Nintendo has never been shy about being exceptionally aggressive with all things Nintendo. In fact, there are times when they've appeared downright sadistic in how they "protect" their brand, including choosing the takedown bully route on fan videos uploaded to YouTube. Still, while you'll struggle to find an instance where we agree with this kind of aggressive protection, there's at least a ghost of logic involved in them. Whether the excuse is piracy, trademark protection, or stifling competition, you at least have something to point to in order to explain their otherwise disagreeable behavior.
I don't think the same can be said with how Nintendo apparently handles game demos on their latest consoles. Kotaku's Steve Marinconz notes his own surprise at a popup he received after downloading one game.
"I downloaded the demo for The Wonderful 101, and was surprised to find this message pop up telling me that I would only be allowed to run the demo 20 times. Now, of course I don't plan on playing a demo more than once or twice, as I'm sure most people don't. Which is why I find it so odd that Nintendo would put this restriction in place. If any game is good enough that I would play the demo more"
This is ridiculous.....those limits on demos are dumb.How low nintendo can fall..?? Play limit on demos...??:|
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