaming, and its successors refined and improved those ideas.
There is little doubt that the N64 is an important part of gaming, but it has been surpassed by both the Gamecube and Wii.
I can give a rats ass about what it accomplished over a decade ago if it's not up on par with the stuff Nintendo has been giving us during this generation.:P I loved Ocarina of Time, heck I played the 3DS version with total giddiness from start to finish, but it aged. Wind Waker, Twilight Princess & Skyward Sword are an overall better experience today.
The N64 had great games, it is arguably the greatest and most influential console ever released.[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="glez13"]
It's 2011 and people still think that the N64 was a great console?
It only had like 20ish good games. :lol:
No. The N64 had like 3 or 4 of the most influential games in some aspects. After that it was just mediocre, not among the Saturn or Jaguar, yet not among the PS or their previous consoles.
lol i played my n64 more than ps1 or saturn or gamecube and i didnt buy a wii because it's for casuals not nintendo fans.
[QUOTE="AzatiS"]Im amazed... After 2 generations and top games of the system... are still the same ips. And i think GC >> N64 and Wii combinedTGM_basic
GC > N64 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wii
if u were born in 1996.
lol i played my n64 more than ps1 or saturn or gamecube and i didnt buy a wii because it's for casuals not nintendo fans.
Metroid Prime Trilogy demands you take that back...
Some of the best all time, yes. :| A system with only 5 PLAYABLE games (replayable as well) has the best games of all time?[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"]Wait, wait, wait. the N64 had games?Spartan070
Wait wait wait. The N64 had games?[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"][QUOTE="heeeeeeeeeweeee"]
I was born in 1984
Yes, and they were great!
Wait, THEY? There were more than 5?[QUOTE="heeeeeeeeeweeee"]Wait wait wait. The N64 had games? Yeah , because , as Wii , had 3-4 very high rated games like Zeldas and Super mario automatically ninties think N64 >> every other console in gaming history... Ninties making me smile all the time!I was born in 1984
Wait, THEY? There were more than 5?[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"][QUOTE="TGM_basic"]
Yes, and they were great!
Did you actually play the N64 yourself?
List replayable quality gmes that are not overrated due to nstalgia that you would play and make sure the game are actually good. Which most likely in that catergory would be 5 games.[QUOTE="TGM_basic"][QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] Wait, THEY? There were more than 5?Aquaunitpatrol
Did you actually play the N64 yourself?
List replayable quality gmes that are not overrated due to nstalgia that you would play and make sure the game are actually good. Which most likely in that catergory would be 5 games.So... no?
List replayable quality gmes that are not overrated due to nstalgia that you would play and make sure the game are actually good. Which most likely in that catergory would be 5 games.[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"][QUOTE="TGM_basic"]
Did you actually play the N64 yourself?
So... no?
So... you can't make a list? I have played and 62 and own 23 N64 games. I pretty mcuh played the whole playable part of it's library. i am pretty sure most of the games on the system are brderin POS and tolerable. Oh and Quest is in a catergory of itsown.[QUOTE="TGM_basic"][QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] Wait wait wait. The N64 had games?Aquaunitpatrol
Yes, and they were great!
Wait, THEY? There were more than 5? Are you aware that they implies more than one rather than more than five? :|[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"][QUOTE="TGM_basic"]Wait, THEY? There were more than 5? Are you aware that they implies more than one rather than more than five? :| A system must have at least 15 playable game that aren;t overrated, mdiocre, pos, or any other word you can use. The N64 does not have that number.Yes, and they were great!
[QUOTE="heeeeeeeeeweeee"]Wait wait wait. The N64 had games?I was born in 1984
turok the dinosaur hunter>>wii/gamecube whole library.
Are you aware that they implies more than one rather than more than five? :| A system must have at least 15 playable game that aren;t overrated, mdiocre, pos, or any other word you can use. The N64 does not have that number. The N64 easily had more than 15 great games. :|[QUOTE="bobcheeseball"][QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] Wait, THEY? There were more than 5?Aquaunitpatrol
[QUOTE="TGM_basic"][QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] List replayable quality gmes that are not overrated due to nstalgia that you would play and make sure the game are actually good. Which most likely in that catergory would be 5 games.Aquaunitpatrol
So... no?
