[QUOTE="kuraimen"]MS closing companies, focusing on shooters mainly, spending $500 mil on advertising Kinect, charging for online and making DLC and timed exclusivity popular this gen is more of a cancer than Nintendo will ever be.peterw007
You mean more of a cancer than PURPOSELY selling LAST GEN hardware, for NEXT GEN prices, to intentionally short the gamer just so they can release a platform with an incredibly high profit margin, then conveniently creating a worthless gimick that they can focus all of their marketing dollars into that will take the attention away from the fact that they are selling last gen hardware thats dirt cheap to make and charging you next gen prices for it?
Or the fact that seeing how easily they shorted the consumer with these worthless gimmicks, now Microsoft and Sony have followed suit and have focused their own resources on this garbage?
And of course the Nintendo loyal have no problem with this whatsoever. They will eat up ANYTHING Nintendo throws at them. Nintendo can do no wrong.
Gimmicks heavily dissuade emulation and piracy...which is a good thing in the long run.
Gimmicks provide diversity and innovation in an otherwise stagnant, close-minded market.
I actually applaud Microsoft for Kinect and Sony for the Move, as it shows their desire to create new and unique gaming experiences.
So thats why the Wii has a worse metacritic library in its 6th year than the Dreamcast did in its SECOND year?
Lol wut?:lol: no. It shows their desire to capitalize on the market that Nintendo created. Gaming has only SUFFERED since the introduction of the Wii and motion controls. No good has come from it whatsoever, and you are giving Nintendo too much credit. STOP thinking that Nintendo (or MS or Sony) care about you. They realized what Nintendo was doing, selling dirt cheap hardware with an incredibly high markup.
The reason the Wiimote exists is because NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY would have been stupid enough to pay next gen prices for last gen hardware. Unless of course, there was some magical way that Nintendo could take the marketing focus off of the hardware itself and put it the focus on something else. If only they could create a worthless gimmick that would distract people from the fact that they are paying $250 (at the time) for a gamecube.
They are doing the exact same thing with the 3DS and the Wii U. Nintendo is not trying to be the Jesus of gaming and save/deliver the industry with their "innovations". Stop giving them more credit than they deserve.
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