Nintendo have become a cancer to the games industy

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#151 Supabul
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Fire Emblem

Monster Hunter 4

Bravely Default

Luigi's Mansion 2

Kid Icarus

Resident Evil

Paper Mario

Mario Kart 7

Tales of the Abyss

Super Mario 3D Land

Animal Crossing

Wow the 3DS is gonna be rolling in awesome games soon!

Exactly, people love to bash stupid things and forget about whats most important that awesome line-up off game's, Bravely Default looks amazing
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#152 RR360DD
Member since 2011 • 14099 Posts


Yeah but look at the PSV. The device LOOKS really nice, but lord did they goof on the stick layout. My thumbs will have to be at 90 degrees AT ALL TIMES just to use them!


What? Are you really that inflexible

No more "inflexible" than you are with the "faults" you find on the 3DS. :lol:

Right, because its my lack of flex thats stopping me from using the second analogue stick on the 3DS .... no wait its the huge piece of ugly plastic that you have to buy and attach thats stopping me.
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#153 thatisfalse
Member since 2011 • 225 Posts


The difference is I'm actually looking forward to what the Vita has to offer. These people hate on these devices like their lives depend on it, as if not bad-mouthing it will cause them to implode.


pfft, yeah, your comments definitely reflect that, lol. everything tc stated is true, but he's making things look worse than they are x100. I must state again that that peripheral is hideous though, looks like something you would see on a 90's handheld.

Not my fault you might be so blind and narrowminded to think that because I badmouth one product, I'm equally willing to take a bullet for another.

The attatchment is hideous. Horrendous, even. But it is, as of this point in time, completely optional. Why should we blow this out of proportion? Because people think "one game uses it, they'll all use it".

I think that because you do so in countless threads (ok, probably just a few hundred). come on, who are you fooling? and the peripheral has been confirmed to work for several games, u silly goose, do some reading.
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#154 AzatiS
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While i disagree with the title, that 2nd analog is just terrible. Also, how is vita original? If anything the 3DS is more original.

How is 3DS more original? By the way , about TC , i agree with you with most of your claimings. Wii was , imho , an overpriced peice of junk. Dont get me wrong. It had its moments. SMG and SMG2 revived and destroyed any platform game this gen and Zelda seems will go strong too. But can 4-5-6 total indeed awesome games make wii look better? NO!! Wii released a year after X360. Wii is almost dead by now. Despite it sold 70M+++ units and despite its first on race , it looked like it was dead third to me and the funny thing is the current state of it just prove me right!! I Never happened before in gaming history , the first on any gen race to die first and lack every single major AAA multi/massive 3rd party titles. Thats a fact and i dont care what Wii fans saying about how SMG got 10s and how great fun Wii is. The fact is ...well fact whatever the opinions or tastes. Now , about Wii-u. I was eager to see it. I really think , and i said it here also many times , this gen is too old already . So when i heard about Wii-u and its capabilities i was somewhat interested. Finally i thought , a new console. The tragedy came when i saw the live demo on E3!!! Overall graphics wasnt better than a x360 live demo!! Then was when i thought Wii-u might end up another overpriced ( for its hardware ) and low-end hardware which will end up as Wii , as we move to next gen.. And was then that i said, NO WII-U. WE PS4/Pc/X720. I might be wrong , we will see ...but considering the live demo which was just decent and the fact that NINTENDO once again trying to hype a controller instead of console capabilities or any new games , im almost sure that we talking about another fraud which will have a good start but will do bad once again when PS4/X720 release and games ( multis ) wont be viable anymore.... And considering also what isaid about , about how easily let their console die and they dont support their 75Million customers anymore.... Sorry , i seriously pass and when a great game pop up , ill just rent a Wii-u. And thats it.
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#155 AtariKidX
Member since 2010 • 7166 Posts

[QUOTE="RR360DD"] What? Are you really that inflexibleRR360DD

No more "inflexible" than you are with the "faults" you find on the 3DS. :lol:

Right, because its my lack of flex thats stopping me from using the second analogue stick on the 3DS .... no wait its the huge piece of ugly plastic that you have to buy and attach thats stopping me.

