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[QUOTE="Willy105"]Great analysis, but it's obvious you placed the blame on Apple, not Nintendo. DarkLink77Nintendo kick-started the ball. Apple just picked it up and ran with it. Still sounds like Apple. The guy who starts the game has no bearing on who wins a game, but the player. Unless the game was rigged, but I doubt Nintendo would intentionally rig the game so that Apple wins.
Nintendo still makes good games and cares about their core audience so I wouldn't agree that they're "destroying gaming". I don't like the path they took with their consoles after the GameCube either, but let's be realistic here - would the Wii ever succeed as much as it did if it didn't target the casual crowds? No way. The fact is that Nintendo could make awesome games and make consoles with great graphics and conventional gamepads but they would still be underperforming in sales. Besides, why blame only Nintendo for going the casual way? What about Microsoft and their dumbing-down of PC franchises and Kinect? Is that not also a threat to gaming?
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="Willy105"]Great analysis, but it's obvious you placed the blame on Apple, not Nintendo. Willy105Nintendo kick-started the ball. Apple just picked it up and ran with it. Still sounds like Apple. The guy who starts the game has no bearing on who wins a game, but the player. Unless the game was rigged, but I doubt Nintendo would intentionally rig the game so that Apple wins. Nah, more like Nintendo started the game, was doing well, and then Apple saw them doing well, and started copying them. Eventually, Apple got better at it than Nintendo did.
I think I addressed that in the OP. That point is, Nintendo started it.Nintendo still makes good games and cares about their core audience so I wouldn't agree that they're "destroying gaming". I don't like the path they took with their consoles after the GameCube either, but let's be realistic here - would the Wii ever succeed as much as it did if it didn't target the casual crowds? No way. The fact is that Nintendo could make awesome games and make consoles with great graphics and conventional gamepads but they would still be underperforming in sales. Besides, why blame only Nintendo for going the casual way? What about Microsoft and their dumbing-down of PC franchises and Kinect? Is that not also a threat to gaming?
Then why did ME2 and UC2 make such a good profit?The industry is getting MORE casual, two cintematic games arent going to change that. You're right, but their are as many "hardcore" type games as there are casual games, and they are both making a profit. There is a market for games like UC2 and ME2, a very large market, just because the casual market grows doesn't mean that the ME2/UC2 market will disappear. It will remain no matter how many casual games there are, and because of that companies will still look to that market for profits. Even if the casual market became over saturated and crashed the UC2/ME2 market will still exist. This isn't an ultimatum, the two different markets can co exist.[QUOTE="meetroid8"][QUOTE="DarkLink77"] The times, they are a-changing, IB. Cinematic isn't the new hotness anymore. Casual is.TrapJak
I can't find this Wrong direction on my compass. In fact, I don't even know why I have a compass. And Sony doesn't seem to be going in the Right direction. The PS3 is just sitting there on the floor. But I guess if I take it to Florida, it would be moving South.[QUOTE="Willy105"][QUOTE="StealthMonkey4"]
Both, but Nintendo is more. The only company still heading in the right direction is Sony.
Erm... you're taking things a little too literally. And just because you don't play your amazing system that is the PS3 doesn't mean it's going in the wrong direction.
