[QUOTE="NutJobJim"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="NutJobJim"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Educated_Gamer"][QUOTE="Makari"][QUOTE="Educated_Gamer"][QUOTE="Stabby2486"][QUOTE="A-LEGEND"] TWO THINGS:
1. i already mentioned that KB&M is more accurate (but moot in UT3)
2. stop making up excuses. like "it was gimped" or "auto aim"
Playing UT with a controller is like playing RTS with a controller.
It works way better than youd think?
I dont get hermits. I think you guys are stuck in the ps1 era where aiming sucked ass
watch the video, at least.and your point? check this out
big deal
Rofl console Controls havnt changed abit mate, that further proves it, the slow turning, the only way to get headshots is to keep the actually aiming analog stick at head level then strafe and shoot... thats it ... thats not new, its slow, and it wont save you in Unreal tournement speed at all.
What the hell have videos of UT 2004 and PDZ got to do with anything?!! We're talking about UT3 here. Unless you can link me some vids of people playing UT3 with a 360 controller then stop linking vids that have nothing to do with the topic. Not all console FPS control the same, at least wait and play UT3 on a 360 pad before trying to dismiss it.
Did I post a video? No, did I explain the difference? Yes.
In order to get UT3 on Xbox360 controllers equal something was done, I gaurentee you that if its soomething like the senstivity is turned up incredibly it will be hard to gain control of at first for anyone using a pad.
SO? The point of the thread should be that UT3 will play well on the consoles. I'm not trying to argue about KB&M vs Controllers because that is pointless and stupid (as you can see from my other replies.) Fact is that, from what we've heard so far, UT3 controls really well on the 360 pad and works a LOT better than Hermits were saying that it would. Some arrogant PC gamers tried to dismiss UT3 on consoles saying it will play rubbish, and be completely worthless, it seems as though they were wrong. If you own a great PC then clearly UT3 will be better on that BUT the console versions will still play well, and still be great games to play and that's what's important here, that both versions of the game play extremely well.
Hermits havnt said it was bad, I never said it would be bad anyway, but you know this NEW contest we have going? PC online vs Xbox Online? this will be up for debate for a long time, better get use to it.
Just look at the speed on PDZ, its nothing compare to aiming/movement ratio speed as the KB/M thats simple fact, you can never be as accurate.
Two Thumbs that have to reverse theier movement to stop turning is nothing compared to the very subtle move in any direction the mouse takes, nor the click of a fireing mouse button tapping it.
WASD works just as well for most games as the analog, trust me on this, I thought driving games would be hard on the PC but turns out thier pretty easy, and the GTA series ... well the game was challangeless o nthe PC because there were no aiming/movement issues.Â
I'm done arguing with you. I'm not sure if English isn't your first language, or if you just skim read my posts, but we are talking about UT3 on consoles here. You start babbling on about PDZ which has nothing to do with UT3 (different game, different gameplay speed etc.) then you go back to arguing about what's more accurate KB&M or a controller which I've already said I'm not arguing with you about. I already said I know KB&M is more accurate and faster (read my posts.) My point is that UT3 will play great on consoles (not better) and that both the PC and console games will probably be worthy AAA gameplay experiences, because of that Hermits (I never once said you specifically) have no right to dismiss the console version of the game. If you're going to reply to this post read this, and my previous posts properly before doing so because I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall arguing with you.
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