I can see where you where coming from, Duke Nukem guy.
I agree that at some point the casuals will move on to something else, ofc resulting in decreasing sales and sure some of the studios will crack under pressure, (namely the ones who are growing fatter than a birthmark on Rosie O'Donnells lower thigh and who will be unable to sustain their ginormous selves with no more "cake" left on the table.)
HOWEVER since the meltdown of the gaming industry, videogameshave evolved from merelydelivering toys to kids (PAC-MAN, Mario etc.), to merelydelivering toys for children posing as adults (GTA, Halo etc.) and further into something which is more and moreresembling a (at least semi-legit) platform to convey something even the high brows would simply describe as art. The fact that even the US government (by extension including the vidya industri's biggest fangirl; Hilary Clinton) has recognized games as art should speak volumes of how far gaming has come these last few decades.
I personally do not think that anything (short of the emergence of Cthulhu) could break the vidya industriat this point, mainly because of the huge amout of extremely talented developers dedicated to bring us (i.e. the fanbase) new ways to experience and play videogames (but aslo because people in general are nostalgia fiends and will pay unreasonable amounts of money for anything which vaguely smells like their childhood).
Have a little faith, you ingrates. :P
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