I have to take it literally, because that is the only way the analogy can function. What makes it the Wrong direction? And the Right direction? For a gamer, I guess a Right direction would be to expand the gaming audience, make it bigger, and make the industry more varied, giving more competition, and therefore better games. But for a company, the Right direction would be to get rid of the competition, monopolize the market, and make new ways to increase profit. I don't think I can categorize any company in such black and white terms like that.[QUOTE="Willy105"][QUOTE="DarkLink77"] Nintendo kick-started the ball. Apple just picked it up and ran with it.DarkLink77Still sounds like Apple. The guy who starts the game has no bearing on who wins a game, but the player. Unless the game was rigged, but I doubt Nintendo would intentionally rig the game so that Apple wins. Nah, more like Nintendo started the game, was doing well, and then Apple saw them doing well, and started copying them. Eventually, Apple got better at it than Nintendo did. That sounds even less like Nintendo's fault. :P
Nah, more like Nintendo started the game, was doing well, and then Apple saw them doing well, and started copying them. Eventually, Apple got better at it than Nintendo did. That sounds even less like Nintendo's fault. :P How is it not? They changed the way the game is played.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="Willy105"] Still sounds like Apple. The guy who starts the game has no bearing on who wins a game, but the player. Unless the game was rigged, but I doubt Nintendo would intentionally rig the game so that Apple wins.Willy105
"Nintendo just doesn't care about good games" ... really? when their first party titles are (still) some of the highest scoring and critically aclaimed titles ever!? ...c'mon, at least give them some credit. This made me not take you seriously, oh, and the part about Sony's "rightful place" on the number one spot. Out of the current big 3, only Nintendo truly deserve, after decades in the industry, to top it. Wii comes out and everyone hails it a gimmick, but 4 years after it's release what do we see?! the other two follow-suit, releasing their own motion control systems (sony's being a blatant rip off of Nintendo's). At least MS tried something a bit different. Don't get me wrong, I have all three current gen consoles, and last gen and quit a few gens before that (i'm "old") but if anyone in the industry deserves some respect, for a multitude of reasons, it's nintendo.Th 3DS is the first part of Nintendo's descent. Nintendo going to crash and burn hard IMO, and Sony will go back to its rightful place in first with Microsoft in second. Nintendo just doesn't care about good games and making good systems anymore IMO, and it'll come back to them. I agree with you.
[QUOTE="Willy105"]That sounds even less like Nintendo's fault. :P How is it not? They changed the way the game is played. and because you don't like the way they changed it your predicting the end of all things.get over yourself dude, gaming is not just for you[QUOTE="DarkLink77"] Nah, more like Nintendo started the game, was doing well, and then Apple saw them doing well, and started copying them. Eventually, Apple got better at it than Nintendo did.DarkLink77
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="Willy105"] That sounds even less like Nintendo's fault. :PHow is it not? They changed the way the game is played. and because you don't like the way they changed it your predicting the end of all things.get over yourself dude, gaming is not just for you Did you even read the OP? This is the same basic set-up to the crash of '83.Vinegar_Strokes
[QUOTE="Willy105"]That sounds even less like Nintendo's fault. :P How is it not? They changed the way the game is played.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"] Nah, more like Nintendo started the game, was doing well, and then Apple saw them doing well, and started copying them. Eventually, Apple got better at it than Nintendo did.DarkLink77
That is always how the game was played. It was the same way Sony got big in the 90's, by expanding the market outside of kids, and going after teenagers. Nintendo turned around and did the same thing, expanding it to adults. It's nothing new, it's how the game is played. Except Apple was smarter than Nintendo and got the ball before Nintendo even realized what had happened.
Then why did ME2 and UC2 make such a good profit? Not as much as an Angry Birds or a Doodle Jump though.[QUOTE="meetroid8"][QUOTE="DarkLink77"] The times, they are a-changing, IB. Cinematic isn't the new hotness anymore. Casual is.charizard1605
[QUOTE="StealthMonkey4"][QUOTE="Willy105"] I can't find this Wrong direction on my compass. In fact, I don't even know why I have a compass. And Sony doesn't seem to be going in the Right direction. The PS3 is just sitting there on the floor. But I guess if I take it to Florida, it would be moving South. Willy105
Erm... you're taking things a little too literally. And just because you don't play your amazing system that is the PS3 doesn't mean it's going in the wrong direction.
I have to take it literally, because that is the only way the analogy can function. What makes it the Wrong direction? And the Right direction? For a gamer, I guess a Right direction would be to expand the gaming audience, make it bigger, and make the industry more varied, giving more competition, and therefore better games. But for a company, the Right direction would be to get rid of the competition, monopolize the market, and make new ways to increase profit. I don't think I can categorize any company in such black and white terms like that.They have barely any good third party games, their first party games arebecoming stale rehashes, they are constantly behind the times in terms of graphics and online play, they are constantly pushing mandatory gimmicks on each new system (motion controls, 3D, tablet, etc.) That's not the right direction to me and many others. There's a way to expand gaming without almost coompletely abandoning good games and hardcore gamers.
