[QUOTE="TechGuru89"][QUOTE="tmacscores91"] if only they were big enough to ctmacscores91Clicky. Clicky. this is far better than the threads with dam huge pics, I hate those. too much work, make it easier to c now! this i command
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[QUOTE="TechGuru89"][QUOTE="tmacscores91"] if only they were big enough to ctmacscores91Clicky. Clicky. this is far better than the threads with dam huge pics, I hate those. too much work, make it easier to c now! this i command
You do know the reason most PC games need that much ram is because all the programs and OS running in the background right. I am not saying RAM is not important but a console runs very little besides the game itself so as much RAM is just not needed in general.wooooodesure windows used some ram but out of 2gb or more a pc still have over 1.5gb more left for games than consoles have. A modern pc has 4gb ram - 1gb for vista + 512 - 1gb vram - 4.5-5gb for games. No mater how you look at it a modern pc will always have far more ram for games than consoles. 2gb was mainstream when x360 came out yet ms was thinking of only putting 256mb in till epic forced them to put 512mb in. When a gig of ddr3 is like $20 and a gig of ddr2 is $10 there is no reason why they blow big bucks on chips then skimp on the very important ram. A single core pentium 4 and 2gb ram would have given much more performance in the consoles for no extra cost.
I can live without Crysis. I'm just glad there's finally an alternative to that friggin' Unreal Engine 3!TimstuffI'm not sure what people's problem is with UE3 exactly? Other than you can make a bunch of different genres of games with it that all look amazing, and play really well????
Yeah I agree apart from it's graphic I didn't really find Crysis that much fun.Dont care for Crysis on the PC. Sucks for anyone who wanted Crysis for consoles :? Crysis is not really all that guys, your not missing much if you didnt get to play it .
[QUOTE="Jamex1987"]too bad no one cares about that boring game with a tacked on multiplayer.TheDuffman26Yeah it's so boring. Wait, let me grab some screenshots real quick of this awesome gaming session I just had. Try not to drool...
k....tbh i dont want a game thats been out for damn near 100 years anyway. its a great game, but im not gonna want halo 1 on the ps3 or w/e. its old news, i would rather have a new game, than a 3 year old porttmacscores91Um... Just because a game is old, doesn't mean it isn't a good game. If you have not played it, it might as well be a new game, and a port would certainly reinforce that. You just stand for exactly what makes console gamers look like fools to some hermits. Come on... Killzone 2 is great, Resistance 2 is great; I have them both, but you are being extremely ignorant.
[QUOTE="Timstuff"]I can live without Crysis. I'm just glad there's finally an alternative to that friggin' Unreal Engine 3!Mr_NordquistI'm not sure what people's problem is with UE3 exactly? Other than you can make a bunch of different genres of games with it that all look amazing, and play really well????it's been ever so slightly overused, that's what's wrong with it.
[QUOTE="Timstuff"]I can live without Crysis. I'm just glad there's finally an alternative to that friggin' Unreal Engine 3!Mr_NordquistI'm not sure what people's problem is with UE3 exactly? Other than you can make a bunch of different genres of games with it that all look amazing, and play really well????The technology remains static of there is only one engine type. Also only one engine type allows the developers to charge whatever they want for the engine. (Look up monopoly) Now with the Cryengine 2 and the new ID engine expect PC games as well as possibly console games to become cheaper because Epic will have to decrease they amount developers to pay in order for their engine to remain competitive.
Funny how all the console fanboys say, "......oh crysis no longer exclusive"....., "....pc gaming is dead"..., "....the pc has no exclusives"... Yet when it's confirmed that there will be no crysis for consoles they simply try to brush it off like yesterday's newspaper. :roll: I'm excited for the Cry engine to run on consoles and everything like the next guy, but don't be a tool. TechGuru89
Or...... the people brushing it off aren't the same people that made those outrageous claims? Maybe? Just a thought, sorry if I'm not supposed to use logic on SW.
