I'm sorry, but what are all you lemmings going on off?
Last time i checked, Killer Instinct had ONE free playable character (for a fighting game) and the other characters all cost $4.99 EACH.
Like, really? You're defending that?
Alright, let's move on to Forza - the almighty apparent AAA game - that in the end of the day, was downgraded graphically and then stripped off things that last-gen games had from the get go: i.e. Weather changes, night/day transitions etc.
Forza 5 had the OPTION for you to BUY token.
These tokens ranged from $0.99 for 100 tokens all the way up to 8,000 tokens for $99.99, basically mean you have the options of paying another hundred on TOP of your %60.
And what are these tokens for you ask me?
To buy/unlock cars of course!
It's absolutely ridiculous and I can't imagine how anyone in their right mind can defend Microsoft and their current trends of implementing microtransactions alongside other implementations that are - in their own way - anti consumerism.
I forgive them, and commend them, for going back on their always online and DRM ideas; but the fact that they even brought them in the first place is something that should be highlighted and constantly reminded that they are, indeed, looking for ways to milk their customers more.
Say what you want about PS4, but the most milkage i got was skin packs for Killzone Shadowfall for the OWL; which even then, was not even necessary due to the fact the WHOLE game in itself, is already then and there and not behind some kind of paywall.
Granted, this could change drastically in the future; and i hope it does.
But let's not say that XBOX ONE doesn't deserve the bashing, because it does. For now, at least.
But when all is said and done, and these annoyances are less frequent and much of the initial reason to bash it have subsided; then we can all agree we should lay off their backs.
Right now, it's more than justified.
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