[QUOTE="NavigatorsGhost"][QUOTE="goblaa"][QUOTE="NavigatorsGhost"]Uh, it couldn't handle flight or racing games as in "sims". Nor would it work with fighting games like Tekken or VF. And its not great for 3D action games either where its you versus a tons of enemies (Assassins Creed, Heavenly Sword). And the Wii wouldn't be able to produce the necessary graphics anyway to compete with the big boys, so who cares? goblaa
So, if I filter out all the fanboyinsm, you're saying 3D games? Or what? AC and HS aren't even the same genre.
Fanboyism? What are you talking about? You aren't going to get pinpoint control combined with impeccable timing using the wiimote, at least not for games that require more than a couple button presses combined with dual joystick movement. Thats why there are flight sticks for flight sims and fighting sticks for fighting games.
Um, if you actually read my post you would see why I mentioned AC and Heavenly Sword. In both games you have to fight many enemies at once. Thats how they are similar.
The wiimote is limited in what it can and can't do. Get over it.
And don't forget about the games that won't ever be put on the Wii because of its poor hardware limitations.
So, your saying before the 360 and PS3 no game ever exsisted where you fought more than one person at a time?
And no one makes a game for a system that can't handle it, but that doesn't stop you from making action games all together. GOW worked fine on the PS2, and it's gameplay makes HS look like crap.
OMG you have got to stop with accusations and putting words in my mouth.
Where did I ever say that before the PS3 and 360 no game ever existed where you fought more than one person at a time? Where does it say that?
Oh the Wii can have all the action games it wants. It can have all the flight sims and fighting games it wants as well. But those games will be crippled when you compare them to similar games on the PS3 and 360.
Look at any multiplat game that got put on the Wii. It pales in comparison to the versions made for the PS3/360/PC.
Enjoy getting Okami, a port of a last gen PS2 game. Sadly its probably one of the top 5 games coming out for the Wii in 08...
Everything about you is obnoxious, including the way you choose to conduct a discussion and more than anything your sig. Good bye.
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