[QUOTE="TheDuffman26"][QUOTE="Jamex1987"]too bad no one cares about that boring game with a tacked on multiplayer.delta3074Yeah it's so boring. Wait, let me grab some screenshots real quick of this awesome gaming session I just had. Try not to drool... It'll never get that good on your consoles, so don't get your hopes up.post all the screenshots you like, it's an old game, and i don't know if you noticed, but we have more than enough decent FPS on consoles, yes crysis looks good blah,blah,blah, we don't need anothere generic FPS, we need more TPS like resi 5 and such like, crysis is good but i think i can live without playing 1 FPS in my life even if it is the best looking one out there TPS you say? All I have to do is hit F1 and Crysis is a third person shooter... But I hear ya on the games, can't wait to play RE5 on PC in June.
k....tbh i dont want a game thats been out for damn near 100 years anyway. its a great game, but im not gonna want halo 1 on the ps3 or w/e. its old news, i would rather have a new game, than a 3 year old porttmacscores91
Not the best analogy. A better one is porting Halo 3 to the original XBOX.
[QUOTE="TheDuffman26"][QUOTE="Jamex1987"]too bad no one cares about that boring game with a tacked on multiplayer.delta3074Yeah it's so boring. Wait, let me grab some screenshots real quick of this awesome gaming session I just had. Try not to drool...
Coming from the guy who has all shooters in his gamertag... :roll:
Besides, Crysis is far from generic, the closest thing to it is Far Cry, and it's not even very close without destructible scenery/buildings, physics that actually make a difference in gameplay, and the suit powers. So, I don't know why you consolites love to throw around the term generic, when almost every big FPS released on consoles is more generic in itself.
Also, you do realize that someone created a mod that allows you to use the Gears of War camera angle? There goes that argument.
[QUOTE="TechGuru89"]Funny how all the console fanboys say, "......oh crysis no longer exclusive"....., "....pc gaming is dead"..., "....the pc has no exclusives"... Yet when it's confirmed that there will be no crysis for consoles they simply try to brush it off like yesterday's newspaper. :roll: I'm excited for the Cry engine to run on consoles and everything like the next guy, but don't be a tool. whatisazerg
Or...... the people brushing it off aren't the same people that made those outrageous claims? Maybe? Just a thought, sorry if I'm not supposed to use logic on SW.
Yeah,it can be annoying the way people here generalise so much and make false assumptions.
Coming from the guy who has all shooters in his gamertag... :roll:Besides, Crysis is far from generic, the closest thing to it is Far Cry, and it's not even very close without destructible scenery/buildings, physics that actually make a difference in gameplay, and the suit powers. So, I don't know why you consolites love to throw around the term generic, when almost every big FPS released on consoles is more generic in itself.Also, you do realize that someone created a mod that allows you to use the Gears of War camera angle? There goes that argument.DragonfireXZ95so conan, hexic hd and golden axe are shooters now? m'kay and if you get off your backside and check my gamertag properly, you will see i have played plenty of non shooters like oblivion,viking,crackdown,two worlds etc,etc and no offence but those pictures are not even close to RE5 or gears 'over the shoulder camera views'
[QUOTE="tmacscores91"]k....tbh i dont want a game thats been out for damn near 100 years anyway. its a great game, but im not gonna want halo 1 on the ps3 or w/e. its old news, i would rather have a new game, than a 3 year old portn00bkidYeah i agree with this, it's nice and all but move on. I also agree.. i havnt played it.. but eh i can cope with the console fps's. Put ur energy in timesplitters 4 crytek!! not a port!
too bad no one cares about that boring game with a tacked on multiplayer.Jamex1987too bad it got 9.5 and SOTY over halo 3, cod4, bioshock and orange box
[QUOTE="Jamex1987"]too bad no one cares about that boring game with a tacked on multiplayer.jaisimar_chelsetoo bad it got 9.5 and SOTY over halo 3, cod4, bioshock and orange boxtoo bad it got beaten by HALO combat evolved (9.7) and halo 3 scored 9.5 as well.
[QUOTE="Jamex1987"]too bad no one cares about that boring game with a tacked on multiplayer.jaisimar_chelsetoo bad it got 9.5 and SOTY over halo 3, cod4, bioshock and orange box Amd MGS4 won "best technical graphics" over Crysis: Warhead:P
[QUOTE="jaisimar_chelse"][QUOTE="Jamex1987"]too bad no one cares about that boring game with a tacked on multiplayer.delta3074too bad it got 9.5 and SOTY over halo 3, cod4, bioshock and orange boxtoo bad it got beaten by HALO combat evolved (9.7) and halo 3 scored 9.5 as well.