So... you can't make a list? I have played and 62 and own 23 N64 games. I pretty mcuh played the whole playable part of it's library. i am pretty sure most of the games on the system are brderin POS and tolerable. Oh and Quest is in a catergory of itsown.I can, but it won't matter, since a. you're already well aware of more than 5 games that are great, as they're constantly talked about all over the internet, not to mention have already been listed multiple times throughout the course of this thread, and b. it won't matter what games I list, you'll just turn around and call them crap just so you can win a stupid argument on the internet. So there ya go! (Oh, and FYI, they implies more than 1, ie, 2 or more. NOT 5. ;) )
As someone who has actually played all of those consoles, I can safely say (again) that GC > N64 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wii (give or take a few >'s)
A system must have at least 15 playable game that aren;t overrated, mdiocre, pos, or any other word you can use. The N64 does not have that number. The N64 easily had more than 15 great games. :| That you can't list. I will probably see the sameeneric 8 on every other N64 list and see people scrounge the barrel for the other 7.[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"][QUOTE="heeeeeeeeeweeee"] Are you aware that they implies more than one rather than more than five? :|heeeeeeeeeweeee
To those who keep bringing up Rare, I'm talking about Nintendo releasing first party content, (aka Nintendo owned IP) on the N64. Compared to the Wii, which is MUCH larger, it's no competition.
No matter how amazing it was back in the days or how influencial it was, I won't ever understand how people can like a poorly aged game over a much superior sequel, that does nearly everything better.:?
N64's first party, no matter how much y'all may love it, is much smaller and isn't as diverse as that of the Wii. Nintendo brought back 3 old school games, 2 FANTASTIC Mario's, a bunch of other fantastic titles, yet people don't see it.:?
Guess nostalgia does hold that powerful curse.:P
Doesn't RARE count? During that gen, they were part owned by Nintendo.
[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"]A system must have at least 15 playable game that aren;t overrated, mdiocre, pos, or any other word you can use. The N64 does not have that number. The N64 easily had more than 15 great games. :| Platform , platform , platform,platform , shooter, shooter,shooter,shooter , platform platform, adventure,adventure...[QUOTE="bobcheeseball"] Are you aware that they implies more than one rather than more than five? :|DarkLink77
Or you mean mario golf mario tennis mario kart paper mario mario party mario mario mario?? Or the generic sport titles every console had? Enlight me here please
[QUOTE="TGM_basic"][QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] List replayable quality gmes that are not overrated due to nstalgia that you would play and make sure the game are actually good. Which most likely in that catergory would be 5 games.Aquaunitpatrol
So... no?
So... you can't make a list? I have played and 62 and own 23 N64 games. I pretty mcuh played the whole playable part of it's library. i am pretty sure most of the games on the system are brderin POS and tolerable. Oh and Quest is in a catergory of itsown.Quest 64 is a name that should never be brought up again. Ever.
Are you aware that they implies more than one rather than more than five? :| A system must have at least 15 playable game that aren;t overrated, mdiocre, pos, or any other word you can use. The N64 does not have that number. You obviously have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm just going to assume English isn't your first language. And sure, I can name 15 games but who decides if they're "good" or not? You? I sure hope not, because with all due respect sir, you're a complete idiot.[QUOTE="bobcheeseball"][QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] Wait, THEY? There were more than 5?Aquaunitpatrol
[QUOTE="heeeeeeeeeweeee"]The N64 easily had more than 15 great games. :| That you can't list. I will probably see the sameeneric 8 on every other N64 list and see people scrounge the barrel for the other 7.[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] A system must have at least 15 playable game that aren;t overrated, mdiocre, pos, or any other word you can use. The N64 does not have that number.
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
Star Fox 64
Super Mario 64
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Donkey Kong 64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
1080 Snowboarding
Wave Race 64
Super Smash Brothers
Mario Kart 64
Paper Mario
F-Zero X
More than fifteen, and I didn't list GoldenEye or Perfect Dark or Turok or Shadows of the Empire or any number of great games that the system had. Admittedly, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark suck now because of the controls, but FPS games that hold up more than a decade after release are rare anyway.
That you can't list. I will probably see the sameeneric 8 on every other N64 list and see people scrounge the barrel for the other 7.[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"][QUOTE="heeeeeeeeeweeee"] The N64 easily had more than 15 great games. :|DarkLink77
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
Star Fox 64
Super Mario 64
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Donkey Kong 64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
1080 Snowboarding
Wave Race 64
Super Smash Brothers
Mario Kart 64
Paper Mario
F-Zero X
More than fifteen, and I didn't list GoldenEye or Perfect Dark or Turok or Shadows of the Empire or any number of great games that the system had. Admittedly, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark suck now because of the controls, but FPS games that hold up more than a decade after release are rare anyway.
