This game continues to rustle lemming's jimmies lol
Definitely the prettiest game released across all platforms. And hope it retains the cinematic, character and story driven elements that the last of us has set the standard for. Gameplay already looking tight so no worries there.
Some rashy asses gonna be had by lems and herms for a few months to come leading up to thisbaby's release...and after.
Regardless of how the game looks (and it does look good, but I think they should ditch the MSAA and switch over to high quality SMAA--could allow for twice the framerate and barely any loss in image quality), the gameplay looked ridiculously boring, with some of the worst looking AI I've seen in a TPS.
@W1NGMAN- Not really. Technically it might look good, but artistically it's very drab and grey. You could attribute that to the setting if you want, but the developers are the ones who chose that setting, and as such shouldn't think themselves free from peoples' criticism that it's an ugly setting. Dishonored had a similar setting, yet ended up looking quite pleasant due to its art style even though it wasn't remotely impressive on a technical level.
1- I like the sitting
2- i hate how linear this is
3- i like the visuals
4- black bars is nothing to brag about
5- gameplay looks last gen. i hope there's some supernatural monsters to kill n shit cuz shooting guys for the whole game is gonna be boring af
I'm okay with the black bars... I'd be okay if it's linear too... but #5 is definitely is my issue... I hope this game is actually fun and interesting to play through.. if it's just shooting crooks or fighting gangsters it's going to be odd.... and i mean odd because everything about the game is pointing out to some super natural shit.. like srly first time i saw it i thought we was gonna go hunt dracula.
There will be monsters to fight. They are the main enemy the Order is responsible for fighting against. So far all we've seen is pretty much a tutorial level.
I hope you're right.. the setting seems very fitting for the super natural.. not talking about aliens or mutants or zombies but something on the lines of werewolves and Bigfoot.
Partially yes, but no. I'm talking about their approach of Forward rendering. Search the forums for Order using Forward Rendering. In forward rendering they can't use dynamic lights. The Order 800p is using every thing prebaked. Such a shame even Ryse is technically more advanced than this. :D
Who cares if Crytek makes shit now. They start producing shit after going the consololes route. Never had any problem when they were PC devs but you are ignoring the point. The point is they murder technically every single Sony dev out there and they murdered them in gameplay too when they were PC only devs.
Edit: Here's the thread about Forward Rendering.
Partially yes? OK then. My source is more recent too. And Ryse managed that through extreme linearity, CGI cutscenes, motion blur and fog out the ass. Hardly a ringing endorsement of the Shitbox's capabilities.
Shittek fanboys are the worst. Their games are shit and their studio is shit, regardless of platform. :)
Who cares. 900pStation is 50% more powerful than 720pBox. I expected them to do better. Such a shame that a movie on a weaker platform is advanced than the movie on a stronger platform. Enjoy your next gen.
When am I getting even something to match Crysis 2?
1- I like the sitting
2- i hate how linear this is
3- i like the visuals
4- black bars is nothing to brag about
5- gameplay looks last gen. i hope there's some supernatural monsters to kill n shit cuz shooting guys for the whole game is gonna be boring af
I'm okay with the black bars... I'd be okay if it's linear too... but #5 is definitely is my issue... I hope this game is actually fun and interesting to play through.. if it's just shooting crooks or fighting gangsters it's going to be odd.... and i mean odd because everything about the game is pointing out to some super natural shit.. like srly first time i saw it i thought we was gonna go hunt dracula.
There will be monsters to fight. They are the main enemy the Order is responsible for fighting against. So far all we've seen is pretty much a tutorial level.
I hope you're right.. the setting seems very fitting for the super natural.. not talking about aliens or mutants or zombies but something on the lines of werewolves and Bigfoot.
that is also what i want to see and when their first trailer was shown last year this is exactly what i was expecting and the reason i was hyped for the game. Now all we've seen is Gears of War cover shooter and this is so 7th gen.
@seanmcloughlin: That was clear screan tearing. I hope they iron those out.
It's being delayed until 2015 so they've lots of time to iron out anything lol.
Who cares. 900pStation is 50% more powerful than 720pBox. I expected them to do better. Such a shame that a movie on a weaker platform is advanced than the movie on a stronger platform. Enjoy your next gen.