Don't forget the AAA
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#156 mmmwksil
Member since 2003 • 16423 Posts


[QUOTE="thatisfalse"]pfft, yeah, your comments definitely reflect that, lol. everything tc stated is true, but he's making things look worse than they are x100. I must state again that that peripheral is hideous though, looks like something you would see on a 90's handheld.thatisfalse

Not my fault you might be so blind and narrowminded to think that because I badmouth one product, I'm equally willing to take a bullet for another.

The attatchment is hideous. Horrendous, even. But it is, as of this point in time, completely optional. Why should we blow this out of proportion? Because people think "one game uses it, they'll all use it".

I think that because you do so in countless threads (ok, probably just a few hundred). come on, who are you fooling? and the peripheral has been conformed to work for several games, u silly goose, do some reading.

Name calling? Come now, pal, that only means I'm getting to you.

And I never said it was limited to a single game, I said if other developers wanted to take advantage of it, they could.

And if you're so certain I'm a fanboy, why don't you prove me one? Find a post where I say I own the 3DS. I mean, if I were really willing to take a bullet for the thing, I'd own one, right?

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#157 LegatoSkyheart
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Lol, its been said in this very thread, along with every other thread like this. Look at the people justifying the lack of second analog ITT using the touch controlls :lol: (which anyone who has ever used an Iphone/smartphone/Ipad would know how laughable the controls are for gaming)

just like Graphics. Sheep have FORCED themselves to hate graphics. Im just saying, out of everybody who complains about "graphix dont mattar", its NEVER Cows or Hermits saying this. Just saying.


I've been on this thread since it started and no one has ever said that they didn't want the Vita or a Second Analog.

and Yes, it's all about the Graphics in Games now, If the Game looks beautiful it must be the Best Game ever! Let's forget that Minecraft and Terria have more Replay Value than Crysis.

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#158 mmmwksil
Member since 2003 • 16423 Posts


No more "inflexible" than you are with the "faults" you find on the 3DS. :lol:


Right, because its my lack of flex thats stopping me from using the second analogue stick on the 3DS .... no wait its the huge piece of ugly plastic that you have to buy and attach thats stopping me.

Don't forget the AAA

Right you are, AtariKidX. *brofist*

@ RR360DD And yeah, your lack of flex figuratively speaking. You want more from the handheld? Spend more. I'm certain you wouldn't raise a ruckus if you needed more memory on a 360 console, or a PS3, or a memory stick for a PSP/Vita.

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#159 Lucianu
Member since 2007 • 10347 Posts

I've been on this thread since it started and no one has ever said that they didn't want the Vita or a Second Analog.

and Yes, it's all about the Graphics in Games now, If the Game looks beautiful it must be the Best Game ever! Let's forget that Minecraft and Terria have more Replay Value than Crysis.


I've ben playing that game for like 5 hours straight today.. It's like a virtual drug or something, every time i want to quit, a find a new cave filled with stuff to explore so i can make a more powerful armor so i can go into that dungeon ..


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#160 AzatiS
Member since 2004 • 14969 Posts


Lol, its been said in this very thread, along with every other thread like this. Look at the people justifying the lack of second analog ITT using the touch controlls :lol: (which anyone who has ever used an Iphone/smartphone/Ipad would know how laughable the controls are for gaming)

just like Graphics. Sheep have FORCED themselves to hate graphics. Im just saying, out of everybody who complains about "graphix dont mattar", its NEVER Cows or Hermits saying this. Just saying.


I've been on this thread since it started and no one has ever said that they didn't want the Vita or a Second Analog.

and Yes, it's all about the Graphics in Games now, If the Game looks beautiful it must be the Best Game ever! Let's forget that Minecraft and Terria have more Replay Value than Crysis.

