[QUOTE="StealthMonkey4"]The 3DS is the first part of Nintendo's descent. Nintendo going to crash and burn hard IMO, and Sony will go back to its rightful place in first with Microsoft in second. Nintendo just doesn't care about good games and making good systems anymore IMO, and it'll come back to them. I agree with you.garland51
I got to agree with both of you & the OP about this. Nintendo have gotten too cocky off of the huge DS & Wii's sales & seems to think that people would just eat up every single gimmick of theirs from now on, without any compelling software, just like they thought that everyone would eat up the "Glassless 3D" feature of the 3DS like they did with the motion control gimmick with the Wii. Guess what? It didn't work this time. They seriously forgot that it's software that moves systems, & I'm not talking about ports, remakes, or rehashes like they got on the 3DS so far. Brand name can only take you so far, & gimmicks doesn't last forever.
Everybody loves to hate on Nintendo.
But just remember...Nintendo has been here since the very beginning.
In the 1970s...Nintendo was here.
In the 2010s, almost 40 years later, Nintendo still thrives.
What other video game company has that kind of resilience?
The only thing that's changed in Nintendo is it's size.
The philosophy, tradition, and spirit of the company is still there, just as strong as ever.
I can't say the same thing about other corporations like EA or Microsoft.
Have you ever considered why so many people still love Nintendo and loyally continue to buy their products?
This whole thread proclaims the industry's death.
Personally, I welcome this crash.
The industry has gotten way too large for it's own good.
We need to go back to the days where video games were created only out of love...not for profit.
Back in the 80's, it only took a couple of guys to make a video game.
In the 90's...20-30 people max.
Today? HUNDREDS...with million dollar budgets.
It's sickening. And it encourages corporate greed.
I have to disagree with you, OP.
I LOVE how indie games, flash games, and piracy have precipitated the descent of corporate gaming.
Hopefully we can finally return to the days of real gaming.
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