[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"]Okay? They both sold around the same? Both 14 Million, but "ooh teh 360 sold slightly more than PS3, Sony is doomed"!
It's pretty sad when sales are the only thing you got to brag about. And according to VG Chartz PS3 sold more, check your link kid.
800,000 more dude,nearly a million, and even Kaz has admitted that SONY is in the crapper "Hirai, a 51-year old Sony veteran known for reviving the PlayStation gaming operations through aggressive cost-cutting, said he would not hesitate to scale back or withdraw from businesses if they were not competitive. "I have a very strong sense of crisis about the environment surrounding us," Hirai told a news conference. "We cannot be afraid to make painful choices for the future of Sony. Our rivals and the operating environment won't wait for us."MS is in the crapper
They lost a bunch of money on Zune and it bombed
They put so much money into GFWL only to have it blow up in their face when they tried to screw PC gamers and still are losing money off of it (how do you lose money off of something that's free? )
The RROD fiasco cost them millions
MS closed down and sold off many studios because their game division couldn't afford to keep them
They lost more money going with outdated DVD and not going with Blu Ray, which also cost them games being made on their system
Windows Vista cost them millions of dollars and it burned, Windows 8 looks the same
Only thing that is profitable for MS is:
outsourcing to India
Timed DLC
XBL and other online rip offs
Ditching your origional fanbase for Kinect
and sometimes PC software
That's it really. See Delta you can make any company look like it's going under, doesn't mean they are though. I know you love to do it with Sony because your upset that they give their fans games to play, but you should zip up your fanboy or let it out. Sony isn't going anywhere, and they will be fine and continue to make good games and good products, sorry if that makes you jealous, but get over it. Not my fault you chose to buy a 360.
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