I agree. All think graphics doesnt matter but in the end they do , more or less , depends the genre. For example now Wii fans are excited with new Zelda. In fact it looks fantastic , i even like it alot. How many of them they would like it or get that excited if graphics were like OOT ones?.... So to end this and be honest. Gameplay >> Graphics Gameplay AND graphics >>> Gameplay alone. End of story
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#161 DarkGamer007
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Despite what some say, I don't mind the addition of the second slider pad, especially not for $20. Even if it becomes required (which it is NOT required for any games thus far) and Nintendo releases a 3DS model with the second slider built in, you just need to purchase a $20 accessory. This is no different then when Sony added analog sticks to the origonal Playstation controller. The only things I don't like is I think they missed an oppertunity to also increase the battery life of the 3DS by giving the slider pad expansion its own battery that the 3DS could also use and that the device isn't that nice looking, I think they should have tried to make it look far nicer, like make the side without the addition slider curve out more so the device is more ergonomical and symmetrical.

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#163 M8ingSeezun
Member since 2007 • 2313 Posts

I love how people DOWNPLAY Nintendo's desperate situation :lol:

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#164 stvee101
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I can't really disagree god the 2nd analog is just ugly.....and also it need a AAA battery.....:lol:.If you want a good handheld system wait a few months more for the amazing PSVita with 2 analogs and not the need for AAA battery.8)


An AAA battery required? :lol: it keeps getting worse is required a AAA battery.Nintendo lead the future with the 2nd analog add-on and the AAA baterries....:lol:


I'm sorry but no matter how you spin it thats pretty sad if true.

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#165 IPWNDU2
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Says the user, With Halo 4 avatar and sig.


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#166 xLittlekillx
Member since 2005 • 1833 Posts

I love how people DOWNPLAY Nintendo's desperate situation :lol:


I love how people overreact to it, turning the release of a peripheral for a handheld system into a highschool lunchroom drama.

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#167 deactivated-57ad0e5285d73
Member since 2009 • 21398 Posts


[QUOTE="RR360DD"] What? Are you really that inflexibleRR360DD

No more "inflexible" than you are with the "faults" you find on the 3DS. :lol:

Right, because its my lack of flex thats stopping me from using the second analogue stick on the 3DS .... no wait its the huge piece of ugly plastic that you have to buy and attach thats stopping me.

Look at the unit, it has nothing to do with flexibility. Having ones thumbs bent in such a manner for an extended period of time is no good. I'm not the only one that thinks this either. The sticks should be further up. This was a complaint that the original psp had, as well.

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#168 ShadowMoses900
Member since 2010 • 17081 Posts

Everything TC says is true, except for the cancer part. I have been telling people FOREVER that Nintendo doesn't care about them anymore, they dumped their fans for the Wii dance party group. The Analog add on for the 3DS just proves that, it's going to be overpriced and they are just going to come out with a different enhanced model anyway, anyone who bought the 3DS at launch is REALLY feeling buyers remorse now. They should have saved their money for the Vita!

Sometimes I wish Nintendo would just go 3rd party, I mean how awesome would it be to see a Zelda game that takes advantage of PS3 and 360 hardware? Imagine the detail in the graphics and how awesome that would be. Nintendo fanboys will deny it all day long, but deep down they know I'm right and they want it to be true. What Nintendo SHOULD do is keep the Wii out, but make a whole new other system that has no motion controlls at all and is just as or more powerful than current systems and go back to making great games for thier fans. This would also get them more 3rd party support, if Nintendo did that and made a Zelda game that takes advantage of the systems power, I would be one happy person.

But don't hold your breath, Nintendo gave it's fans the finger a LONG time ago and now they are just laughing their way to the bank. They don't care about anything else....

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#169 peterw007
Member since 2005 • 3653 Posts

[QUOTE="kuraimen"]MS closing companies, focusing on shooters mainly, spending $500 mil on advertising Kinect, charging for online and making DLC and timed exclusivity popular this gen is more of a cancer than Nintendo will ever be.StrongDeadlift

You mean more of a cancer than PURPOSELY selling LAST GEN hardware, for NEXT GEN prices, to intentionally short the gamer just so they can release a platform with an incredibly high profit margin, then conveniently creating a worthless gimick that they can focus all of their marketing dollars into that will take the attention away from the fact that they are selling last gen hardware thats dirt cheap to make and charging you next gen prices for it?

Or the fact that seeing how easily they shorted the consumer with these worthless gimmicks, now Microsoft and Sony have followed suit and have focused their own resources on this garbage?

