nah. the people who love their n64 and dislike the wii aren't really nintendo fans anymore. they used to, sheep vs sheep. I never thought I'd see that.
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[QUOTE="lowkey254"]nah. the people who love their n64 and dislike the wii aren't really nintendo fans anymore. they used to, sheep vs sheep. I never thought I'd see that.
Yea more like former sheep vs current sheep.
[QUOTE="lowkey254"]nah. the people who love their n64 and dislike the wii aren't really nintendo fans anymore. they used to be.Simply because Nintendo was releasing more than 0-2 good games per year. Now its just disappointment after disappointment, getting used to it but still how can you get so :lol: after being great for so many, sheep vs sheep. I never thought I'd see that.
i am sorry but the N64 and the Gamecube has better games then the Wii. the Gamecube had 2 of the best Metroid games on it. the Gamecube had Super Smash Bros. Melee on it. Resident Evil 0, Remake and 4 were amazing on the Gamecube. they even brought us OoT Master Quest. the WiiU looks better then the Wii.jediknight52501
This is true. The Wii is just embarassing when compared to the prior two vastly superior Nintendo consoles.
[QUOTE="silversix_"]A lot of games is better than that 7.5 :lol: Was this a serious question? If so lolz. The Wii had one acceptable year which is 07, after that its :lol: I dunno why its so hard to admit... not expecting much from sheep on SW though. A game that got a lot of 9s and 10s except for just one site? lol Skyrim has a review that got a 7. Sykrim must be a 7 game. SS > Skyrim by your logic?How much did Skyrim got on GS brah? Yes a 9 and don't even compare that epicness to SkywardFlop because SS is a gen behind.[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Wait, are you seriously saying Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword are worse than Goldeneye and Perfect Dark? Seriously?lordlors
Agreed. In terms of Nintendo only made games, Wii destroys N64. Sure some N64 games had "impact" that "changed" everything, but if you're playing games only for their impact at the time just keep playing Super Mario Bros. on the NES for the rest of eternity. EverythingNintendo on the N64 has been surpassed by the Wii, with one game being an exception and that's Majora's Mask.
And Rare was good back in the N64 days. But Nintendo keeps churning out quality games while Rare is making Kinect shovelware... I think Nintendo was smart not to buy them. They went downhill fast this gen.
Back in the day, Rare delivered one of the most technically accomplished games ever made, Conker's Bad Fur Day. Playing it a few weeks ago, I was amazed at what the guys at Rare managed to squeeze into that game, some real time reflections here, some projected shadows there, gorgeous textures, positional sound with reverb and other effects, if it wasn't for the low resolution, it could very well take on many of the Dreamcast and early PS2 games. Can you say the same thing about the Wii - is there any game that can go head to head with Perfect Dark Zero, as an example of an early XBox360 game, on a technical level (I'm talking about shaders, lighting, poly-count and such), the way N64 did in the early 2000s ?
a) It got 7.5 on ONE site. On Metacritic, it is still the second highest rated game of the year. b) The Wii had a great 2010 as well. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Sin and Punishment 2, No More Heroes 2, Monster Hunter Tri, Metroid: Other M, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Goldeneye 007 and Kirby's Epic Yarn to name a few games it got.This is exactly what i mean. great year is Metroid Other M, 007 (which is a joke compared to the original for its time of course) and other crap. I still don't fully understand, is this low standards or you're happy with whatever Nintendo releases? Btw we are on GS so 7.5 is a 7.5.alright, then if you're going to blindly follow GS scores, you have to acknowledge that Brawl is one of the best games this gen[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="silversix_"]A lot of games is better than that 7.5 :lol: Was this a serious question? If so lolz. The Wii had one acceptable year which is 07, after that its :lol: I dunno why its so hard to admit... not expecting much from sheep on SW though.
Sorry but even the GC had better games than the Wii. And so does the N64,but the Wii does have a few good games like Metroid Prime 3, SMG 1 and 2 and my favorite Wii game Skyward Sword.
Back in the day, Rare delivered one of the most technically accomplished games ever made, Conker's Bad Fur Day. Playing it a few weeks ago, I was amazed at what the guys at Rare managed to squeeze into that game, some real time reflections here, some projected shadows there, gorgeous textures, positional sound with reverb and other effects, if it wasn't for the low resolution, it could very well take on many of the Dreamcast and early PS2 games. Can you say the same thing about the Wii - is there any game that can go head to head with Perfect Dark Zero, as an example of an early XBox360 game, on a technical level (I'm talking about shaders, lighting, poly-count and such), the way N64 did in the early 2000s ?
Wii games couldn't compete with 360 games in terms of graphics, but we don't play graphics.
Some Wii games and certainly some 1st party Ninty games destroy Perfect Dark Zero.
[QUOTE="lowkey254"]nah. the people who love their n64 and dislike the wii aren't really nintendo fans anymore. they used to be. I love the N64 and dislike the Wii, I am still a sheep and a Nintendo, sheep vs sheep. I never thought I'd see that.
