I'm not convinced. This site by at large is biased in favor of the HD console and there are far more 360 owners here than Wii owners, and there are far more Halo 3 fanboys here than Conduit fanboys. Thus your responses are proportionate to what you are partial to.
To me they look pretty close. Maybe I'd say Halo 3 has slightly tighter resolution and a more cartoony look, while the Conduit is going more for realism. I don't think either one of them are world beaters asfar as graphics are concerned.
There is no conspiracy here, Conduit has visuals like a bad looking DX7 or DX8 game, Halo 3 is a good looking DX9 game, with better lighting han most DX9 games, and a million times better looking lighting, scale, detail, polygons counts than what i saw in that conduit video, that has worst visuals than many PS2 games as well and definatly looks vastly worst than many GC gamestoo (Zelda WW, Star Fox Adventures,RE4 etc)
Try comparing that Conduit pic to an ingame pic of Halo 3.Ok
And BTW, Conduit is a 640x480 game, Halo 3 is 1280x720, so in a HD TV, Conduit will look 10x worst than this tiny pic above
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