And of course the Nintendo loyal have no problem with this whatsoever. They will eat up ANYTHING Nintendo throws at them. Nintendo can do no wrong.

Gimmicks heavily dissuade emulation and piracy...which is a good thing in the long run.

Gimmicks provide diversity and innovation in an otherwise stagnant, close-minded market.

I actually applaud Microsoft for Kinect and Sony for the Move, as it shows their desire to create new and unique gaming experiences.

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#170 xLittlekillx
Member since 2005 • 1833 Posts

Everything TC says is true, except for the cancer part. I have been telling people FOREVER that Nintendo doesn't care about them anymore, they dumped their fans for the Wii dance party group. The Analog add on for the 3DS just proves that, it's going to be overpriced and they are just going to come out with a different enhanced model anyway, anyone who bought the 3DS at launch is REALLY feeling buyers remorse now. They should have saved their money for the Vita!

Sometimes I wish Nintendo would just go 3rd party, I mean how awesome would it be to see a Zelda game that takes advantage of PS3 and 360 hardware? Imagine the detail in the graphics and how awesome that would be. Nintendo fanboys will deny it all day long, but deep down they know I'm right and they want it to be true. What Nintendo SHOULD do is keep the Wii out, but make a whole new other system that has no motion controlls at all and is just as ormore powerful than current systems and go back to making great games for thier fans. This would also get them more 3rd party support, if Nintendo did that and made a Zelda game that takes advantage of the systems power, I would be one happy person.

But don't hold your breath, Nintendo gave it's fans the finger a LONG time ago and now they are just laughing their way to the bank. They don't care about anything else....


Yeah, I was really ticked off with the DS' legendary library. How dare they!? And I spent all weekend playing Starfox 3d! I should take Nintendo to court!

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#171 DarkLink77
Member since 2004 • 32731 Posts

[QUOTE="kuraimen"]MS closing companies, focusing on shooters mainly, spending $500 mil on advertising Kinect, charging for online and making DLC and timed exclusivity popular this gen is more of a cancer than Nintendo will ever be.StrongDeadlift

You mean more of a cancer than PURPOSELY selling LAST GEN hardware, for NEXT GEN prices, to intentionally short the gamer just so they can release a platform with an incredibly high profit margin, then conveniently creating a worthless gimick that they can focus all of their marketing dollars into that will take the attention away from the fact that they are selling last gen hardware thats dirt cheap to make and charging you next gen prices for it?

Or the fact that seeing how easily they shorted the consumer with these worthless gimmicks, now Microsoft and Sony have followed suit and have focused their own resources on this garbage?

And of course the Nintendo loyal have no problem with this whatsoever. They will eat up ANYTHING Nintendo throws at them. Nintendo can do no wrong.

Um... Nintendo charges $50 for their games. Those are last gen console prices.
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#172 lbjkurono23
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Will we see a sony has become the cancer of gaming after their tgs announcement? :P
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#173 M8ingSeezun
Member since 2007 • 2313 Posts


I love how people DOWNPLAY Nintendo's desperate situation :lol:


I love how people overreact to it, turning the release of a peripheral for a handheld system into a highschool lunchroom drama.

And why not? It's a very hot topic right now.

The fact they drastically lowered the price of the 3DS in less than a year and ALL OF A SUDDEN, OUT OF THE FREAKING BLUE, they decide to bring along a tacky analog attachment for the 3DS says alot about their nervousness within the industry.

3DS is a great system with more great games coming, but you can't help notice what's wrong and what's blatently happening right now with Nintendo.

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#174 TrapJak
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[QUOTE="kuraimen"]MS closing companies, focusing on shooters mainly, spending $500 mil on advertising Kinect, charging for online and making DLC and timed exclusivity popular this gen is more of a cancer than Nintendo will ever be.DarkLink77

You mean more of a cancer than PURPOSELY selling LAST GEN hardware, for NEXT GEN prices, to intentionally short the gamer just so they can release a platform with an incredibly high profit margin, then conveniently creating a worthless gimick that they can focus all of their marketing dollars into that will take the attention away from the fact that they are selling last gen hardware thats dirt cheap to make and charging you next gen prices for it?

