[QUOTE="Vis-a-Vis"][:o That's a lot of parts! I hope they don't stray too much from the original formula, though. I never played it, but I've heard enough about it to know it was pretty fantastic. I'd like to experience that fantastic-ness.Surprisingly deep. Just reading about some of the vehicles, looking at the stats, and knowing there are 1,600 different parts makes me excited.
That's what get's me excited. The fact that if they manage to blend what we all know as traditional Banjo platforming (Jiggies, notes, Jinjo's, great humor, classic characters, etc.) With these vehicles that have seemingly endless different combinations of parts, then I can see this becoming a great platformer.
That's if Rare can pull it off. Rare obviously hasnt taken the tried and true platforming experience, upped the resolution, textures and slapped a 3 on the end of Banjo to make a 'next gen banjo' they've taken a different approach to the series.
Rare is hopefully putting a good amount of effort into integrating vehicles into banjo, this isnt likely easy, but if they do pull it off, I can see banjo 3 vecoming a great game.
Heres to hoping that Rare can make Banjo 3 the definitive platformer of 2008!
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