How is it not? They changed the way the game is played.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="Willy105"] That sounds even less like Nintendo's fault. :P
That is always how the game was played. It was the same way Sony got big in the 90's, by expanding the market outside of kids, and going after teenagers. Nintendo turned around and did the same thing, expanding it to adults. It's nothing new, it's how the game is played. Except Apple was smarter than Nintendo and got the ball before Nintendo even realized what had happened.
Yeah, but Nintendo brought it into play. Willy, did you notice the topic change? That was all for you. :)I actually hope this happens and gaming becomes niche again. Then maybe we can enjoy some quality titles instead of shallow and ez games.
[QUOTE="StealthMonkey4"]"Nintendo just doesn't care about good games" ... really? when their first party titles are (still) some of the highest scoring and critically aclaimed titles ever!? ...c'mon, at least give them some credit. This made me not take you seriously, oh, and the part about Sony's "rightful place" on the number one spot. Out of the current big 3, only Nintendo truly deserve, after decades in the industry, to top it. Wii comes out and everyone hails it a gimmick, but 4 years after it's release what do we see?! the other two follow-suit, releasing their own motion control systems (sony's being a blatant rip off of Nintendo's). At least MS tried something a bit different. Don't get me wrong, I have all three current gen consoles, and last gen and quit a few gens before that (i'm "old") but if anyone in the industry deserves some respect, for a multitude of reasons, it's nintendo.Here's the kicker, Sony is still bringing out new series and games. This gen Nintendo may have brought us 4 great games, but none of them are new and the rest are as casual as they can be.Th 3DS is the first part of Nintendo's descent. Nintendo going to crash and burn hard IMO, and Sony will go back to its rightful place in first with Microsoft in second. Nintendo just doesn't care about good games and making good systems anymore IMO, and it'll come back to them. I agree with you.
another flaw in your conjecture is that all smartphone games are bad.
sure theirs a lot of crap (but then again even the best consoles libraries are mostly crap). but that is changing. there are plenty of quality titles that are out now that are proper games, with proper challenges and are not just toilet break fodder.
Most are bad currently. However, that has little to do with the argument.another flaw in your conjecture is that all smartphone games are bad.
sure theirs a lot of crap (but then again even the best consoles libraries are mostly crap). but that is changing. there are plenty of quality titles that are out now that are proper games, with proper challenges and are not just toilet break fodder.
and because you don't like the way they changed it your predicting the end of all things.get over yourself dude, gaming is not just for you Did you even read the OP? This is the same basic set-up to the crash of '83.yeah i read the OP and i fail to see the connection really.[QUOTE="Vinegar_Strokes"][QUOTE="DarkLink77"] How is it not? They changed the way the game is played.DarkLink77
Not as much as an Angry Birds or a Doodle Jump though.[QUOTE="charizard1605"]
[QUOTE="meetroid8"] Then why did ME2 and UC2 make such a good profit?DarkLink77
I still think that Nintendo was just being Nintendo, that even if it's responsible for this mess, it did it inadvertently, not deliberately.
And here's Zynga's valuation:
I don't think any other game company is that big :|
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]Did you even read the OP? This is the same basic set-up to the crash of '83.yeah i read the OP and i fail to see the connection really. Then I suggest you re-read it. It's about a changing market with too many players that can't keep up.[QUOTE="Vinegar_Strokes"] and because you don't like the way they changed it your predicting the end of all things.get over yourself dude, gaming is not just for youVinegar_Strokes
[QUOTE="Willy105"]I have to take it literally, because that is the only way the analogy can function. What makes it the Wrong direction? And the Right direction? For a gamer, I guess a Right direction would be to expand the gaming audience, make it bigger, and make the industry more varied, giving more competition, and therefore better games. But for a company, the Right direction would be to get rid of the competition, monopolize the market, and make new ways to increase profit. I don't think I can categorize any company in such black and white terms like that.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]
Erm... you're taking things a little too literally. And just because you don't play your amazing system that is the PS3 doesn't mean it's going in the wrong direction.