Or the fact that seeing how easily they shorted the consumer with these worthless gimmicks, now Microsoft and Sony have followed suit and have focused their own resources on this garbage?

And of course the Nintendo loyal have no problem with this whatsoever. They will eat up ANYTHING Nintendo throws at them. Nintendo can do no wrong.

Um... Nintendo charges $50 for their games. Those are last gen console prices.

Not if you go in the back alley for "discounts".8)

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#175 mmmwksil
Member since 2003 • 16423 Posts

Will we see a sony has become the cancer of gaming after their tgs announcement? :Plbjkurono23

Great idea! :o Why not change up the trend here on SW?

Oh wait... the cows of Cowspot will graze us to death as they're milked by their patron saint.

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#176 DarkLink77
Member since 2004 • 32731 Posts


You mean more of a cancer than PURPOSELY selling LAST GEN hardware, for NEXT GEN prices, to intentionally short the gamer just so they can release a platform with an incredibly high profit margin, then conveniently creating a worthless gimick that they can focus all of their marketing dollars into that will take the attention away from the fact that they are selling last gen hardware thats dirt cheap to make and charging you next gen prices for it?

Or the fact that seeing how easily they shorted the consumer with these worthless gimmicks, now Microsoft and Sony have followed suit and have focused their own resources on this garbage?

And of course the Nintendo loyal have no problem with this whatsoever. They will eat up ANYTHING Nintendo throws at them. Nintendo can do no wrong.


Um... Nintendo charges $50 for their games. Those are last gen console prices.

Not if you go in the back alley for "discounts".8)

That's gross, brah. :|

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#177 lbjkurono23
Member since 2007 • 12544 Posts

[QUOTE="lbjkurono23"]Will we see a sony has become the cancer of gaming after their tgs announcement? :Pmmmwksil

Great idea! :o Why not change up the trend here on SW?

Oh wait... the cows of Cowspot will graze us to death as they're milked by their patron saint.

They don't control me, I say bring em on. :x
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#178 xLittlekillx
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I love how people DOWNPLAY Nintendo's desperate situation :lol:


I love how people overreact to it, turning the release of a peripheral for a handheld system into a highschool lunchroom drama.

And why not? It's a very hot topic right now.

The fact they drastically lowered the price of the 3DS in less than a year and ALL OF A SUDDEN, OUT OF THE FREAKING BLUE, they decide to bring along a tacky analog attachment for the 3DS says alot about their nervousness within the industry.

3DS is a great system with more great games coming, but you can't help notice what's wrong and what's blatently happening right now with Nintendo.

Well, I don't know none of that bothers me. Maybe it's because I got my ds for $125 at launch from trading in DS stuff, like I imagine a lot of other people did.

What I HAVE noticed that is really bothering me is that Nintendo's investors are pushing them to drop this console business and go into making mobile games. Just the idea of that makes me want to punch myself until I see rainbow colored stars everywhere.

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#179 lbjkurono23
Member since 2007 • 12544 Posts


[QUOTE="DarkLink77"] Um... Nintendo charges $50 for their games. Those are last gen console prices.DarkLink77

Not if you go in the back alley for "discounts".8)

That's gross, brah. :|

:lol: thanks DL :P

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#180 DarkLink77
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[QUOTE="TrapJak"] Not if you go in the back alley for "discounts".8)


That's gross, brah. :|

:lol: thanks DL :P

Yeah, I couldn't resist. :P
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#181 peterw007
Member since 2005 • 3653 Posts



I love how people DOWNPLAY Nintendo's desperate situation :lol:


I love how people overreact to it, turning the release of a peripheral for a handheld system into a highschool lunchroom drama.

And why not? It's a very hot topic right now.

The fact they drastically lowered the price of the 3DS in less than a year and ALL OF A SUDDEN, OUT OF THE FREAKING BLUE, they decide to bring along a tacky analog attachment for the 3DS says alot about their nervousness within the industry.

3DS is a great system with more great games coming, but you can't help notice what's wrong and what's blatently happening right now with Nintendo.

Nintendo has a history of lowering the prices of their consoles soon after release.

The Gamecube received a price cut 6 months after release.

