I can, because they are. Don't believe me? Play 'em again and see for yourself. The games not only still hold up today, they're still way better than what we're getting on the Wii.
I'd like to see you post a picture of your Wii (ewww) and the games you have for it with your username written on anything in the image as proof.
Cause I'm really not believing you have played a Wii at all.
impact at the time of release should always be an important factor, if not the most important. of course games today are superior in graphics, gameplays sound and pretty much everything, its unfair to compare games from eons ago to games now on those attributes.
when i played Super Mario 64 for the first time, it was way better than when i played Galaxy for the first time. this is not necessarily Galaxy's or Nintendo's fault, its just that i was a kid when SM64 came out so it was much more, how should i put this, 'magical'.
so for me, N64 will always be superior to Wii, and yes that is nostalgia talking, but what is wrong with nostalgia?
Impact is an important thing, but standards change and things that were innovative or good for their time lose their uniqueness as newer and better examples of the genre appear. I would say that standing the test of time is more important then making a huge initial impact. Mortal Kombat made an impact when it come out in 1992, but it fares poorly when compared to later fighting games. Street Fighter II has stood the test of time better, and is still fun to play, even two decades later.
The SNES and many of its games have stood the test of time. Super Mario World, A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, and countless other games are still very playable and many of them are still held as the best games in their genres, even by modern standards. Even the NES has several games that have stood the test of time, and while looking ancient are still playable.
The problem with the N64 is that most of its games have aged poorly. Goldeneye was a fine FPS for its time, but for all the impact it made it can't stand up against modern examples of the genre. Compare that to Super Mario World which has aged well, and is still an excellent game when compared to New Super Mario Bros and New Super Mario Bros Wii.
The N64 does still have some playable games, but the limitations of 3D during that era and the cartdiage format have taken their toll on how well these games hold up. If anything, it could be argued that PS1 games have aged better then N64 titles.
I respect the N64 for the impact it made, but two generations later it has aged poorly.
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