I agree that Nintendo is dropping the ball big time lately. I've supported Nintendo ever since the NES, I've owned a NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, DS, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, and I plan on buying a 3DS and a Wii U. I love Metroid, Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kirby games etc.
That said, I am not a blind Nintendo apologist like a lot of the sheep around here. I love their 1st party software and the quality/durability of their hardware, but you would have to be a blind fool not to see and admit that Nintendo has been making a ton of mistakes lately.
Firstly, the Wii is dead now, they've cut off all support for it.
Secondly, the 3DS was rushed. Early adopters got screwed. I own a few 3DS games myself, but I am not going to be buying the system until the revision comes out that has an improved battery life and 2nd analog stick built in. In hindsight, the fact that they were selling this current 3DS model for $250 is one of the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in gaming, ever. Take anything Apple has ever done in terms of overpricing and multiply it by 10 and that's what you get with the 3DS. Nintendo got cocky with the Wii, selling it at $250 and outselling the Xbox 360 at $200, so then they just thought that all the sheep would gather round and continue buying their products at vastly overpriced price tags. Funny thing is, a lot of the sheep here actually did buy it.
Thirdly, the Wii U looks like a joke. I'll most likely end up getting one, if not for the Zelda and Mario games, just simply for the lols. I didn't even want a 360 this generation, but I bought one anyways just so I could have one. Gaming is one of my main hobbies, so I have no problem spending money on it. Buying a Wii U won't break the bank or anything. The development tools Nintendo has distributed for the Wii U have been crap, and the system isn't powerful at all. The controller looks so stupid and is not practical at all. The battery life for it will probably be 2 hours. Limiting it to 1 controller per system is also a huge mistake. The fact that it is only slightly more powerful than a 360 or PS3 is an even bigger mistake.
Fourth, what the hell is that add on for the 3DS with an analog stick on it? Only the most loyal of sheep will give that a pass. If Sony or Microsoft released something like that, they would never hear the end of it, because whether you like it or not, Microsoft and Sony fans have much higher standards than Nintendo fans. Nintendo fans are much easier to impress and please.
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