When am I getting even something to match Crysis 2?
When Crytek is your shining light on the hill, you need to start having better expectations.
Im very at peace with myself at this moment cows got lucky today, I can go on and on and detail the downgrades. But not for today.
Hint: will buy the 399.99 console that impresses me the most at this years E3.
Yeah you already have... lol go on and
Yeah that is a mystery which one you will buy
@tormentos: KZ2? The one that Sony lied about at E3? The one that was running on a PC and looked nothing like the final game? Surely not....
Yes and the one who destroyed xbox 360 games with some of the best graphics,animation and particle effects on a console game by its time..
Hell it causes many butthurt on hermit to,Crysis looked better but the animation sucked mighty ass compare to Killzone animation which was second to non back then,making the characters feel more real.
@tormentos: that "downgrade" image looks a lot different than the "downgrade" image in the comparison gif. I guess that's the internet for you. I'll just wait to see this in person like I am with watch dogs.
Yeah keep ignoring facts,color change is not a downgrade,and never has been and the new build even has shadows which were missing in the old build and which you fail to see,funny enough i am sure that if the shadows were present on the old build and missing in the new one you would be there pointing it out...hahahaha
Model are more detail already
It they were really 10x more powerful 1080p/60fps would be no problem. The sad reality is that next gen systems are not that much different from previous gen. Console owners were ripped off again.
Yes because an Nvidia 7600 from 2005 is the same as a OC 7850 from
Even the 7790 over the Xenos is a huge upgrade go troll else where.
@tormentos: Dude you straight up have to work for Sony.
I even ready your posts with a Japanese accent. You leave out words that a bilingual Non-English First language speaking person would, from my experiences.
Moron...hahahah i am Puerto Rican not Japanese...hahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Butbutbut You are Japanese Tormentos...hahahaha
So far blackace call me mexican and now you Japanese,is confirmed when lemmings loss argument,the only thing left to do is attack the place your from..hahahahaa
Crazy we live with an era of gamers that would call a game like The Order "ugly" 0_o
They don't even think that way, people on the internet just love being overly hyperbolic to spark a reaction or getting carried away with themselves.
What's crazier is people overlooking stale and bland gameplay mechanics because the visuals are really nice. If the game didn't look pretty then the game would be getting torn apart over the footage shown so far. Not saying the final game will be bad cos there's a lot we haven't seen yet but everything we've actually SEEN so far looks boring
While the graphics look nice the gameplay seems to be quite slow and a little clunky. I hope this game has something more to offer than a unique setting and nice visuals.
Insanely avarage indeed.
I think I played this game before. It was Third Person Shooter #135
Well it could be worse FPS #9755 like Halo,Killzone and many others.
Game is visually just OK and definetely downgraded to achieve 30 FPS on that low end Sony PC with tablet CPU.
Hahaha any one pretending this game look just OK deserve to be call a
Oh great the whole table CPU crap well i least now we know which alter your account belongs the game actually transition to black and white now. Man, cows can't catch a break. First, the 800p, then the corridor levels, the static environments, no dynamic lighting, low resolution textures and now the colors are gone too. And all that while running at 10 FPS. Even Ryse looks much better than this shit. Can't wait untill they take away the 4xMSAA which is inevitable. 900pStation strikes again.
So your posting from both your account in the same page.? lol
Butbutbut tablet CPU...hahahahaha
@b4x: lol are you serious ?
the order dev = ready at dawn
Wrong. According you, they're Naughty Dogs gifted understudy! Prepare for the GOTG!! 200+ goty awards!
The Order is coming! Are you wearing your diapers!!! You're about to shit em!
Blackace having another meldown like always... and pretending this game look bad when it actually look like a freaking CG,...hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Who cares. 900pStation is 50% more powerful than 720pBox. I expected them to do better. Such a shame that a movie on a weaker platform is advanced than the movie on a stronger platform. Enjoy your next gen.
When am I getting even something to match Crysis 2?
According to steam a hell of allot more PC are barely over 720p in fact 24% is on 1366x768...hahaha Barely over 720p hell lower than
So PC is 720p box as well,just because some can run it higher doesn't mean all can,oh by the way the majority with 32% which is not far from the second which is 24% are 1080p,so the majority of PC gamers by steam play on 1080p or lower with a huge amount been almost 720p...