So 2001 console standards = 2007 PC standards? :lol: Halo 3 may have scored the same as Crysis, but Crysis was the one that scored SOTY over all other big-name console shooters. Consolites, they never fail to disappoint.
too bad it got beaten by HALO combat evolved (9.7) and halo 3 scored 9.5 as well.[QUOTE="delta3074"][QUOTE="jaisimar_chelse"] too bad it got 9.5 and SOTY over halo 3, cod4, bioshock and orange boxsteve17989
So 2001 console standards = 2007 PC standards? :lol: Halo 3 may have scored the same as Crysis, but Crysis was the one that scored SOTY over all other big-name console shooters. Consolites, they never fail to disappoint.
And Halo Combat Evolved got 9.0 on the PC in 2003.http://n4g.com/events_gdc2009/News-302981.aspxSo, why can't Crysis work on consoles?
So, why can't Crysis work on consoles?
Simple. It isn't the processor (either the 360's tri-core or PS3's cell can handle enough of the physics calculations) or the graphics unit that is holding the two most powerful consoles back: it's the RAM. Memory is a big part of what makes Crysis what it is. When you render enormous levels that are inhabited by hundreds of physics objects and are being patrolled by always-active AI, you need somewhere for all that "stuff" to be easily accessed in real-time. 1 gigabyte is the bare minimum that Crysis needs for most of its levels, and even then the game will be choppy on rigs that have the latest Intel Core i7 processor and NVIDIA GTX 295 graphics cards. 2 GB is the least that you need for the game to run at a smooth clip, almost regardless of the graphics settings that you are using.
He makes some good points, both about the advantages of Cryengine 3 and the difficulty of porting Crysis to consoles, including analogies to GTAIV and Far Cry 2.
Factor in the ROPS count.
[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]Coming from the guy who has all shooters in his gamertag... :roll:Besides, Crysis is far from generic, the closest thing to it is Far Cry, and it's not even very close without destructible scenery/buildings, physics that actually make a difference in gameplay, and the suit powers. So, I don't know why you consolites love to throw around the term generic, when almost every big FPS released on consoles is more generic in itself.Also, you do realize that someone created a mod that allows you to use the Gears of War camera angle? There goes that argument.delta3074so conan, hexic hd and golden axe are shooters now? m'kay and if you get off your backside and check my gamertag properly, you will see i have played plenty of non shooters like oblivion,viking,crackdown,two worlds etc,etc and no offence but those pictures are not even close to RE5 or gears 'over the shoulder camera views'
I didn't mean all of them, I meant a fair number of them. I worded that badly.
Also, you called the game generic when you haven't even played it. Why would you judge a game before playing it? Not even close? Try again. Well you may be right, Gears 2 has some pretty bad graphics compared to it. So I agree on that part.
[QUOTE="tmacscores91"]k....tbh i dont want a game thats been out for damn near 100 years anyway. its a great game, but im not gonna want halo 1 on the ps3 or w/e. its old news, i would rather have a new game, than a 3 year old portAlexSaysIt's not even a year and a half old. :| bingo
k....tbh i dont want a game thats been out for damn near 100 years anyway. its a great game, but im not gonna want halo 1 on the ps3 or w/e. its old news, i would rather have a new game, than a 3 year old porttmacscores91
OK but why does it matter to you consolites so much whether a game is new or not? lol, its not like shooters have moved beyond Crysis or anything. Is it like clothing and fashion that you dislike something that is "old" ??
[QUOTE="tmacscores91"]k....tbh i dont want a game thats been out for damn near 100 years anyway. its a great game, but im not gonna want halo 1 on the ps3 or w/e. its old news, i would rather have a new game, than a 3 year old portDAZZER7
OK but why does it matter to you consolites so much whether a game is new or not? lol, its not like shooters have moved beyond Crysis or anything. Is it like clothing and fashion that you dislike something that is "old" ??
It's that jump from game to game thing that most of them do. They don't even really remember the classics most of the time it seems.HAHA:lol:
who cares realy, cryengine3? boohoo, no1 wants this, GG and Nuaghty Dog can pull off amazing graphics anyway :D
and ofcource at the same time, the games give us great amounts of fun.
If they port Crysis to consoles in any way shape or form, I am quitting gaming and throwing my PC out the window. I don't want to see them rape Crysis of all that made it great! :cry:
Hey come on now, atleast post single-player screenshots...I didn't mean all of them, I meant a fair number of them. I worded that badly.