The Nintendo 64 also received a price cut 6 months after release.

In the handheld department, the Nintendo DS received a price cut 8 months after release.


The 3DS received a price cut 5 months after release. Why was this such a surprise to everybody?

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#182 TrapJak
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[QUOTE="DarkLink77"] Um... Nintendo charges $50 for their games. Those are last gen console prices.DarkLink77

Not if you go in the back alley for "discounts".8)

That's gross, brah. :|

No no no! Not those "discounts"! Never that type of discount!

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#183 mmmwksil
Member since 2003 • 16423 Posts


And why not? It's a very hot topic right now.

The fact they drastically lowered the price of the 3DS in less than a year and ALL OF A SUDDEN, OUT OF THE FREAKING BLUE, they decide to bring along a tacky analog attachment for the 3DS says alot about their nervousness within the industry.

3DS is a great system with more great games coming, but you can't help notice what's wrong and what's blatently happening right now with Nintendo.


Nintendo has a history lowering the prices of their consoles soon after release.

The Gamecube received a price cut 6 months after release.

The Nintendo 64 also received a price cut 6 months after release.

In the handheld department, the Nintendo DS received a price cut 8 months after release.


The 3DS received a price cut 5 months after release. Why was this such a surprise to anybody?

System Wars's collective short term memory is to blame for that, peter. And the longtime fad of bashing Nintendo at the drop of a hat.

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#184 Androvinus
Member since 2008 • 5796 Posts
more like nintendo is the mother that gave birth to the industryTH1Sx1SxSPARTA
yea and the kids have grown up and have happily moved out. also nintendo didnt give birth to the industry. They saved it once. Now they seem to be stuck in the past. I dont know how hanging on to the fact that nintendo was great 20 years ago is a valid argument.
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#185 Big_Pecks
Member since 2010 • 5973 Posts

[QUOTE="lbjkurono23"]Will we see a sony has become the cancer of gaming after their tgs announcement? :Pmmmwksil

Great idea! :o Why not change up the trend here on SW?

Please. We have enough "Nintendo is doing bad job and sucks becuse the 3DS is failing" threads, multiple spelling mistakes included.

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#186 StrongDeadlift
Member since 2010 • 6073 Posts


[QUOTE="kuraimen"]MS closing companies, focusing on shooters mainly, spending $500 mil on advertising Kinect, charging for online and making DLC and timed exclusivity popular this gen is more of a cancer than Nintendo will ever be.peterw007

You mean more of a cancer than PURPOSELY selling LAST GEN hardware, for NEXT GEN prices, to intentionally short the gamer just so they can release a platform with an incredibly high profit margin, then conveniently creating a worthless gimick that they can focus all of their marketing dollars into that will take the attention away from the fact that they are selling last gen hardware thats dirt cheap to make and charging you next gen prices for it?

Or the fact that seeing how easily they shorted the consumer with these worthless gimmicks, now Microsoft and Sony have followed suit and have focused their own resources on this garbage?

And of course the Nintendo loyal have no problem with this whatsoever. They will eat up ANYTHING Nintendo throws at them. Nintendo can do no wrong.

Gimmicks heavily dissuade emulation and piracy...which is a good thing in the long run.

Gimmicks provide diversity and innovation in an otherwise stagnant, close-minded market.

I actually applaud Microsoft for Kinect and Sony for the Move, as it shows their desire to create new and unique gaming experiences.

So thats why the Wii has a worse metacritic library in its 6th year than the Dreamcast did in its SECOND year?

Lol wut?:lol: no. It shows their desire to capitalize on the market that Nintendo created. Gaming has only SUFFERED since the introduction of the Wii and motion controls. No good has come from it whatsoever, and you are giving Nintendo too much credit. STOP thinking that Nintendo (or MS or Sony) care about you. They realized what Nintendo was doing, selling dirt cheap hardware with an incredibly high markup.

The reason the Wiimote exists is because NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY would have been stupid enough to pay next gen prices for last gen hardware. Unless of course, there was some magical way that Nintendo could take the marketing focus off of the hardware itself and put it the focus on something else. If only they could create a worthless gimmick that would distract people from the fact that they are paying $250 (at the time) for a gamecube.

