How you know Oculus Rift will not work on consoles as well?
But yea I can see what you mean... Oculus Rift for me is something I've been waiting like crazy for many years, if implemented correctly it will change the way people used to game until now. Motion controllers were simply gimicks but man Virtual Reality... it's a whole new experience we've seen only in sci-fi movies. All the previus attempts to bring Virtual Reality to games during '80s and '90s failed miserably due to poor hardware. In '00s nobody even bothered... now after 30 years we see a big effort being made once again. Man when I see people like John Carmack being involved with the project I can only be so excited, for me he was one of the best pioneers in a video game history and he is pretty positive about it as well. Hope it will do good.
PS: By the way very good thread my friend, haven't seen one for a while.
Just check this video
Correction, the only way to have real virtual reality is to integrade Kinect for picking up body movement with a 3D glass all around solution
The Oculous is completly obsolete really, since Kinect can do the head tracking anyway and insert your body in the game
I think the critical part is the Kinect one and not just a 360 degree display that is easy to do in the first place and already existed as tech years before Kinect
Look I do understand what you're debating here but man Rift won't be based on body movement that much... there've been talks about alternative controllers and inputs like the "Motion sensor glove" but I think the best way would be simply to stick with a wireless controller. I can't imagine users walking in their room. A head movement and maybe self rotation would work to some extent. Kinect might enchance it yes but I wouldn't bet on that heavily.
Some users experienced minor dizziness on their first try of VR. That's because of the disorientation they felt, they were standing still while the in game character moved so your brain is getting confused whether you really move or not. Developers stated though that after your first few times you'll get used to it so I think just a normal controller could work perfectly. Also one can only wonder at how good the immersion level is... considering it was so real that even your brain was getting confused.
Also developers will have to focus on real in game depth... until now we've been having a pseudo dimension with incorrect analogies of characters body and environment. With VR in game worlds will be build more realistically than ever before...
But the VR idea existed way before anything, having a screen in glasses that surround you is as almost old as scren tech iteself
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