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Oh yay, they finally showed how that stand works. They still should allow CPP to be used for regular gameplay and not just left-handers.
[QUOTE="johny300"]How fast is the combat in Kid Icarus ? and do you always shoot enemy ?charizard1605From what I saw, it was insanely fast. Almost impossibly fast. And no, you have melee weapons too. Nice, i'll be getting the game for my 3DS sometime this year.
20:13: Now Sakurai is explaining the customization system -- equipping your characters and so forth. You can combine items, and trade "seeds" for making combinations with other players via Street Pass. The game will also have daily Spot Pass downloads.
20:10: You can apparently set the "seriousness level" on a sliding scale before the stage. This makes the game harder or easier. If you play harder, you get better rewards. If you die, the seriousness level drops automatically.
20:10: Following some details about multiplayer and the weapon system, Sakurai provides a brief introduction to the game's single player mode.
stolen from andriasang
A jRPG by the looks of it
I thought it was gonna be a RTS from the opening.
FIRE EMBLEM YAY! Thought so.
I suspected Fire Emblem when it showed the characters closer up.
Don't really care for Kid Icarus type of games, but FE is something I can get behind.
I thought it was gonna be a RTS from the opening.
Intelligent Systems...what have they made?
Fire Emblem. And they're making it again.
with all these 1st party games for leaves u wondering wtf they are going to have left for wii ucampzor
Does it?
with all these 1st party games for leaves u wondering wtf they are going to have left for wii ucampzorNintendo is massive...
with all these 1st party games for leaves u wondering wtf they are going to have left for wii ucampzor
Different teams.
with all these 1st party games for leaves u wondering wtf they are going to have left for wii ucampzor
Well Wii-U won't come out for a while, all they need is like 1 or 2 decent titles for launch. They still have a bunch of franchises they have not done much with recently.
[QUOTE="campzor"]with all these 1st party games for leaves u wondering wtf they are going to have left for wii ucharizard1605Nintendo is massive...
But it does worry me a bit. We haven't heard a single thing. I remain confident though. They've constantly delivered so far with the 3DS.
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