They are doing the exact same thing with the 3DS and the Wii U. Nintendo is not trying to be the Jesus of gaming and save/deliver the industry with their "innovations". Stop giving them more credit than they deserve.

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#187 Rahnyc4
Member since 2005 • 6660 Posts
i tell you one thing. if nintendo goes down, which i doubt. this industry will suffer, trust me on this.
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#188 cain006
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I thought that the addon was a third party device? And I'm pretty sure Nintendo said you could use more than one wii u controller.

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#190 digimonkey12
Member since 2009 • 1851 Posts

That is some valid points TC

About the Wii U though, that remains to be seen.

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#191 mmmwksil
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[QUOTE="lbjkurono23"]Will we see a sony has become the cancer of gaming after their tgs announcement? :PBig_Pecks

Great idea! :o Why not change up the trend here on SW?

Please. We have enough "Nintendo is doing bad job and sucks becuse the 3DS is failing" threads, multiple spelling mistakes included.

Daww, you're no fun. :P People take these things too seriously and should lighten up!

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#192 LegatoSkyheart
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Everything TC says is true, except for the cancer part. I have been telling people FOREVER that Nintendo doesn't care about them anymore, they dumped their fans for the Wii dance party group. The Analog add on for the 3DS just proves that, it's going to be overpriced and they are just going to come out with a different enhanced model anyway, anyone who bought the 3DS at launch is REALLY feeling buyers remorse now. They should have saved their money for the Vita!

Sometimes I wish Nintendo would just go 3rd party, I mean how awesome would it be to see a Zelda game that takes advantage of PS3 and 360 hardware? Imagine the detail in the graphics and how awesome that would be. Nintendo fanboys will deny it all day long, but deep down they know I'm right and they want it to be true. What Nintendo SHOULD do is keep the Wii out, but make a whole new other system that has no motion controlls at all and is just as or more powerful than current systems and go back to making great games for thier fans. This would also get them more 3rd party support, if Nintendo did that and made a Zelda game that takes advantage of the systems power, I would be one happy person.

But don't hold your breath, Nintendo gave it's fans the finger a LONG time ago and now they are just laughing their way to the bank. They don't care about anything else....


Or an iPod Touch which is roughly around the same price as both handhelds.

Again with the Graphics being everythhing.

and When did Nintendo give fans the Finger? When they showed off Windwaker?

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#193 ShadowMoses900
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Everything TC says is true, except for the cancer part. I have been telling people FOREVER that Nintendo doesn't care about them anymore, they dumped their fans for the Wii dance party group. The Analog add on for the 3DS just proves that, it's going to be overpriced and they are just going to come out with a different enhanced model anyway, anyone who bought the 3DS at launch is REALLY feeling buyers remorse now. They should have saved their money for the Vita!

Sometimes I wish Nintendo would just go 3rd party, I mean how awesome would it be to see a Zelda game that takes advantage of PS3 and 360 hardware? Imagine the detail in the graphics and how awesome that would be. Nintendo fanboys will deny it all day long, but deep down they know I'm right and they want it to be true. What Nintendo SHOULD do is keep the Wii out, but make a whole new other system that has no motion controlls at all and is just as ormore powerful than current systems and go back to making great games for thier fans. This would also get them more 3rd party support, if Nintendo did that and made a Zelda game that takes advantage of the systems power, I would be one happy person.

But don't hold your breath, Nintendo gave it's fans the finger a LONG time ago and now they are just laughing their way to the bank. They don't care about anything else....


Yeah, I was really ticked off with the DS' legendary library. How dare they!? And I spent all weekend playing Starfox 3d! I should take Nintendo to court!

The Vita is going to steal all the 3rd party devs from Nintendo so you can downplay it all you want to. Doesn't change the fact that the 3DS is a COMPLETE disaster and is really the new Virtual Boy and is on life support right now. It's only a matter of time until the 3DS bites the dust and Nintendo releases a whole new system design of it that will render the current 3DS obsolete. It's because Nintendo doesn't like their fans anymore. My advice is just sell your current 3DS and save the money for the new model, or better yet save it for the Vita. That will probaby make you more happy!

