You're missing the simple fact that the Gamecube had the strongest overall library of Nintendo games.
- Metroid Prime 1 and 2 (better than MP3)
- Wind Waker (better than Twilight Princess)
- Twilight Princess (better than the Wii version)
- Smash Bros Melee (better than Brawl)
- Animal Crossing (better than City Folk because it was fresh and hadn't been rehashed yet)
- Star Fox Adventures (better than no Star Fox, and really a very good game IMO)
- Pikmin 1 and 2 (better than no Pikmin)
- Pokemon Colosseum (better than whatever that stupid Wii Pokemon game was)
- F-Zero GX (I haven't played it myself, but it's better than no F-Zero)
- Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (haven't played it, but I know it's considered better than the Wii game)
- Mario Kart: Double Dash (ditto)
- Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (ditto)
Without having played Skyward Sword yet, it seems to me that the GC beat or equaled the Wii in each franchise except Mario (and maybe Kirby?)
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