They have barely any good third party games, their first party games arebecoming stale rehashes, they are constantly behind the times in terms of graphics and online play, they are constantly pushing mandatory gimmicks on each new system (motion controls, 3D, tablet, etc.) That's not the right direction to me and many others. There's a way to expand gaming without almost coompletely abandoning good games and hardcore gamers.
Oh, well that's an opinion, not an actual business plan. What is Right for someone would be South South West for someone else, depending where they are standing. Whether third-parties like the system or not, whether Nintendo's first party games are becoming stale rehashes (which is not true in the least, probably the least applicable company of the three for that claim), whether they choose to invest in other technologies (that their competitors always like enough to implement into their systems), the mandatory 'gimmicks' that become the standard the next generation....and, wait, how is this bad again?
It's best to use something solid that people can see to determine the direction a company is heading to (like obviously targeting a specific audience), not "because I don't like motion controls".
See? More proof. And Chaz, I'm surprised you agree with me on this one. :o Well, it was hard to argue :P[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]
[QUOTE="charizard1605"] Not as much as an Angry Birds or a Doodle Jump though.
Heck, not even as much as Farmville.
In fact, Zynga is one of the highest valued game companies right now.charizard1605
I still think that Nintendo was just being Nintendo, that even if it's responsible for this mess, it did it inadvertently, not deliberately.
And here's Zynga's valuation:
I don't think any other game company is that big :|
I think EA and Activision Blizzard are worth almost as much combined. Does that count? :PYeah, but Nintendo brought it into play. Willy, did you notice the topic change? That was all for you. :)[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]
That is always how the game was played. It was the same way Sony got big in the 90's, by expanding the market outside of kids, and going after teenagers. Nintendo turned around and did the same thing, expanding it to adults. It's nothing new, it's how the game is played. Except Apple was smarter than Nintendo and got the ball before Nintendo even realized what had happened.
Didn't mean to cause too much trouble. :o
Here's the kicker, Sony is still bringing out new series and games. This gen Nintendo may have brought us 4 great games, but none of them are new and the rest are as casual as they can be.
What gen are you talking about?
4 great games, none of them new?
Well, it was hard to argue :P[QUOTE="charizard1605"]
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"] See? More proof. And Chaz, I'm surprised you agree with me on this one. :o
I still think that Nintendo was just being Nintendo, that even if it's responsible for this mess, it did it inadvertently, not deliberately.
And here's Zynga's valuation:
I don't think any other game company is that big :|
I think EA and Activision Blizzard are worth almost as much combined. Does that count? :P EA-Activision Blizzard merger? God help us all :P[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]I think EA and Activision Blizzard are worth almost as much combined. Does that count? :P EA-Activision Blizzard merger? God help us all :P What the hell would you even call the company after that? :o[QUOTE="charizard1605"] Well, it was hard to argue :P
I still think that Nintendo was just being Nintendo, that even if it's responsible for this mess, it did it inadvertently, not deliberately.
And here's Zynga's valuation:
I don't think any other game company is that big :|
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"] Yeah, but Nintendo brought it into play. Willy, did you notice the topic change? That was all for you. :)Willy105
Didn't mean to cause too much trouble. :o
Here's the kicker, Sony is still bringing out new series and games. This gen Nintendo may have brought us 4 great games, but none of them are new and the rest are as casual as they can be.
What gen are you talking about?
4 great games, none of them new?
This gen.Yeah, but Nintendo brought it into play. Willy, did you notice the topic change? That was all for you. :)[QUOTE="Willy105"]
That is always how the game was played. It was the same way Sony got big in the 90's, by expanding the market outside of kids, and going after teenagers. Nintendo turned around and did the same thing, expanding it to adults. It's nothing new, it's how the game is played. Except Apple was smarter than Nintendo and got the ball before Nintendo even realized what had happened.
Didn't mean to cause too much trouble. :o
Hey, I made the thread to start a conversation. It obviously worked.[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="DarkLink77"] I think EA and Activision Blizzard are worth almost as much combined. Does that count? :PEA-Activision Blizzard merger? God help us all :P What the hell would you even call the company after that? :o EActivizzard?DarkLink77
Didn't mean to cause too much trouble. :o
Here's the kicker, Sony is still bringing out new series and games. This gen Nintendo may have brought us 4 great games, but none of them are new and the rest are as casual as they can be.