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#194 peterw007
Member since 2005 • 3653 Posts

The Vita is going to steal all the 3rd party devs from Nintendo so you can downplay it all you want to. Doesn't change the fact that the 3DS is a COMPLETE disaster and is really the new Virtual Boy and is on life support right now. It's only a matter of time until the 3DS bites the dust and Nintendo releases a whole new system design of it that will render the current 3DS obsolete. It's because Nintendo doesn't like their fans anymore. My advice is just sell your current 3DS and save the money for the new model, or better yet save it for the Vita. That will probaby make you more happy!


Like the PSP stole all the 3rd party devs from the DS?

If you remember...the DS was a complete disaster as well until they came out with some good games and a redesign.

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#195 mmmwksil
Member since 2003 • 16423 Posts

The Vita is going to steal all the 3rd party devs from Nintendo so you can downplay it all you want to.


Can I quote you on this? Smells like a great thing to bring up later.

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#196 DarkLink77
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Everything TC says is true, except for the cancer part. I have been telling people FOREVER that Nintendo doesn't care about them anymore, they dumped their fans for the Wii dance party group. The Analog add on for the 3DS just proves that, it's going to be overpriced and they are just going to come out with a different enhanced model anyway, anyone who bought the 3DS at launch is REALLY feeling buyers remorse now. They should have saved their money for the Vita!

Sometimes I wish Nintendo would just go 3rd party, I mean how awesome would it be to see a Zelda game that takes advantage of PS3 and 360 hardware? Imagine the detail in the graphics and how awesome that would be. Nintendo fanboys will deny it all day long, but deep down they know I'm right and they want it to be true. What Nintendo SHOULD do is keep the Wii out, but make a whole new other system that has no motion controlls at all and is just as ormore powerful than current systems and go back to making great games for thier fans. This would also get them more 3rd party support, if Nintendo did that and made a Zelda game that takes advantage of the systems power, I would be one happy person.

But don't hold your breath, Nintendo gave it's fans the finger a LONG time ago and now they are just laughing their way to the bank. They don't care about anything else....


Yeah, I was really ticked off with the DS' legendary library. How dare they!? And I spent all weekend playing Starfox 3d! I should take Nintendo to court!

The Vita is going to steal all the 3rd party devs from Nintendo so you can downplay it all you want to. Doesn't change the fact that the 3DS is a COMPLETE disaster and is really the new Virtual Boy and is on life support right now. It's only a matter of time until the 3DS bites the dust and Nintendo releases a whole new system design of it that will render the current 3DS obsolete. It's because Nintendo doesn't like their fans anymore. My advice is just sell your current 3DS and save the money for the new model, or better yet save it for the Vita. That will probaby make you more happy!

The Vita is going to beat the 3DS. :lol:
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#197 LegatoSkyheart
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The Vita is going to steal all the 3rd party devs from Nintendo so you can downplay it all you want to. Doesn't change the fact that the 3DS is a COMPLETE disaster and is really the new Virtual Boy and is on life support right now. It's only a matter of time until the 3DS bites the dust and Nintendo releases a whole new system design of it that will render the current 3DS obsolete. It's because Nintendo doesn't like their fans anymore. My advice is just sell your current 3DS and save the money for the new model, or better yet save it for the Vita. That will probaby make you more happy!


Redesign =/= Death of a System.

If that was True then my Xbox is totally obsolete and I can't play Gears 3 because it's not that new Slim Model!

Can I also get some Evidence of Nintendo Not Caring about it's fan base?

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#198 BrunoBRS
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the only cancer i see is the giant bulge coming off the right of the 3DS to satisfy dual analog slaves.
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#199 telefanatic
Member since 2007 • 3008 Posts

Totally agree with the OP, right on man. Plus Nintendo always comes up with the most retarted systems and add ons. Only systems that were good were NES/SNES and Gameboy.

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#200 Cheese-Muffins
Member since 2008 • 569 Posts

The fact that Nintendo didn't show the new peripheral at the conference is pretty clear to me that they do not feel threatened at all, like many here are implying. The peripheral exists only to please 3rd parties and their game design wishes. Nothing more.