Also, you called the game generic when you haven't even played it. Why would you judge a game before playing it? Not even close? Try again. Well you may be right, Gears 2 has some pretty bad graphics compared to it. So I agree on that part.
Hey come on now, atleast post single-player screenshots...[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"]
I didn't mean all of them, I meant a fair number of them. I worded that badly.
Also, you called the game generic when you haven't even played it. Why would you judge a game before playing it? Not even close? Try again. Well you may be right, Gears 2 has some pretty bad graphics compared to it. So I agree on that part.
This better? It only helps a tiny bit though. It still doesn't look all that hot. lol Actually, this even looks like a bullshot with the lack of Aliasing that the game actually has.
[QUOTE="jaisimar_chelse"][QUOTE="Jamex1987"]too bad no one cares about that boring game with a tacked on multiplayer.delta3074too bad it got 9.5 and SOTY over halo 3, cod4, bioshock and orange boxtoo bad it got beaten by HALO combat evolved (9.7) and halo 3 scored 9.5 as well. too bad halo gets a lower score every time a new and improved version comes out. 2009 7>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2001 10. Standards go up ever year so games from years ago scores are not comparable to new ones. Games like half life and halo would never get the same score today.
I don't wanna play no old generic shooter! Crysis is just completely outdated by today's standards, y'know?
I have been using this exact explanation for ages, I have said it over and over again; and have even linked to the CEO of Crytek saying just this on YouTube back in 2007.
Why, why of why do people only understand it after they say it a second time at the GDC? It gives me the horrible impression a few weeks from now people will be ignoring the memory problem again and talking about the possibility of a Crysis port.
Which they apparently don't care about, but keep arguing none the less.
I also argued using CryEngine 2 art assets to show off Cryengine 3 was not evidence of a Crysis port.
2. A level playing field for PS3 and 360
Given CE3's ability to automatically scale down and optimize content for the consoles in real-time as it is being designed on the PC, we're unlikely to see the porting issues that developers run into when they use proprietary tech or even some iterations of Unreal Engine 3. Hopefully, as with id Tech 5's easy portability, Cryengine 3 will allow quality games that run without bugs and framerate glitches across PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. No more bad ports from 360 to PS3 or vice versa. The lead platform is the PC, but the engine is smart enough to know how to make that content work on either console platforms. In this case, we gamers are the winners, regardless of our preferred platforms.snip
Any development method that has the highest quality art assets in the PC version is welcome, too many methods nerf their art assets to console level in the PC version.
you best be acting sarcasticI don't wanna play no old generic shooter! Crysis is just completely outdated by today's standards, y'know?
you best be acting sarcastic[QUOTE="QuirkyUsername"]
I don't wanna play no old generic shooter! Crysis is just completely outdated by today's standards, y'know?
Yeah, I am the best at being sarcastic.
[QUOTE="organic_machine"]I played it with 1 Gig no problems.Crysis is almost playable with 1.5 gigs of RAM. I need to get more, though.
Oh, and I am sure that you do. I am sure you're able to play through the game and play it. But, no matter what settings I have the game on, even the lowest settings with lowest resolution, I still get these hiccups. When I said "almost playable" I was exaggerating slightly. It's playable. I just need more RAM to remove these hiccups.
[QUOTE="Marka1700"][QUOTE="organic_machine"]I played it with 1 Gig no problems.Really? On vista?? That eats up nearly a gig of ram by itself. In that case the consoles could run it easily.the mnimum system requirement is only 1gb and you can run it on xp as well without dx10 support.Crysis is almost playable with 1.5 gigs of RAM. I need to get more, though.
Whats the point? I don't even want crysis on consoles.
*Jots down names for reaction to possible Crysis announcement* That's what they all say. Whenever a PC exclusive is announced for consoles, the consolites always go crazy. :roll: I'm not going to lie, if it DID come to consoles, id buy it. but if someone asked me what game i wish would b on its way to my console, id say Alan Wake, or Jak & Daxter...not CrysisWhat about Project Offset?Yeah we know, its the RAM, and ithe results were unflattering, still lets give it time, it could end up looking good. I mean the textures and draw/draw-in that suffered, everything else was preserved quite wellFirstDiscoveryBut there's still the matter of the sheer size of the level, which cannot be reduced (since the gameplay of Crysis depends on these large levels). And FTR, Crysis takes up over 600MB, just on system memory (to say nothing of graphics memory, which must be added to memory usage on consoles), at its absolute lowest settings.
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