Let me lay out an inconvenient truth, its true(to some degree)
As a student of media I can tell you media has always had a tremendous effect on our culture; whether that be news papers, tv, movies, games, ect ect.
Our current media trends towards violence, sex, and individualisim(be famous or die) has a affect on our society.
While the effect on the individual can be minimal to none, it can have a huge, direct effect on those with mental illness.
Want proof of this? Look upJohn Hinckley.
Should we ban/restct freedom of speech & expression then to prevent these disasters?
***** NO!
The cost of true free speech is responsibility for it repercussions. A cost we all should be willing to pay.
As a student of media you will also know how the media of the past presented violence, sex and individualism and the huge damage it caused us all, not just those with 'mental illness'. I'm also a believer that modern society is far more mature, caring, respectful and peacful than society from any other point in history, and statistics back this up.
Regardless, this is about the individuals need to own and use firearms in daily life. I've yet to see a single convincing argument to support the view that this is needed.
Past media had a stronger conservative nature that included allot more collectivism(us vs them).
Not to mention in the past it was acceptable to lock up the mentally ill & treat them as subhumans. Barbaric as hell, but it kept the more unstable isolated. Now the mentally ill are treated as the humans they are(about ******* time), but unfortunately there is no sufficient health care in place for them; often leaving it fully in the hands of the parents.
And the need for fire arms is for self defense. The lives saved by citizens defending themselves with fire arms is several times fold the number of those killed in these abnormalities that are mass shootings.
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