Diddy Kong Racing was awesome too. Pilotwings 64 too. Mario Tennis was good.
That you can't list. I will probably see the sameeneric 8 on every other N64 list and see people scrounge the barrel for the other 7.[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"][QUOTE="heeeeeeeeeweeee"] The N64 easily had more than 15 great games. :|DarkLink77
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
Star Fox 64
Super Mario 64
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Donkey Kong 64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
1080 Snowboarding
Wave Race 64
Super Smash Brothers
Mario Kart 64
Paper Mario
F-Zero X
More than fifteen, and I didn't list GoldenEye or Perfect Dark or Turok or Shadows of the Empire or any number of great games that the system had. Admittedly, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark suck now because of the controls, but FPS games that hold up more than a decade after release are rare anyway.
Ok and how many of these you just listed you think them as HITs that sold well and aged well? 4-5?[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] That you can't list. I will probably see the sameeneric 8 on every other N64 list and see people scrounge the barrel for the other 7.AzatiS
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
Star Fox 64
Super Mario 64
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Donkey Kong 64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
1080 Snowboarding
Wave Race 64
Super Smash Brothers
Mario Kart 64
Paper Mario
F-Zero X
More than fifteen, and I didn't list GoldenEye or Perfect Dark or Turok or Shadows of the Empire or any number of great games that the system had. Admittedly, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark suck now because of the controls, but FPS games that hold up more than a decade after release are rare anyway.
Ok and how many of these you just listed you think them as HITs that sold well and aged well? 4-5? I really only listed games that I think have aged well. All of those games are still fun to play. And most of them were hits.That you can't list. I will probably see the sameeneric 8 on every other N64 list and see people scrounge the barrel for the other 7.[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"][QUOTE="heeeeeeeeeweeee"] The N64 easily had more than 15 great games. :|DarkLink77
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
Star Fox 64
Super Mario 64
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Donkey Kong 64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
1080 Snowboarding
Wave Race 64
Super Smash Brothers
Mario Kart 64
Paper Mario
F-Zero X
More than fifteen, and I didn't list GoldenEye or Perfect Dark or Turok or Shadows of the Empire or any number of great games that the system had. Admittedly, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark suck now because of the controls, but FPS games that hold up more than a decade after release are rare anyway.
you forgot Killer Instinct Gold. another great Rare game.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] That you can't list. I will probably see the sameeneric 8 on every other N64 list and see people scrounge the barrel for the other 7.jediknight52501
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
Star Fox 64
Super Mario 64
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Donkey Kong 64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
1080 Snowboarding
Wave Race 64
Super Smash Brothers
Mario Kart 64
Paper Mario
F-Zero X
More than fifteen, and I didn't list GoldenEye or Perfect Dark or Turok or Shadows of the Empire or any number of great games that the system had. Admittedly, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark suck now because of the controls, but FPS games that hold up more than a decade after release are rare anyway.
you forgot Killer Instinct Gold. another great Rare game. I was mostly listing games that I had played and thought still held up. :P[QUOTE="AzatiS"][QUOTE="DarkLink77"]Ok and how many of these you just listed you think them as HITs that sold well and aged well? 4-5? I really only listed games that I think have aged well. All of those games are still fun to play. And most of them were hits.Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
Star Fox 64
Super Mario 64
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Donkey Kong 64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
1080 Snowboarding
Wave Race 64
Super Smash Brothers
Mario Kart 64
Paper Mario
F-Zero X
More than fifteen, and I didn't list GoldenEye or Perfect Dark or Turok or Shadows of the Empire or any number of great games that the system had. Admittedly, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark suck now because of the controls, but FPS games that hold up more than a decade after release are rare anyway.
You exaggerate ...alot... I think i need to bring you some sales numbers of half of your list to convince you.
I really only listed games that I think have aged well. All of those games are still fun to play. And most of them were hits.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="AzatiS"] Ok and how many of these you just listed you think them as HITs that sold well and aged well? 4-5?AzatiS
You exaggerate ...alot... I think i need to bring you some sales numbers of half of your list to convince you.
Super Smash Bros., Wave race, the Zelda games, Star Fox, the Mario games, the Banjo games, 1080, Conker, the Star Wars games, and Donkey Kong all sold well. But if you want to pull up some numbers for the other ones, feel free.Please Log In to post.
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