Yeah except I was looking for his reasons as to why it he considers it not a "REAL" stragegy game, but you just assumed I was implying he was wrong. perhaps I was looking to open a small debate about what bit's make it "REAL" and what bits don't make it "REAL". I didn't disagree with him, I simple asked what was not real about it, you are simply adding things that are not there.
It's not assumption...it's the fundamental nature of debating.
If someone questions your argument, they either
a. don't agree with your argument, or
b. need more information before they can make a conclusion.
I looked at the context of your post and assumed you thought he was wrong.
Because, instead of asking an impartial question like: "What makes Civilization more of a real strategy game than Fire Emblem?"
You asked: "What's not real about it?"
You said "not," which implies you already have a disposition towards the argument.
Basically, someone can logically assume from your question that you have already realized what makes Fire Emblem a "real" strategy game, and haven't considered what makes it "not real."
So, I concluded that you had doubts towards the integrity of ShadowMoses900's argument, and therefore considered him wrong. These doubts may have been precipitated because of past arguments, but I wasn't exactly sure.
However, if you did word your question incorrectly and I came to false assumptions, I am sorry.
The moral of the story is: It's all in how you word your phrases.
Word them carefully, otherwise people on the internet will mis-interpret you and everybody wastes a lot of hot air.
Or simply don't make assumptions.
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