Butbutbut the 768pC...hahahaha
The guys at Beyond seem to think that the poly count has been downgraded while the lighting has improved.
"I think its not just simpler clothing."
"comparing the collar" - New Build
"comparing the collar" - Old Build
You are comparing 2 collars on different epic...
The uniforms are different that uniforms is infiltration,the one on the old build is use on other missions already stated..hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Want to do a comparison do it right,look at how on the old build the armor on the other soldier is shiny and polish,and look at Marcus arm and see how the chain mail around he forearm cast a shadow on the old build yet on the new one it doesn't,....
Look at the very start of the building how it shines and how is less blur in the old build vs the final the game actually transition to black and white now. Man, cows can't catch a break. First, the 800p, then the corridor levels, the static environments, no dynamic lighting, low resolution textures and now the colors are gone too. And all that while running at 10 FPS. Even Ryse looks much better than this shit. Can't wait untill they take away the 4xMSAA which is inevitable. 900pStation strikes again.
So your posting from both your account in the same page.? lol
Butbutbut tablet CPU...hahahahaha
@b4x: lol are you serious ?
the order dev = ready at dawn
Wrong. According you, they're Naughty Dogs gifted understudy! Prepare for the GOTG!! 200+ goty awards!
The Order is coming! Are you wearing your diapers!!! You're about to shit em!
Blackace having another meldown like always... and pretending this game look bad when it actually look like a freaking CG,...hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I'm extremely sorry to see that you have lost your brain sir over the news of the Order getting stripped of features left and right. I told you about the weak PoS 900pStation before sir. And no, I have never created an alt. No matter how many times you try to deflect the topic it won't work.
I'm sorry about your loss. Enjoy your black and white or should I say black and black brebaked 800p movie.
@tormentos: maybe I worded that wrong but I was conceding that maybe the game wasn't downgraded because those images looked so different. Hence the quotations. Thought I made that clear but whatever.
Still looks downgraded, don't get why cows can't see this. The pics do look good though because they are stills and you don't have to see the actual gameplay, thank goodness.
Reverse is true as well....;)
@MonsieurX: you is a clown
the order has more pixels than ryse 900p
so the order cannot be 800p
you loose again!
MonsieurX thinks all movies are 800p
We're not talking about the amount of pixels,how stupid are you?
It's just a matter of definitions.
800p = 1920x800p
@MonsieurX: you is a clown
the order has more pixels than ryse 900p
so the order cannot be 800p
you loose again!
MonsieurX thinks all movies are 800p
We're not talking about the amount of pixels,how stupid are you?
It's just a matter of definitions.
800p = 1920x800p
Clear that ignorance up.
@MonsieurX: LOL! stop feeding the Troll
the order is not 800p
now sit!
1920x800p of content,thus 800p
Unless you count black bars as content
Its dat cinematic black bar experience that no gamer wanted ever.
@MonsieurX: For comparisons sake, lets use Forza 5, a full 1080p game. Now if were to tape two black rectangles at the top and botton of our TV screens, you would now be seeing Forza 5 in 1920x800.
man why is it so hard for you to understand ?
the order is 1080p in widescreen just like movies with the same pixel density as a full screen 1080p image!!!!
@MonsieurX: you is a clown
the order has more pixels than ryse 900p
so the order cannot be 800p
you loose again!
MonsieurX thinks all movies are 800p
We're not talking about the amount of pixels,how stupid are you?
It's just a matter of definitions.
800p = 1920x800p
Clear that ignorance up.
The Order: 1886 will be presented at 1920x800
@MonsieurX: For comparisons sake, lets use Forza 5, a full 1080p game. Now if were to tape two black rectangles at the top and botton of our TV screens, you would now be seeing Forza 5 in 1920x800.
man why is it so hard for you to understand ?
the order is 1080p in widescreen just like movies with the same pixel density as a full screen 1080p image!!!!
Then the game would be 800p
1920x1080 =\= 1920 x 800
b-b-b-but the cinematic feel and film grain!111
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