I've always doubted the game, from day one at E3.
They always meantion these mechanics, like resource collecting, fps against alien robots, npc factions you figh against, but they never show it in detail.
It's nto just abit of info, here and there, it's the whole thing. All we've seen is off shots from trailer, like that split second where he shots a laser ata robot, They even admit to no mission system and are extremely vague about how their campaign will work. I've always questioned the amount of interactivity in the game.
But worst of all is the RNG planetary creation. yeah, yeah look at all the pretty environments, the pretty aliens, etc. But it's never been shwon directly, by playing.
Since they admit themselves that 90% of planets are deserted, i want to see a 15 minute playthrought. No trailer BS, just play the game and fly to a random planet and see how the generation works.
@Gue1 said:
@getyeryayasout said:
It just seems too ambitious. I think if the planets are procedurally generated, they'll end up being uninteresting and repetitive. I'd love to be wrong, but I'm expecting to be underwhelmed.
They crafted thousands of assets by hand. The characteristics of the planets will be based on how far or close are they from the sun. Closer to the sun means less vegetation maybe a desert, little water. Far from the sun will be darker and colder. Etc. Based on this the planets will be populated by the hand crafted assets.
Nothing in this game will be by chance/random, everything will be controlled by mathematical formulas. Almost like real life if you think about the fact that everything about the universe can be explained through numbers.
Bullshit. There's always random patterns in any non-predesgined levels. Algorithms and patterns are set before hand, but wheter or not a tree forms to your left or right is is compeltly by chance.
Like real life? Oh brother.
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