[QUOTE="silversix_"]This is exactly what i mean. great year is Metroid Other M, 007 (which is a joke compared to the original for its time of course) and other crap. I still don't fully understand, is this low standards or you're happy with whatever Nintendo releases? Btw we are on GS so 7.5 is a 7.5.alright, then if you're going to blindly follow GS scores, you have to acknowledge that Brawl is one of the best games this genYou are on GS and GS is all that matters when comparing score, simple. Yes Brawl may be in the top 30 this gen :lol:[QUOTE="charizard1605"] a) It got 7.5 on ONE site. On Metacritic, it is still the second highest rated game of the year. b) The Wii had a great 2010 as well. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Sin and Punishment 2, No More Heroes 2, Monster Hunter Tri, Metroid: Other M, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Goldeneye 007 and Kirby's Epic Yarn to name a few games it got.Shinobishyguy
[QUOTE="jediknight52501"]i am sorry but the N64 and the Gamecube has better games then the Wii. the Gamecube had 2 of the best Metroid games on it. the Gamecube had Super Smash Bros. Melee on it. Resident Evil 0, Remake and 4 were amazing on the Gamecube. they even brought us OoT Master Quest. the WiiU looks better then the Wii.TGM_basic
This is true. The Wii is just embarassing when compared to the prior two vastly superior Nintendo consoles.
now you see why i will not pay full price for a Wii, i have a friend who has a Wii that will not work online and i offered him $20 bucks for it. i think i may wait for the WiiU now that the specs have leaked.The best Nintendo first party output by the way was the N64, and it is almost matched by the Gamecube. The Wii is a joke in comparison.charizard1605
Well why do you think that? I think it got better every system.
[QUOTE="charizard1605"]The best Nintendo first party output by the way was the N64, and it is almost matched by the Gamecube. The Wii is a joke in comparison.MLBknights58
Well why do you think that? I think it got better every system.
Because there are only, as of right now, five Wii games that would make me buy the system just to play them, and not all of them are made by Nintendo. Compared to the Gamecube and the 64, where there was literally a library of dozens compelling me to buy the system (and most, if not all, of these games made by Nintendo), and you will see my point.alright, then if you're going to blindly follow GS scores, you have to acknowledge that Brawl is one of the best games this genYou are on GS and GS is all that matters when comparing score, simple. Yes Brawl may be in the top 30 this gen :lol: more like top ten or top five seeing as you precious gamespot gave it 9.5 [spoiler] I think anyone who has actually played and beaten skyward sword can tell you that 7.5 for a game of that quality is a joke [/spoiler][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="silversix_"]This is exactly what i mean. great year is Metroid Other M, 007 (which is a joke compared to the original for its time of course) and other crap. I still don't fully understand, is this low standards or you're happy with whatever Nintendo releases? Btw we are on GS so 7.5 is a 7.5.
Back in the day, Rare delivered one of the most technically accomplished games ever made, Conker's Bad Fur Day. Playing it a few weeks ago, I was amazed at what the guys at Rare managed to squeeze into that game, some real time reflections here, some projected shadows there, gorgeous textures, positional sound with reverb and other effects, if it wasn't for the low resolution, it could very well take on many of the Dreamcast and early PS2 games. Can you say the same thing about the Wii - is there any game that can go head to head with Perfect Dark Zero, as an example of an early XBox360 game, on a technical level (I'm talking about shaders, lighting, poly-count and such), the way N64 did in the early 2000s ?
Wii games couldn't compete with 360 games in terms of graphics, but we don't play graphics.
Some Wii games and certainly some 1st party Ninty games destroy Perfect Dark Zero.
i personally like PDZ for when it was released but most everyone hated it so being a better game/destorying it doesn't say much... Btw "we don't play graphics" are you implying 360 has no gameplay and just graphics? ps360 has better gameplay in pretty much 95% of games and much much better graphics which helps increasing immersion=better gameplay. Its hard to take a game seriously when its all blurry, full of jaggies and everything is so blocky its like playing on GC back in 03 except we are almost in 2012.[QUOTE="lordlors"][QUOTE="lowkey254"]nah. the people who love their n64 and dislike the wii aren't really nintendo fans anymore. they used to be. I love the N64 and dislike the Wii, I am still a sheep and a Nintendo fan. if you dislike the wii but love the DS, you are only a 50% nintendo fan lolz disliking the current product means you already dislike the company now but you still love the old, sheep vs sheep. I never thought I'd see that.
I see it a lot. It's a lot like Sonic fan vs Sonic fan, and we all know how infamous those arguments are. Only problem is that when Nintendo fans do it, it seems to be ok. When Sonic fans do something like that, guns are, sheep vs sheep. I never thought I'd see that.