What gen are you talking about?
4 great games, none of them new?
This gen.Since we are obviously in a different dimension, can you tell me what you mean?
What the hell would you even call the company after that? :o EActivizzard? That's horrible, Chaz. Just... just awful.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="charizard1605"] EA-Activision Blizzard merger? God help us all :Pcharizard1605
First off there were 2 crashes: one in 1977 and one in 83.
Second there are always crap games shoveled out to make cash. Even when the NES was dominating the industry you'd get boatloads of crap games and cheap cash in's: Super pitfall, Where's Waldo, Barbie etc. but there was no crash after the NES mainly because there were still good high profile games out there like mario and zelda much the same as it is now. Acting like game companies have only started to shovel out crap games now since the 1983 crash and that it was only Nintendo is ignoring history yourself.
EActivizzard? That's horrible, Chaz. Just... just awful. The name, or the idea of such a company?[QUOTE="charizard1605"]
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"] What the hell would you even call the company after that? :oDarkLink77
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]That's horrible, Chaz. Just... just awful. The name, or the idea of such a company? The name. Activision merging with Blizzard is bad enough. Probably the most depressing thing to happen all gen.[QUOTE="charizard1605"] EActivizzard?
"Nintendo just doesn't care about good games" ... really? when their first party titles are (still) some of the highest scoring and critically aclaimed titles ever!? ...c'mon, at least give them some credit. This made me not take you seriously, oh, and the part about Sony's "rightful place" on the number one spot. Out of the current big 3, only Nintendo truly deserve, after decades in the industry, to top it. Wii comes out and everyone hails it a gimmick, but 4 years after it's release what do we see?! the other two follow-suit, releasing their own motion control systems (sony's being a blatant rip off of Nintendo's). At least MS tried something a bit different. Don't get me wrong, I have all three current gen consoles, and last gen and quit a few gens before that (i'm "old") but if anyone in the industry deserves some respect, for a multitude of reasons, it's nintendo.Here's the kicker, Sony is still bringing out new series and games. This gen Nintendo may have brought us 4 great games, but none of them are new and the rest are as casual as they can be. Great games are great games as far as i'm concerned, a game doesn't have to be a new IP to be great. Your point is well made though.[QUOTE="WAJ"][QUOTE="StealthMonkey4"]
Th 3DS is the first part of Nintendo's descent. Nintendo going to crash and burn hard IMO, and Sony will go back to its rightful place in first with Microsoft in second. Nintendo just doesn't care about good games and making good systems anymore IMO, and it'll come back to them. I agree with you.
[QUOTE="charizard1605"][QUOTE="DarkLink77"] That's horrible, Chaz. Just... just awful.The name, or the idea of such a company? The name. Activision merging with Blizzard is bad enough. Probably the most depressing thing to happen all gen. But it happened anyway, and now, Activision's evil shall consume EA too :twisted:DarkLink77
For me, it was Rare dying. That was depressing to me. Willy105Yeah. Live and Reloaded was great, though. And Viva Pinata was surprisingly hardcore. :o
The name. Activision merging with Blizzard is bad enough. Probably the most depressing thing to happen all gen. But it happened anyway, and now, Activision's evil shall consume EA too :twisted: That'd be more of a mutual understanding than anything else. Adding EA's AntiChrist to Activision's Satan, to borrow from Christian mythology.[QUOTE="DarkLink77"][QUOTE="charizard1605"] The name, or the idea of such a company?charizard1605
Handheld gaming? i kinda agree with you, but console gaming will never die it just can'tJuarN18Traditional console gaming will.
The name. Activision merging with Blizzard is bad enough. Probably the most depressing thing to happen all gen.DarkLink77
Good thing Activision has no control over blizzard or vice versa. If I remember correctly the only thing shared was the stockholders. If Activision did have control, we would already have seen Diablo 4: Modern Demon Invasion by now.
Handheld gaming? i kinda agree with you, but console gaming will never die it just can'tJuarN18If we can predict the future from Japan, then handheld gaming will be the dominant form of gaming in the future. But although it will definitely surpass console gaming by a very big margin, I don't think console gaming will die.
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