So, like, every Nintendo game seems to be supporting online.charizard1605
I am all for this, especially since it isn't like they are shooters or something. Unique online experiances, yes please.
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So, like, every Nintendo game seems to be supporting online.charizard1605
I am all for this, especially since it isn't like they are shooters or something. Unique online experiances, yes please.
[QUOTE="ChubbyGuy40"][QUOTE="charizard1605"] All 3DS, with some Wii/DS news thrown in. I think Wii U will get a major blowout this E3.charizard1605
There'll be new news at GDC. I'm 99.99% sure of it.
Iwata is not attending GDCfixed,
director of Galaxy will hold a one hour lecture about 3D Mario
[QUOTE="charizard1605"]Ninty is not attending GDCChubbyGuy40
Yes they are. They have a decent sized floor space reserved.
Oh, my bad. I meant Iwata is not doing the keynote.Man I loved KH1 and KH2 so much, but all the spin-offs left a bad taste in my mouth, I don't even know if I could get hyped for a KH3 anymore.110millionThis game is like KH3: Chapter 1, from what I understand
[QUOTE="110million"]Man I loved KH1 and KH2 so much, but all the spin-offs left a bad taste in my mouth, I don't even know if I could get hyped for a KH3 anymore.charizard1605This game is like KH3: Chapter 1, from what I understand
Myth Confirmed: I can't even get hyped for KH3. :P
Rune Factory 4! Woo. The characters finally look a bit older too. :P110millionStill look like jailbait to me:P
andriasang says now 3rd party stuff... does that mean no more pokemon/mario/zelda/metroid/etc news?campzor
The surprise announcement is a third party title, but yeah it's over for Nintendo titles.
Still look like jailbait to me:P At least it isn't like Love Plus or something. :P[QUOTE="110million"]Rune Factory 4! Woo. The characters finally look a bit older too. :Pspookykid143
That's a first party game right there, so there goes THAT theorycharizard1605
Who said no more 1st party? They always structure them like this, predictable stuff first then big hitters. Remember MH4?
[QUOTE="charizard1605"]That's a first party game right there, so there goes THAT theorySuperFlakeman
Who said no more 1st party? They always structure them like this, predictable stuff first then big hitters. Remember MH4?
Andriasang didNintendo is not gonna localize any of these games, they only care about casuals that buy mario
They just barely localized AAA RPG Xenoblade, they are not gonna bother with worse games like fire emblem, fatal frame etc
3D DS is region locked, you can't even import them, nintendo just really hates you
Nothing that was unexpected, though some actual footage of some games we only had names for.So has anything of importance been announced yet?
Rolling Western! :Dcharizard1605
Hell yeah! A new IP by Nintendo so people can shut up about them not making new IPs! Pretty sure it's by them.
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