[QUOTE="silversix_"]You are on GS and GS is all that matters when comparing score, simple. Yes Brawl may be in the top 30 this gen :lol: more like top ten or top five seeing as you precious gamespot gave it 9.5 [spoiler] I think anyone who has actually played and beaten skyward sword can tell you that 7.5 for a game of that quality is a joke [/spoiler] 9.5 for Wii standards, that is all. I've seen tones of gameplay of SS on jtv and not only it looks ugly (from textures to art style) but gameplay is slow and boring. Waggle plus does not increase its gameplay when everything feels archaic[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]alright, then if you're going to blindly follow GS scores, you have to acknowledge that Brawl is one of the best games this genShinobishyguy
Wii+FPS's? :lol: All it has is platformers and The Conduit lolz.turok 3>>any wii exclusive fps
A game that got a lot of 9s and 10s except for just one site? lol Skyrim has a review that got a 7. Sykrim must be a 7 game. SS > Skyrim by your logic?How much did Skyrim got on GS brah? Yes a 9 and don't even compare that epicness to SkywardFlop because SS is a gen behind. If you think only GS score is the truth, then i have nothing more to say to a narrow minded person. I'm more of a PC gamer actually but ES series has never appealed to me. The Witcher series is my preference for a WRPG.[QUOTE="lordlors"][QUOTE="silversix_"]A lot of games is better than that 7.5 :lol: Was this a serious question? If so lolz. The Wii had one acceptable year which is 07, after that its :lol: I dunno why its so hard to admit... not expecting much from sheep on SW though.
lol 2:23
Hurry, we can get up to the Scu-RUAHHHHHHAH o_O
Badhyungah 1 year ago
What happened to video games being funny?
[QUOTE="silversix_"]How much did Skyrim got on GS brah? Yes a 9 and don't even compare that epicness to SkywardFlop because SS is a gen behind. If you think only GS score is the truth, then i have nothing more to say to a narrow minded person. I'm more of a PC gamer actually but ES series has never appealed to me. The Witcher series is my preference for a WRPG.The Witcher series IS a better game but what does that have to do with Skyflop or Skyrim getting a 9 on GS? Why so many ppl ignoring Wii games scores lol Its low and its low for a reason... its outadted in graphics (DUH), online and gameplay ingeneral. The only thing it does right are platformers, but its not like they evolved that much cuz most developers abandoned the genre for something that looks *next gen* and not another game you jump on enemy heads to kill...[QUOTE="lordlors"] A game that got a lot of 9s and 10s except for just one site? lol Skyrim has a review that got a 7. Sykrim must be a 7 game. SS > Skyrim by your logic?lordlors
Wii has 4-5.It's 2011 and people still think that the N64 was a great console?
It only had like 20ish good games. :lol:
The N64 had great games, it is arguably the greatest and most influential console ever released.It's 2011 and people still think that the N64 was a great console?
It only had like 20ish good games. :lol:
20 of the most awesome games ever made.It's 2011 and people still think that the N64 was a great console?
It only had like 20ish good games. :lol:
If you think only GS score is the truth, then i have nothing more to say to a narrow minded person. I'm more of a PC gamer actually but ES series has never appealed to me. The Witcher series is my preference for a WRPG.The Witcher series IS a better game but what does that have to do with Skyflop or Skyrim getting a 9 on GS? Why so many ppl ignoring Wii games scores lol Its low and its low for a reason... its outadted in graphics (DUH), online and gameplay ingeneral. The only thing it does right are platformers, but its not like they evolved that much cuz most developers abandoned the genre for something that looks *next gen* and not another game you jump on enemy heads to kill... The thing is SS got a 7.5 only from GS so unless you're a narrow minded person, SS is actually a great game since it got great scores from many more reviewers. Platformers are making a come back just look at Rayman Origins.[QUOTE="lordlors"][QUOTE="silversix_"]How much did Skyrim got on GS brah? Yes a 9 and don't even compare that epicness to SkywardFlop because SS is a gen behind.
[QUOTE="glez13"]The N64 had great games, it is arguably the greatest and most influential console ever released.It's 2011 and people still think that the N64 was a great console?
It only had like 20ish good games. :lol:
Not greatest console overall. Its 3rd party lineup is nothing compared to NES, SNES, PS2, PS3.
Influential and important: hell yes. They defined 3D gaming on consoles and set new standards in many genres. Camera control in SM64, Ocarina's lock-on, Goldeneye was an actually playable FPS.
more like top ten or top five seeing as you precious gamespot gave it 9.5 [spoiler] I think anyone who has actually played and beaten skyward sword can tell you that 7.5 for a game of that quality is a joke [/spoiler] 9.5 for Wii standards, that is all. I've seen tones of gameplay of SS on jtvGoing to stop you there. As someone who's almost done with their first playthrough of SS, I can confidently state that you're full of sh*t.[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="silversix_"]You are on GS and GS is all that matters when comparing score, simple. Yes Brawl may be in the top 30 this gen :lol:
bashing an entire game just by clips of some other dude playing it is one of the weakest fanboy tricks in the book.
Wii has 4-5.[QUOTE="glez13"]
It's 2011 and people still think that the N64 was a great console?
It only had like 20ish good games. :lol:
Well depends of what you are talking about. Of really memorable games the N64 had like 10. But I'm also taking into account other games that actually went somewhere despite being inferior versions like Resident Evil and Rainbow Six. The Wii has more than 5 going by that, but still couldn't tell if it for sure surpasses the N64 level of mediocrity.
What happened to video games being funny?
"Hardcore" gamers appeared.
casual games like wii fit arent funny only core games like turok 3 are funny lol.
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