You don't get it. In real life people don't have two speeds of movement. With the K+M you can only Run and Walk. That's inferior to analog control. WADS is garbage and is not designed for the human hand. WADS is not erogomic and it is unhealthy. Face reality.ginazswordsman
And you don't get that in the real world, aiming a gun doesn't have speed limitations of a controller. Aiming a controller is only as fast as it is programmed for, and the fast you set the speed of a controller, the more accuracy you lose. Aiming with a controller is like having epilispsy, not real at all.
You also don't get that looking around is sort of a guessing game with a controller, unlike a mouse in which you can actually look around percisely and at the speed you want, unilke a controller that has speed limitations and far inferior precision.
Your point of run and walk is valid, but in FPS is the least important of Aiming/Looking/Running and Walking.
And face it, controllers also suffer from the same unhealthy erogomic conditions, just not as bad. But again, you would have to be a gaming attic to suffer from these conditions. Time to get a life!!!
Yes, not having analog control is a bad thing. In real life when you throw a grenade you can throw it hard or soft, fast or slow. With the K+M you are limited to throwing by how long you hold down the key which is stupid and unrealistic and I hate it when console games handle grenades the same way because it's a waste of the analog controlginazswordsman
I agree with you to a point. Yes, not having analog control can limit realism on throwing grenades, though throwing grenades happens far less than shooting, thus not that significant.
Yes, in real life guns have triggers, just like the triggers on a controller. Does the K+M have analog triggers? No they do not.ginazswordsman
This is a strawman, complaining about a trigger is quite riduculous. I can say your controller looks nothing like a gun, weigh's nothing like a gun, looks nothing like a gun. Get over it, your playing with a controller that reminds anyone that they are not playing with a gun, except you have a trigger. If you can imaging after all that that your controller that looks nothing like a gun, your imagination sure as well can imagine that your mouse is a gun.Â
Analog control allows you have superior levels of precision since you can dynamically change how fast you move, shoot and aim all at the same time instead of just dynamically aiming on a PC. Besides I'm not sure if you've noticed by all the actions in a FPS can be easily mapped to a controller.ginazswordsman
This is fatally wrong, yes you can creep at different speeds, but your again looking at the unrealistic goal of a FPS, and that is to kill before you get killed. KB/M has a much more accurate movement since the speed of the mouse is controlled exactly on your hand movement, meaning that you can control turning much more percise and aim much more percise. That is much more important than creep speed in a FPS.
Just because you hands feel perfectly fine doesn't mean it's healthy. There's a reason why companies sell erogonic keyboards.ginazswordsman
Weak again, but you do have some validity. Although you can't look me in the eye and say a long bout of a FPS doesn't stress your hands with a controller also. KB/M might have a more serious problem than a controller, but the controller also suffers from this.
I don't see anyone uses them.ginazswordsman
Yes, rumble is nice, especially when getting hit. A definate plus for the 360 controller.
RTS I can agree with you but you have got to be joking with racing sims. No analog breaking and acceleration with a K+M so you have got to be kidding me. MMORGP and WRPG is a matter of opinon.ginazswordsman
Please, a race wheel which is readily available for both console and PC owns both KB/M and controller. Only reason
But it was never manditory until now.ginazswordsman
And what's the point here? Again, why would a PC gamer choose a controller over a KB/M. I'm sure if you did a poll, the vast majority don't ever think of using a controller when KB/M is a better control method in FPS. That's why after 20 or so years, PC gamers still choose KB/M over controller.
I'd respect them more as gamers if they could show that they were excellent players at multiple types of games and not just one type of game.ginazswordsman
As I have mentioned before, a controller is completely horrible for RTS, Sim's, Strategy games. And a controller is also worse for FPS/TPS. The fellow before ended this thread with the comment that PC FPS have been around for a couple of decades, so has controllers for PC's have been around roughly that long, and yet, people who play FPS still play with KB/M combo. That's for a reason, because it functionality in FPS works better. The controller has some benifits, but the pro's of a KB/M simply outweigh the controllers benifits.
Opinion. It has advantages in a FEW types of games. Face reality, the K+M was never designed for gaming and it CLEARLY shows.
This is complete rubbish in an otherwise decent response. KB/M has many uses in games and different types of games. It was designed for PC games which includes FPS, and it completely succeeds in many genre of games.
Keep this rather childish respose out, and maybe people will take your seriously.
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