I'm not trying to avoid the question. As someone who doesn't like the idea, I'd just like to know what you think it will add. Nothing more, nothing less.
I've given my thoughts about voice acting and why it would benefit the series in this thread a couple times already, but I'll copy and paste it all right here:
Because it's the modern thing to do. Many heavy-hitting franchises have voice acting nowadays, but Zelda seems pretty behind with things like this. A game also doesn't have to be completely story-focused to justify voice acting. Considering each game in the series puts some focus on story and that there are many characters in every Zelda game to talk to, voice acting could benefit the series.
The text-based dialogue is starting to feel dated compared to other franchises, certain areas of places like Twilight Princess felt empty and claustrophobic without voice work (Castle Town, most especially), and much of the charm of the series comes from the characters, and having them talk would allow for more likable characters and moments.
Presentation is one important thing Nintendo needs to work on, and voice acting is included in that.
Now tell me how voice acting wouldn't benefit the series.
Well, this is all my opinion, but here goes:
I really don't want to hear Link speak. I personally see no reason for him to. he is very much a blank slate character, and I'd like him to remain that way.
Another reason voice acting bothers me: Say a character speaks, and you absolutely HATE their voice. It has ruined many characters I may have otherwise liked in many games. You have to live with that. For instance, I didn't like either option for Shepard in Mass Effect, and it really took away from the game for me. Certain games (StarCraft II and Dragon Age immediately come to mind) had excellent voice work, and I wouldn't trade any of the actors, but those games are few and far between.
There's not all that much dialogue per character in Zelda. I don't think voice acting a few short conversations would really add to them all that much. It's not you you're going to form deep connections with many of the characters.
The last one is feel.I can't really explain it. Zelda games have a very specific vibe to them, and I think voice acting (especially having Link be voiced) would take away from it. But again, I'm a person who doesn't like my main character to be voice acted in WRPGs, and I'm in the minority.
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